How is that game going?

How is that game going?

Attached: game engine fixed.png (335x150, 5.86K)

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No Godot?

I don't make video games.

I know not to ask stupid questions.

Prototype is coming along nicely.

>not an artist
>got a shit ton arting to do

on the other hand though after struggling for days to come up with boss concepts, I shat out like 50 in a day, have more than enough to pick from

Have you made anything in anything?

Working on my trimsheet. Is there a way to create sharp lines while sculpting? Remeshing some of the elements ruined the harder edges of the metal pieces. If not, then its nearly ready for texturing.

Attached: WoodAndMetalTrimSheet1.png (2115x1228, 791.45K)

Godot, more like nodot.

How do I stop being an enginedev and actually make a game?

i tried starting a simple incremental game in godot just to get a game project under my belt
i am now blind and my game is not finished, but thankfully i have been approved to start hrt next month

Attached: game engine fixed fixed.png (335x150, 10.84K)

Less flickety due not having a second fucking main character being drawn over it

Attached: noflickershooter.webm (320x240, 207.86K)

Just sit down and do it.

Your own engine?

Still just working on space dungeons, only a few more to go on them, but they're getting more complicated.

Attached: UnderspaceCoreNA.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Kinda have to be, given it's a native MSX 2/2+ game.
100% Z80 asm and stuff

Yeah. Mine's called Anal Sphincter. Nickname: Turd Cutter, because all I do is make shitposts with it.

And then also created some new stuff to help optimize these space dungeons (taking it down from 6k drawcalls).

Attached: UnderspaceAKASpacePrisonNA.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

My what? Ah shit right, I'll get back to it soon.


And then finally added stuff that are like, batteries for rotational objects, you could destroy them and slow down a rotator.

Attached: UnderspaceHeyCanYouTurnOffTheFanWhenYouLeaveNA.webm (1600x900, 2.86M)

It's a quite interesting system with weird limitations and relatively a shitton of memory if compared to something like the NES (64KB vs 2KB, but you have to load the game data into it)

Is your game rooted in lore or is it pure gameplay?

It's going along pretty nicely
Making a bunch of enemies for a deck building game where you fight a Dungeon master

Attached: Heart_Pulsing.gif (600x600, 126.66K)

There's fuckloads of lore and you can scan points of interest, bosses, dungeons, wrecks, etc, and sell them to the government for money and rewards. Every single item and celestial object has flavor text.

Attached: Underspace_2020_8_31_15_56_7.png (1616x909, 495.85K)

Does the heart explode when it dies?

based and accurate OP image


Attached: dagoth or.png (1920x1080, 215.78K)

I can't

frustratingly slow but I'm more convinced than ever of its potential and my ability to see it through all the way. after literal years of piecemeal work on the side (barely an hour or two a week if we average it, really it was more bursts and long breaks) I've now got a sandbox of the different gameplay mechanics. the "backend" if you will is nearly complete, now all that's left is the level design, plus some GUI and sound fiddling.

unfortunately I can't fully commit to it until I've sorted out my financials. looking for a part-time job right now.

Attached: screenshot 3.jpg (1688x948, 116.79K)

Ofc it does !
Thanks user
Here's how the cards you add to your deck looks like atm ( the font is a little weird i'm fixing it)

Attached: CardButfontisweird.png (253x459, 22.11K)

newbie to programming and I'm trying to learn Lua for Love2D and it's hard

Better have HOTAS support for a space game
At least for flight control

Why the fuck would I spend thousands of hours making a game, only for it to be ignored in a sea of other shit games? Game dev is a waste when you can just play games and shit on other people's work.

It does. But frankly mouse and keyboard is way more fun.

Attached: UnderspaceDungeonDoors1NA.webm (1600x900, 2.85M)

You need control loops on the hard edges to hold their form when you subdivide. Or just slap a crease on them

we've got a real winner here boys

Depending on what you're doing etc, programming itself is the game.
It's a pretty cool series of puzzles, challenges and a bigass learning curve.
Not many actual games can match it in depth and skill ceiliing.

