whats the point of making a game character male when they look female?
Whats the point of making a game character male when they look female?
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for use as a rhetorical weapon on obscure east asian animation forums
>we want the Yea Forums audience
in the anime he looks like a guy
It's novelty for the porn addicted brain.
A new way to stimulate that dickie, there's not much else to it. You eventually get used to it and need something even more degenerate and deranged to it get off.
>one pic forever associated Astolfo with Monster
Please try not to narrate your actual though process, coomer. Some of us actually stay in our lanes.
damn, those are some nice kicks
>I-Im n-not a deranged coomer
Lol this
Fap material
So you feel gay.
Homos and jannies can't reproduce without disregarding their 'identity'. They can only groom.
>Jack off to traps, trannies, and regular women for almost 2 decades now
>Still the same
When do I start finding the real sick stuff hot wise user?
>Jack off to trannies
>When do I start finding the real sick stuff hot wise user?
You already did my dude...
>There isn't anything worse than trannies
Ok scatfag
I don't believe in the coomer pipeline myself, I used to jerk off to all sorts of degen shit but now I'm pretty vanilla
To sexually confuse brainlets like you, user.
>Feminine body without female personality
>Objectively superior genitalia (lesbian sex is impossible without an artificial replacement)
Femboys are extremely rare irl with the waters muddied by trans who think they can skip exercise and hygiene just because they took some hormones.
Literally happens in his medieval myth.
universal logic gates won. cope and seethe
>Loli or schoolgirl body but with a feminine dick
>Any sort of musculature, wide shoulders, tall height, etc.
Faggot shit
Makes me wanna look like that
to try and be funny when they tell you its a male. Its bland and predictable after the first trap.
And you're still a faggot if you jack off to this character despite knowing its a male
That space between his legs is an abomination of physiology
Because I like cute boys just as much as I like cute girls
Post it
Would Yea Forums suck him off?
I just want a fps with a femboy protagonist.
He's a fun having goofball, his personality is revealed in his appearance. Why does Mordred look like a tomboy and Saber look like a traditional girl outside of combat and a knight inside of combat? It's not rocket science
Is this to do with the webms where he gets dicked by various animals in minecraft? If so then good stuff
Only if he then peed on me afterwards and let me rut his guts
I fixed him
Alright Yea Forums, Somehow you've made it to hero status and the Grail is about to summon you ass into the holy war. What age do you choose to get summoned as?
A 12 year old boy so hopefully a hot milf mage summons me and I get molested
of course
I don't want to ape his style so I guess I would be generic bisho No. 45,832. I guess I'd wear a french maid outfit in some obscure alt costume.
Because Astolfo is actually cool
I was about to fault you but then I realized that Gilgamesh just chose any outfit made 3000 years after he died.
Totally armored.
And I scream. A lot.
I have never even seen the show Astolfo is from. I have masturbated to him so many times its unreal though.
Fate Zero right? I should download it and see if he's as good as my headcanon
whats the point of making a game character attractive if you cant fuck them?
He's canonically straight
No he's from Apocropha which is dogshit. Zero is good but it spoils parts of the original
The controller buzzes on your dick and marketers siphon your sexual energy
Yeah I heard he only dressed like a girl because his friend wanted him to or something.
Is it standalone at least? Do I need to go through the like 3 other animes to understand it?
I thought he was bi or something
"Femboys" need to stop posting Kaname because he attained something they never will: love after twink death.
He dresses like a girl to laugh with a friend. The two go off to bang every woman in town after. His dress was not very convincing in the original, now was it meant to be.
If he reciprocates
>Is it standalone at least?
As far as I know yes but you might be confused on some things. I only watched up to episode 3 before dropping it
it's a thing popular with women, for some reason.