Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?

Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?
I really think the best way to honor the series would be a proper remaster (Not remake) of the original four.
Kojima can and should make a new horror game, but if it isn't Silent Hill it shouldn't be Silent Hill.

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Silent Hill 1 remaster would be cool but they'd better not fucking touch the audio.

I honestly think the only team of developers I'd trust to do it is Capcom's main Resident Evil team. Not the ones who did 3. But that would never happen.

>Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?
I have zero faith in them ever doing anything new that is good; so the only things I really want is a Silent Hill 1 remake in the same vein as REmake, and Silent Hill 4 reboot akin to RE7/8. Other than that I'd say just let the series rest

>in the same vein as REmake
This is actually one reason I'd be okay with Bloober touching the series. But I feel like they'd be made to create an original game

>Rather than having developers create new games and try new ideas / concepts, user would rather eat the same regurgitated games again and again and again

People like you are why all mediums are on such a sorry state. I spit on your thread and on your face.

I think you literally have bizarro vision

If the original talents not there, just let it die.

Never really sold enough to justify any kind of revival or remakes.

>the only things I really want is a Silent Hill 1 remake in the same vein as REmake
Does SH1 need the REmake treatment though? Like, the whole problem with RE1 was that the production values were so low that it often turned the game into a comedy and the backgrounds looked like pre-renders from some softcore porn rather than a horror movie. RE2 and 3 had actual budgets so they don't have the same problem at all. Meanwhile Silent Hill looks kinda great on PS1, or rather the low-fi PS1 visuals actually add to the charm rather than detract from it. An HD remake could only fuck it up.

>Does SH1 need the REmake treatment though?
I don't think it NEEDS it but
>An HD remake could only fuck it up
If Silent Hill looked like 2/3 it wouldn't detract from the game in the slightest.

Like you said, Silent Hill belongs in the past, period.
Fuck remakes, fuck reboots, fuck adaptations, ridicule anyone who asks for them.

Something that Yea Forums ignores (which is pretty depressing for people that are supposed to be hardcore videogame fans) is that good videogames and good videogame series are a team effort that was a product of its time. Those games and those series worked because fate got a bunch of talented developers and a good director sharing the same vision around with the resources to bring said vision to fruition for the most part.

Instead, the board believes that you just need to give the intellectual property to some random fucker and he will make a game as good as the original titles. So we have posts like

Only if they bring Team Silent back. Which they won't.

>Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?
No. It was only good for the first two games.

>Those games and those series worked because fate got a bunch of talented developers and a good director sharing the same vision around with the resources to bring said vision to fruition for the most part.
It happened because Konami wanted any kind of survival horror to compete with RE but shorted them on budget and threatened to pull credit from vital staff members. By SH3, the games had no room for innovation or creativity and were cycling around the same few tropes whereas RE had more range to go wild.

>a product of its time

It was a product of the world that existed at that time. Silent hill was made in the image of twin peaks which was filmed in the late 80's in a world before cellphones and widespread internet. Our experience of reality is no longer the same after the advent of those two things and our over stimulated brains can no longer cope with a world that is devoid of concrete information in the form of way points, tool tips and an active HUD.

>a world that is devoid of concrete information in the form of way points, tool tips and an active HUD.
Elden Ring is devoid of those and still not only is insanely popular but also managed to be garbage at the same time.

Forget Silent Hill, bring back Siren.

>Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?
no, and I say this as a big fan of the 4 games.

What Silent Hill meant was a certain gameplay style, themes, ideas, motifs, etc. That can all be done in different games without the baggage of the name. When you just use the name and nothing else, you end up with what Silent Hill became after team silent, ie, a joke.

The most kino move by Konami would be to just do a Silent Hill 4 remake

Spread the themes to successor games.
Leave the name behind.