Also if you use game maker, you didn't beat the game of making games.

nice ui

This looks very cool

I'm not subdividing, I'm remeshing for the sculpt. It looks like I should have just remeshed at a better resolution, its too late for me to go back now and fix. At least this asset is just creating some placeholder assets. I can always make a better trimsheet later to replace this one. Gonna move onto texturing now.

Attached: WoodAndMetalTrimSheet1.png (1586x896, 726.54K)

I wish I had bros to make a game with. None of my friends or family care about vidya or have even remotely similar gaming tastes as me and it's just not very fun working alone or with "coworkers."

You follow this tut?
Looks kind of similar.

nope, these are real-time full soft body

What's that, user? You've never once thought of a video game that you wanted to play that doesn't exist?
Golly! Life must be pretty dull if you're that uncreative!

>ports Game Maker game to Raylib
what now faggot?

Because you strive to make your game better than all the trash user.
I personally making games that I wish already existed. Even if nobody else likes it I will and thats all that matters.

Attached: brentrambo.gif (480x360, 459.44K)

Now you're playing the game

Because the mark of a man is adding to this world via art, not merely consuming it.

You cant impart your vision onto others that way.
Also you'll probably end up being ignored on that front too.

I pitched game and no one gave a fuck so I spent the weekend depressed, on adderall gooning to Vore porn. But now I’m like”okay let’s just try again” so we’ll see. Also have downloaded the new FPS demo so that may be fun to use.
No I will not make a Vore game and have no interest in making Vore content.

I am making a 2D game in Unity, is there a downside of choosing OpenGL instead of DX11? I just want my game work on PC and web browser...

Attached: 1624425526719.jpg (760x901, 217.83K)

Who did you pitch the game to ?

(FPS demo in unreal engine 5 since I’m new to unreal as someone who usually made Unity stuff but wanted to expand my knowledge of other game engine software. Cruelty Squad has me the rest in godot)

based golly sayer

Unity just has a built in webgl export so just use whatever works best for that.

Have you considered hiring one?

I’m not disclosing that, it was an event thing to get recruits. And you’d think it’s me being an autistic degenerate slipping through the mask a bit but I was told it had good marketing so I got no idea anymore.

>g0lly slayer

I've been thinking about it a whole lot.
Lot of good ideas.

Funny how lopsided productivity can be on brainstorming/preproduction isn’t it? Days hitting a way than suddenly, a fucking flood.

Good, working on actual levels now.

Attached: rink.webm (1134x554, 2.05M)

you should post your progress here or in random related Yea Forums threads. much better and immediate feedback from your direct audience than a bunch of corpo normalturds can offer you

being an enthusiastic ideaguy is the first step on the road to victory

I know that feel bro

Attached: b90.jpg (1076x760, 85.23K)

its going.

It's dropped
probably for the best
Change the world, my final message

The issue is that enthusiasm usually leads to thinking toobig and before you know it you have a game you could never make in your wildest dreams and killing any of your darlings also kills said enthusiasm.
I try to remain realistic about different ideas but ultimately all I can do to curb that is start trying to build the skills to make it a reality rather than let it dwell in my head leading into a whole new aspect I can't achieve.
Also getting caught up on the details like trying to get unimportant lore details or titling when you literally haven't even started anything.
Think I settled on a cool name though

Working on the rooftops level, fleshing out more of the building interiors. Finally decided to shrink the entire level (except a few key assets) by 50% to make the windows, doors, interiors, etc,. more appropriately scaled.

It feels better, I can navigate more freely without relying on huge speed or all my movement upgrades (since this is a circuit 1 level it should be that way), but I have total Tiny Huge Island syndrome going right now because I'm so used to testing the level at double scale and now everything feels like I'm flying past it.

Attached: Rooftops.webm (800x420, 2.79M)

>an artist
>have to learn scripting from scratch

you have it easier

I was “ideas guy” than I actually tried to make games. Feature creep can severely fuck you up since every game system you add compounds complexity. I always found making enemy variants once the basic enemy type is setup a fun and quick thing to do, since than it’s all playtesting and parameter tweaking with some aesthetics down the line.

absolutely based and the character controls look great.

you fixed the lighting/shadow problem?

Dumb retard.

For me, it's thinking big and then scaling it down to a point that is appropriate for my current skill level, or scale it down to a doable point then put it in a backburner and hone my skill first