Anyone else playing skyrim yet again

anyone else playing skyrim yet again

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Outdated open world. Good for its time, but shit in comparison with games now.

No, I haven't played it thoroughly in like 8 years.

tried it again recently actually after quite a while. it's still shallow shit for normalfags.

>decide to get anniversary update for shits and giggles
>save files no longer work
Classic Bugthesda

Played it a year ago with combat mods and shit to make it a gritty realistic survival thing. Was fun fighting bandits when every encounter could actually kill me. Might give it a go again when I get bored with ESO.

i have and it's still shit. only fun you can have is walking around not engaging with any of the content.


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I don’t hate myself THAT much

I am cleansing the palette after trying yo play Bloodmoon so I got the AE.
i am enjoying it.

Yes. SOMEONE has to.

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I just started replaying it a few days ago, actually. Got Lawbringer and its expansions, as well as realistic conquering. It's nice to see bandit camps and stuff actually get reclaimed by hold guards or whatever. It's not the best game in my library anymore, but it's fun enough.


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i'm playing it for the first time

of course Todd

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I’ve never finished the main quest & to this day I have no idea what was going on.

ive only finished it once in all these years of playing its not really worth it
sovngarde is pretty cool I guess

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I feel like I should replay this but then I remember just how shit the quests were and how little effort I want to put into modding shit

>open world today is exactly the same

It's a good shut your brain off game just going around taking in scenery
But lately Conan exiles has taken its place for me

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>Outdated open world
What do you actually mean by this, because I'm struggling to think of another game that even tries to replicate all its systems and breadth of content. I have a hunch that what people like you really mean is "bad girafics" but you know you'll subject yourself to ridicule if you admit it.

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If you have times, play Enderal instead.

actually yes, it aged pretty well, very comfy. 144hz/fps is also really nice.

It's a mile wide and an inch deep. It's a game designed exclusively for the most casual of casual gamers. Literally my seven year old nephew plays this with his 2nd grade buddies. It's built on perhaps the worst game engine in the business. It's a low-IQ game made for low-IQ casuals. Many games released in the last five years have absolutely put Skyrim to shame. It's impossible to go back to now.

name three

Is there a way to actually do this? Everytime i play over 60 it bugs out.

> It's a game designed exclusively for the most casual of casual gamers. Literally
Retarded blatant lie sentence. Also, stopped at “literally”

It blows me away how much soul SureAI puts into these mods compared to Bethesda. Playing Nehrim now and even with the Kraut speak, I'm having a blast.

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Skyrim unironically has a more interesting world than Elden Ring

I'm playing ESO instead.

reddit is super helpful for getting information

this but for BHUNP when?

I downloaded wabbajack but don't know of any modpacks worth doing

it was fun, but I've moved on with my life. I can't enjoy open world the way I used to, not even with oblivion or new vegas

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I do a 60-100 hour playthrough of skyrim every year. Right now I'm feeling like doing a 2h sword and heavy armor knight build run

Yeah, actually. Made a new Redguard one handed Saber-wielding Chad like Cyrus who sneaks and steals treasure. Been taking gold from Nord tombs and leaving black babies in Nord wombs with mods.

>Make fun of themselves at E3 for rereleasing Skyrim 4 times
>Keep rereleasing it

Go back faggot

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not all of reddit is cringe marvel shit, some is useful

I played skyrim once and no desire to replay it ever again. Only fun aspect was the shout collecting

Nah, the last couple times I tried I spent more time modding it than actually playing it, before my interest dropped off

yeah started another playthru recently
the more i play it the more i know that TES6 will be somehow even fucking worse
at this point I'd settle for it being a "Skyrim: 2" but i know it wont even be half that good.
not to mention it'll be the same fucking recycled Morrowind engine with the same fallout 3 asset bloat slowing the game down, constant crashes and jank from release and it needing a year or two for good mods to start to fix the fucking thing

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oh also watch TES6 force paid mods on PC again, but zoomers and casualfags actually welcome it with open arms this time around

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I want to but I dunno how to load mods that require the script extender on linux

That's what I'm dreading. I'm honestly pretty sure enough people would lap it up now if/when they decide to bring it back

>on console
>get to an extremely high level
>realize theres a quest you can't complete due to some bug

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i like the idea of Conan Exiles and the game is fun but man the whole "survival crafting skyrim-style open world game" bait and switch turning it into "LMAO gottem it's actually a tiered gear farm soulsborne, enjoy grinding 20 hours to get better stats to beat the next boss :^)" fucking ruined it

but what do you expect from a game who's whole marketing strategy was "LMAO dick slider look at the doodle flop around xD"

i'm thinking they'll go the Paradox route of introducing a fucktonne of DLC/paid mods, and then offering a $5/month subscription to access all of it without actually owning it
cuz CK2 does that now.
those 200 dlcs are yours for only a $5/month sub to Paradox

this pic is so old that 55 DLCs was considered ludicrous at the time

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Of course, we must be happy with the gifts Todd has laid out for us, otherwise he will once again punish us with another plague akin to fallout 76. In playing Skyrim we please or lord, and earn his benediction.

Japs have never been able to do open world's very well.

>TES on console
You have to be 18 to use this site

You're a clueless boomer or trying way too hard to fit in if you don't know reddit can be a useful resource for shit like this.

lol no

Skyrim will forever be one of those games like Deus Ex through the years, where any time you mention it, somebody will go reinstall it.

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>reinstall skyrim
>do a full clean install, and make sure to install mods that would make the game fun
>spend a few hours getting all that shit working
>launch the game
>it's just skyrim
>close it and don't play for a few years again
Everytime. What's the magic mod formula that keeps you guys in the game?

I got the OG 360 version of the game which came with a map as standard. It was a nice touch. Havent played the game since I would have to get it for pc and if I do I will just end up in mod rabbit hole again

I am looking for games like Skyrim. Open World except below teen rating.

i heard that they're not using the same composer in 6 as they did for skyrim
are they gunna pull a subnautica and ruin their fucking game on purpose?
cuz gamedevs fucking love firing the sound/music guy that was 90% of the reason why the game is good.


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i come up with a character/roleplay idea, install a bunch of mods that would help it and then do that.
like one time i made a miner/blacksmith character, camped out near a mine, spent time mining & smelting shit until i could afford to buy a house in one of the holds.

just finished up a farm playthru and had fun basically playing stardew valley. building and upgrading the farm, planting crops.

i tried installing a bunch of civil war related mods and being a sword&shield imperial chad, clearing out rebel scum one fist at a time, but the good civil war mod got pulled off the nexus cuz the mod author didnt like Trump or some fag shit, and the others are limited heavily but skyrim's janky factions/crime mechanics.

something ive never done though is a pure mage build. every time ive used magic it's either been in hybrid builds or being an afk conjurer, but the College questline fucking blows and no amount of mods will fix how shit destruction magic is

I hate how devs still not realize how much of an impact good music can have on a game, but instead they will just get it done with a generic orchestral background noise OST

This shit was fantastic. Did nearly every side quest I came across and explored just about every corner of the map I felt like walking to before finishing the main story and seeing each ending. And considering that I only have like half the achievements for the game and 10 of them are hidden I'd say there's still much more I missed. I would've spent money on it easy if it weren't free.

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fast start for me
i cant fucking stand that beginning intro