Nightdive silent hill remaster. Same assets just on an engine that supports up to 4k 120fps

>problem with RE1

A new game not connected to the others is the best move. Silent hill needs to be an anthology series. Just rehire ito and yamaoka and youre set

>Silent Hill 4 reboot
no, leave that kino alone
give me kojimbo's silent hills, I want to know what he was going to do with it

>Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?
Silent hill hasn't been good since 3, so no.
4 wasn't even a silent hill game, it was just a random horror game that got the SH name near the end of development.
Origins, homecoming, and shattered memories were all westernized garbage that was outsourced to a bunch of amerifats.
The handheld games were just minigames with Silent hill name tacked on.
PT was the epitome of walking simulators.
>Kojima can and should make a new horror game
No he shouldn't. Kojima doesn't know how to make horror. The only time he had anything to do with horror was PT and nightmare sections of Death Stranding. Neither of which had absolutely a single bit of horror in it. Kojima does out of the box, but not good. Weird snm outfit wearing females with psychological problems, he can do. Strangely shaped creatures, he can do.
When it comes to horror, he doesn't know how to create it. He only knows how to do jumpscares and there is nothing, there is not a single thing that has anything to do with horror in jump scares.
A jumpscare is a reflex check. It's an involuntary action done purely on instinct. Why the fuck should he make a horror game? Kojima loves expositional dialogue, A hororr game by him would be a 16 hour long game, 13 hours of which would be cutscenes of people talking. Are you fucking retarded?

Its never fucking happened,every "indie game inspired by silent hill" fucking blows cock. Literraly Silent Hill Origins destroys any indie game trying to be like SH

>so the only things I really want is a Silent Hill 1 remake in the same vein as REmake
So you want a Silent Hill 1 remake where a bunch of original content is cut, everything is over-simplified, and you're constantly chased around by an immortal enemy with a retarded AI?

Youve never played REmake

You haven't refuted a single point I made.
You wanna fix that or are we just gonna go with the default that I'm right and you're lashing out because you can't emotionally process the fact that you're incapable of having a conversation like a proper human?

there's no world where a actual remake would be good so no
don't even fucking bring it back the only chance i'd consider any sort of reboot would be kojima working on it because any other region working on a silent hill game would completely miss the point and regional lens

Fine, faggot if it so pleases you
>original content is cut
Only one screen was cut from RE1 in remake and REmake even added entire new areas
>everything is over-simplified
The gameplay was literraly the same retard. Hell they made it harder with the addition of crimson heads
>you're constantly chased around by an immortal enemy with a retarded
Youre only attacked by lisa like twice? Once again, you never played REmake.

the graphics and feel are what make silent hill silent hill and different from the other entries in the franchise, i see no need for a remake at all

lmao kill yourself faggot

>Kojima loves expositional dialogue, A hororr game by him would be a 16 hour long game, 13 hours of which would be cutscenes of people talking.
Sounds like a perfect successor to SH2.

If they ever remade Silent Hill 1 they would put Pyramid in head in.

Ive played it at like x16 the original resolution and it straight up still holds up. Looks fantastic

Youre just mad you were only talking about REmake 2 and not REmake. Stop being stupid,dummy

Gamers are real autistic fucks about just letting things be.

The original 3 games were great, so just let them be great. You don't need to do anything with them, just let them continue to be great.

>I NEED somebody to reinterpret the story for a modern era.
>I NEED somebody to update the textures!
>I NEED a sequel! Series is... LE DEAD!

You don't.

extremely based, i play at settings that make it look almost like how it originally looked like

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I didn't even know REmake was a thing. Who the fuck brings up some literally who fan mod as if we're all as much of a stranger to vaginas as you are. Neck yourself tyronius maximus.

I just want my niggas (Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka) to work on something again mang

Every other indie game trying to be SH always does the same as the official games after 4, trying to recreate SH2 by adding some kind of twist at the end.

it can never really be replicated. its goofy imperfections and odd creative choices are what made the original series so memorable, theres too much pressure on such a legendary franchise to make another entry that could have such qualities. whoever ultimately pumps millions into the next SH, be it Konami, Sony or Kojima, there will be too much oversight, too much pressure to "get it right" that any strange friction like "bad" voice acting or unwieldy combat will be sanded down to a bland sludge.

Yeah that would be cool.

So why does that need the name of an absolutely ancient series with more bad games than good?

Bro.....REmake is a offical gamecube game. Its one of the most popular RE you live under a rock?

You sound like a perfect retard.
SH games were always about atmospheric horror and tension building, dialogue was kept to a minimum. Yes, even in 2. You have to be retarded to think silent hill would be perfect as a game that's 90% composed of just characters spouting exposition at you with all the delicacy of performing heart surgery with a jackhammer.

