Games only you played, except you didn't even play them but just vaguely remember they exist

games only you played, except you didn't even play them but just vaguely remember they exist

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I played this

This was inexplicably installed on my friend's PC and I played it all the time. The big trophy room with stuffed Dinosaurs you had hunted was cool.

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Yeah, that one.

I badly wanted this growing up, only got a handful of games a year though so never managed to get it.

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Looks neat desu.

I ninja is really good and still holds up, you should play it

Tone Rebellion, a sidescrolling RTS about some weird alien creatures fighting evil. I had no idea how to progress but it was really cool. Didn't help that it wasn't translated and I didn't know English back then.

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>game by Shiny
>only you played

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thats where the roblox death sound comes from

I am also the only person who has played this game.

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how do you go from this to a baby?

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I played the shit of this game OP

>The Oof Game

Cryo made some weird stuff

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This game was incredible back in the day. I remember being able to hunt the T-Rex, and the only weak spot was it’s eyes. Shit was crazy.

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I played this too, back when it was actually released. Guess you need to kill yourself now OP, sorry.

holy fuck this is sending something through my brain. I remember this
This is unrelated but I actually found a copy of Handel's Messiah hyme book from the 1920s in an antique store

You were better off playing 4 than 5 because of the coop controls

To this day I'm not quite sure what the story was beyond space madness. The few longplays I've found skipped the cutscenes too so that sure doesn't help me put anything together.

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I though this game was a fever dream. Had it hidden in a demodisk and found it something like 5 years later by accident. Though it was a fever dream at some point until I found it again thanks to the internet.

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The game gave me the strongest body possession fetish as I played the game right at the onset of my earliest signs of puberty.
And I always anguished at what a rare fetish it was. Especially during the early 00s internet. I don't even think we got broadband until a couple of years later.

Damn, 100% spot on. I've never gotten around to play it but I clearly remember reading a review about this in a game mag. It looked like a neat and fresh concept.

Looks cool. Kind of like a Fat of Atlantis rip off

I actually did play this and liked it, even though I wasn't even able to read at the time, kek

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I don't even remember what you do in this

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Before just making Trials games, Redlynx used to make top down shooters with great soundtracks.

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I played the NES version.

Wait so we programed the next generation to do anything to protect the Dinos that ate all of us and probably them but we didn't bother to give them a crash course in our language?
Also that's our daughter?
Holy fuck this combat is good. I can't believe the guy with the helicopter managed to get himself killed

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I remember my mom seeing the big box at Walmart and getting very upset at the sacrilege.

Had this, one of the first PS1 games to fully utilize analog sticks.

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>blasphemous, anti-Christian thing is creepy and sex-obsessed
why is this always the case bros?

I never got anywhere

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aw sick a robot fighting game
oh wow, this sucks
Guess I'll just keep playing one must fall

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Great game over screen though

Can you learn to have fun?

I love FMV point-and-click games.

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I tried really hard to make this run on my 3000 Intel HD laptop but no such luck. It ran like ass despite looking like shit and being made in 19forgotteen

I only played a bit of it

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I remember that this game was advertised as having some sort of anti-clipping tech, we are in the PS5 era and clipping is still a issue.

Angels are depicted as humanoid the vast majority of the time they are mentioned in the Bible. There's like 2 places anything else is mentioned.

I am so sick of this reddit "hurd durf le spoopy" bullshit.

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man I loved that game as a kid

I did actually emulate it recently but this was a game I only ever saw in magazine adverts. Never even saw the magazines themselves talk about it.

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I not only played this but wish there was a remake or remaster or something that used the same gameplay.

Scholastic superiority

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Honestly, technology was advancing at ludicrous speed at the time. Not just 3D graphics, but also AI and sound engineering. It's kind of crazy how tech has seemingly stagnated, or hit diminishing returns, yet the biggest games themselves are all fucking samey. It unironically wasn't the same between the early 90s and mid-00s.

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Have you never seen artistic depictions of Cherubim before?

This game and Carmageddon got me into Fear Factory.

Dad bought this for me and my sister and somehow lost it. Felt like a fever dream until I found out its name years later

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I kept renting it from the local video store. There was a mode on the main screen that basically had you fight everything on one map and I just did that forever.
Man we used to be very easy to entertain

Still waiting for the remake

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I played the fuck out of this as a kid.

What is the best way to play pic related today

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