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Too whorish. If they had been normal leotards, I'd have been on board.
Last time I looked at anything PSO2(NGS) on Yea Forums, consented raunchy dialogue in private chat was getting people banned, and people were getting banned for using a fake booba cosmetic accessory that's in the game, and available to acquire through usual means. Whatever happened to that?
I will now buy your game
They were banned for private chat, but not for the booba
Wait you can't erp even in private?
Is this modded?
More like if a player get reported, the mod would just look all his chat history and if he found any key words, he get banned.
Gross 3D Starless torpedo titties
No, just using different accessories (including a big boob pad) to get creative
No. I see one of the bosom and 2 skin sphere. I don't know what else those mommies use on those tits.
what did they mean by this
I've got 2 Classes to 45 and I want to level more, but the absolute mindless slogfest that entails the grind is so damn off-putting
>Called New Genesis
>Somehow manages to push the series back instead of marching forward
New Genesis
The sagga is based but those soulless doll faces don't do it for me.
>filtered Tryhards
Kill yourself for defiling Phantasy Star, gacha-loving nigger.
Does the Labyrinth give decent EXP? I'd take grinding that out with randos as opposed to nonstop PSE Burst farming
No thanks.
you are a homosexual
Move these to one of the different connection points and they double in size. Best bug in the game.
I doubt rando would take a leveling character with them, and there is no matchmaking for Geo Lab for some gods know why.
NAOodans deserves death.
Goddammit that sucks
I just want something new to do for leveling
Qunny....I know NGSbabs wouldn't care for her concerts if they came back, but I'd happily attend a show for one.
I know you can start doing the quest at level 30 and it IS soloable for rank b. I could test out EXP gain after the Dark Falz Urgent quest that just pop up. I was meaning to test this out anyways.
Some support intern said that erp is bannable when asked about it but it hasn't actually been proven to be enforced
People got banned for failing to hide their power level and assuming nobody would report them
What about Blue Burst? Anyone still play on PC?
I wish but;
So no thanks.
I think you can use the Tweaker Launcher to only download NGS files and skip out on the PSO2 ones
I can’t because it’s not on ps5
Not only that, its a few /vg/ autist that was reporting everyone in the /vg/ alliance.
Asses not fat enough
Is there even a purpose to doing Geo Labyrinth
Okay done. The top is before and the bottom is after. So with rank B, lolno.
Thanks for testing at least
Damn. How fat do they get? This game make my cocka go woo hoo
Those breasts are so massive and fat that I vomited on my erection
It exist as a repeatable content and if someone want to tryhard to S Rank, they can. There are stuff place in that content that would make it retardedly hard, like the Buijin fight at the end, fatty with equilzer, brancle with equalizer, fatty and brancle WITH giga buff, etc. Reward wise, you get another augment slot, dragon cosesmtic, and if you keep grinding, you get image related as a Mag. Oh and maybe a ninja run MTN that sell for 40 mil.
For some more context, it was the fucking /vg/ troons niggerbombing official global streams and thinking the big bad wolf would never come over to slap their shit in. Turns out someone DID have a bone to pick with them and authorized the global mods to terminate accounts without mercy.
of all the gross things in starless, I don't think tit shape is one of them
There are players that use bosoms or skin ball to make giant asses
it is
just be japanese
that was pretty funny though
Petfect size
That's kinda cool, shame a full run doesn't give good EXP
Does final rank affect drops? Or can you get the Ninja Run on a Rank B rating?
Some user in /vg/ claim he got it from B. A is more likely, but you need to use modifier to get A rank
Thanks for the info user
So it was just /vg/ retardation again? I think I'm gonna redownload this game and give it a shot. At worst it'll be a large download for free that I'll delete.
Had that not happened, it'd still be a bad game but without the negative reputation of being ban happy. Recently they've begun to mass report each other out of spite, so never go near them.
Is the actual gameplay fun?
I aint gonna waste 100GB space just to fap.
its okay, it's pretty bare bones and lacks variety, structure, and progression. like all there really is to do is fight some really samey enemies plopped carelessly into an otherwise completely empty open world etc. but the animations are fun and smooth, counters attacks feel good, movement feels fluid etc. it'll be a good game in 6 months to a year or so. its alright as a side game now, you can start saving up money, resources and free cosmetic shit from the mission passes etc. once they put out another expansion or two, giving classes more skills and stuff, and introduce more bosses like dark falz it'll be pretty sick desu, like a faster paced, cooler, space based monster hunter.
Sega of America suck ball deep! It harmless gamer quote.
Can i make a trap yet? There werent any good clothing options for it for the first few months
yeah gameplay wise it's good, the closest thing to a DMC in mmo form
the problem is lack of content and how much of the "content" is just leveling. If you're unlucky you might find the early areas almost empty so might be painful to solo your way to Retem
then there's the market not being friendly to F2P, and essentially once a month you only get 1 item that gives you 3 days of being able to sell stuff. You can buy as much as you like but obtaining meseta without the market is a very slow process
you can use a guy face and fem body with smol tiddies
but you'll be a faggot, why would you do that?
Dark Falz up soone
Is JP still IP blocked?
Use the tweaker plug in to bypass it. Just don't speak English in public unless there's no one around
>Blue Elder
Yes but you can use the twerker to play or use some VPN yourself. JP is very alive for gaijin too
tried it and it's like spiced up shitty ps2 shovelware except with lootbox shit and some of the worst menus and controls of any recent game
I tried sticking with it but the combat isn't fun enough to justify how repetitive the grind is.