Post Wii 10/10s

post Wii 10/10s

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Fishing Resort

I thought you guys were memeing this game and that it was shovelware until I actually tried it.

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I never finished it but what I played was great
Glad I picked it up recently again

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I have no clue how I managed to beat this game, it felt like I would've needed multiple attention spans to survive some of the shit it throws at you

Recently hacked a Wii I got off eBay this weekend. Any recommendations for someone who's never owned one?

Red steel 2

everything mentioned in this thread
also MadWorld

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So tell me, is this one all its cracked up to be? I know it was middling in reviews, but it looked like such a batshit insane ride. Always was pissed it never got a stateside release.

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Probably not a 10/10 but I enjoyed it way too much not to post it

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How much is this game worth nowadays? When I bought it I thought it would become expensive as a cult classic

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HD port never ever

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Like $40 complete, it's not that big a deal. My understanding is the Vita version is such an improvement it's night and day.

it's one of those games made more beautiful by its flaws

my local place regularly has it for $20-30 cib
no idea what loose or sealed copies go for

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I put some much time into this. I must have spent every waking moment the summer I graduated playing it. So much fun and such a chill community.

This shit right here.

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I really should open my copy of Wii S&P up at some point. Would have figure out where the heck I stored that wii sensor bar at though.

Trauma Center New Blood and fuck Atlas for pretending the franchise never existed.

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Xenoblade Chronicles
The Last Story
Metroid Prime 3
Super Mario Galaxy 2

How is the soundtrack as good as it is? I don't even listen to rap but love 90% of the OST

Two things I wish this game did.

1) Vary up the visuals on a per-level basis or something because it does overstay its welcome
2) More commentary/multiple takes, since I doubt Greg Proops & John DiMaggio cost that much to run their mouths.

Gameplay is a smidge repetitive but that was fine.

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I beat this recently and had no idea there was a difference between the doctors' Healing Touches until I looked it up since I had just come off Second Opinion and didn't do the tutorials

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>1) Vary up the visuals on a per-level basis or something because it does overstay its welcome
>2) More commentary/multiple takes, since I doubt Greg Proops & John DiMaggio cost that much to run their mouths.

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Shame his follow-up game on other platforms was completely fucking bungled by SEGA's bs. Soundtrack was still fucking great at least.

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Awesome rack on her though!

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Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

i wouldn't call it a 10/10 but De Blob was a fun game with a 10/10 soundtrack

I didn't care for Valerie's HT since I never found myself needing to flat out stop vitals from dropping at all. I think she was there for people who may be beginners or are having a VERY difficult time with a patient that just isn't giving them any breaks even when time is significantly slowed.

YES! Considering this had mp3 support from your SD Card, I raced to the Mortal Kombat theme, Big Blue, Crescendolls and Dam Dadi Do more times than you'd think. did the same with Endless Ocean just to do it.

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PSO EP 1 & 2 with wifi adaptor hack

>Endless Ocean
Now theres a relaxing game.

>This will never ever be playable again unless you're willing to pay a fortune for a Wii disc

Why didn't I buy it back then?

To this day I still don't know or care what the fuck Tatsunoko is

Least it got ported to modern systems. Do the ports hold up?
Ah shit I keep forgetting about this franchise. Tell me, do I just go from the start? Or would I be fine just jumping in on the Wii games?
Really been debating grabbing this one for fun.

>This will never ever be playable again
user the wii is the easiest console to softmod, just pirate it

I never got the sequel, but Endless Ocean was definitely surprisingly decent and even educational. I never finished it (primarily because I got a glimpse of some of the marine biology left to "unlock" and I have a legitimate phobia of certain deep sea creatures), but it was a very relaxing game.

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I jumped in on Second Opinion, then went to New Blood, then to the DS versions.

Why? WHY has Capcom not made a sequel or at least ported this to the Switch?

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The first Wii game is an expanded remake of the first DS game, so it should be fine, I think.

Absolute kino

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It flopped.

Laugh all you want but it was easily one of the best minigame collections on the system.

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Only things I missed were Boxing and legitimate tennis even though you had table tennis. Otherwise, this game was more fun than it was supposed to be. Especially the archery and flyover ones.

Pandora's tower and red motherfucking steel 2, the later should have been the baseline for motion control gameplay

How is this? As an ace combat fag this intrigues me.

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Imagine Ace Combat with anime and WW2 planes.

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Not quite 10/10 but definitely the best Wii game I played

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America fuck yeah.

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Disaster Day of Crisis. Monolithsoft's true Magnum Opus.

tornado outbreak is by far the best wii game


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Best thread on Yea Forums. Question. How much does the VA bring down Arc Rise Fantasia? I'm interested in trying it for the battle system and I look at "bad" VA as mostly hilarious depending on delivery. Unless it's actually that terrible.

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The last boss in that has a crazy difficulty spike. I gave up and watched the ending on youtube.

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The game is decent, but the motion controls are totally useless. I dunno how you screw things up that badly. I ended up using the gamepad controller instead.

Ok motherfucker. We'll take that fucker out with these fucking pieces of shit handguns we have. You take the fucker on the right and I got this fucker right here. Blow their motherfucking brains out. Then let's get the fuck out of here.

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Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

It's pretty damn bad, but the further along you go, the more comfortable the VAs get with the material. By the end of the game it's tolerable.

The first ten hours or so is teeth-grating.

What did you think was so screwed up? I played it with motion controls with no issues.

Yes the market has been over-saturated with this game now, but when it was new and hard to find I loved it.

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No one posted it yet? Seriously?

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I actually preferred The Last Story and Pandora's Tower.

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Why do they look like Dragon Quest enemies?

STILL the best one in the series. The other 2 arent bad games though, but this one is something different.

Based, this one looks like shovelware, it has motion controllers. Yet, it's a great game, like a mix of Burnout 3 and rally games. My only grip is that it could have way more content, especially tracks to race on. The "listen to your own mp3 music" feature is awesome, a shame it was not used in more Wii games (including the sequel) because it turns this game from a 7/10 into a 9/10.