Based post, user.

Call me a secondary or whatever this is how I got into RE. Blind rental at blockbuster. Fucking masterpiece in every way.

I thought we were referencing things from this decade.

>20 year old rerelease of a 25 year old game on a 20 year old console
>Have you been living under a rock
nta but are you perchance autistic?

I go the extra mile, funny you post that pic because the hacks make it crash at the church cutscene so i have to turn evrrything off before i open the church door lol

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Whenever some one brings up REmake they mean the 2001 game you tard. Its literraly one of the most popular RE games
>knowing one of the most popular horror games makes me autistic

>Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?

They would only ruin it and people today have awful taste so they might like something that sucks. I would rather they not bring it back.

Straight up easier to market. Having them.attached to a new SH game is easy money for them which is what i want for them.

The remake would ruin this.
The original has just enough visual information to make you full understand what it is, but also is so mechanically restricted that your imagination has to fill in a lot of details, making it a lot more creepy and unnerving, because you know it's supposed to be distrubing, and because your mind is filling in information, it's filling it in with what's unnerving and disturbing to you. Making the game, basically tailored for each individual playing it in a sense, making it more memorable. That's why horror games from that era were particularly good, it wasn't just game design, it was also the conditions under which you played them.
In a modern remake that would all be high definition blood splatter and nondescript generic entrails resource pack $2.70 on Unreal Asset Store and would become just another forgettable piece of environment you just speedrun past not giving a shit.

>Only one screen was cut from RE1 in remake
Along with half of the interactions with Barry and Rebecca, numerous death animations, some puzzles are simplified, and most of the non-linear early mansion exploration is gone. The new areas are almost all garbage too. The little graveyard and shark tank are kinda cool, but the giant empty path and the cabin, the caves, and the Kombat Krypt under the house are all stupid as fuck and should never have made the cut.

>Bro I and all my imaginary friends says so.
>I'm definitely not autistic.
user stop just stop dude, you meant gcn RE I give you that, but stop with this damage control anecdotal bullshit, it's fucking pathetic.

But Silent Hill is back. In skateboard form.

Attached: ph skateboard.png (1024x1024, 1.92M)

Yeah i dont want a remake i want a port that just offers resolution and frame rate enhancements is all. Dont touch the assets. Like playing the Shadowman Remaster with all the fancy new stuff turned off

a port would mean mods too, just imagine a mod that adds more randomization elements and more surreal rooms also

Fuck ill give you that, you got me there.

>Is Silent Hill even worth bringing back?
It can't come back
team silent is no more

The low resolution and wavy textures contribute to the game's style. Silent Hill 1 wouldn't look good at all in 4k. It makes it more surreal and scary.
A lot of games from the PS1 would probably look good if you remastered them but this isn't one of them.

If we bring Silent Hill 1 onto modern platforms I hope the original issues are intentionally left in or recreated.

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Also pachinko.

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I straight up disagree mostly. But i do agree that there should be options to make it look like its straight off the ps1

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back when games had SOVL
now we have slender man and iron lung

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you could always make silent hill render in 1/4th of the resolution you are playing at so that way it looks the same but you get a bigger image regardless then add on a crt filter that way it looks authenic but it won't happen unless some autistic fans recreate the source code and make a pc port

That sounds retarded as shit. Silent hill randomization? Fucking why? It's psychological horror, randomization would genuinely make it worse, are you retards so creatively bankrupt that first mod you can think of for any game is a randomizer?

Thats what nightdive did in a way with Shadowman. Take all the assets, make a brand new engine that replicates the way the old game felt but with modern support and use the old assets.

zoomie mind disease. unable to take games a complete artistic statement. they are now simply a platform for content creation: streaming, speedruns, epic no hit runs, etc



Oh come off it, all that shits staples of survival horror games. SH games literraly rate and track metrics of your playthrough.

SH isn't survival horror.

>Fucking why? It's psychological horror, randomization would genuinely make it worse
What the fuck are you talking about; ANY horror is diminished if you have explicit knowledge of what is going to happen. Nothing is unknown to you, how the fuck are you going to be scared when you know exactly where everything is, what do do, and what is going to happen?