Literally unbeatable

literally unbeatable

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true, over 20 years later and she's still best girl

Just paralyzed her with a Flaafy and she's piss easy.

haha look at her go!

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how does a miltank use 'drink milk'?

Does anyone have the higher quality version of this pic?

What do her farts smell like?

No bro just headbutt every tree until you come across the ones with a 1% chance of finding the bug/fighting pokemon that doesn't learn fighting moves until level 33 or talk to every NPC in Goldenrod until you find one that will offer you to trade an Abra for a Machop.
I never played the game btw.

*chug chug chug*

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>grinds machop into machoke
>trades to my friend
>steamroll the fight with gigachad machamp
heh, and boomers had difficulty with this fight?

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the real question is why does a fat cow have such a high speed stat

sex with cows

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just get a female starter

It’s a Pokémon with actual tits that squirt milk canonically

I literally played gold the other day to see what was so wrong with her and i just swept her with a nidoran with double kick. She seemed overhyped. as far as i can tell the only thing wrong with her is the fact she is not giving me pazuri right now

I'd give her something to beat if you catch my drift

Idk, I think a swift kick to her ribs would easily take her out. as for the cow, I eat those things so I’ve well exceeded its power level.

>She seemed overhyped.
She is mostly a luckfest and if you pick quilava and fuck around rollout can destroy you

don't drink that cow's milk

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it's okay, I'll be burning a lot of calories with intense cardio

>If you drink too much of it, you may wind up with a body like miltank’s
Why is that hot

Never had a problem with her as a kid. Probably too autistic to be beaten.

because it is

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literally just get a pokemon that can sleep and poison it, that's how you win every fucking pokemon game

>cheating in a kid's game

>hurr you didn't beat the game

You're not a 10 year old with a full team of 6 underleveled shitmons by the 3rd gym trying to brute force your way through everything so of course it's not difficult

i want to suck her milk until I die.

>He can't endure rollout
Man your pokemon are weak

i was autistic enough to save scum for a female starter during my very first playthrough without even realizing that attract would ever be a factor


Defeat the cow, take the cow, it's a reliable cow to have with you.

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Took me ages to realize her name was “Miltank” and not “Milktank”

>post pokemon with more clothes than usual
>get banned
sasuga faggot mods

maybe it was too lewd

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this entire thread is full of nudity

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Don't forget that catching Abra is a pain in the neck unless you've got something with Hypnosis. And honestly, even a relatively even-leveled Machop isn't a guaranteed win, since you could get screwed over with Attract and Stomp.

I would say this is a good example of a well-balanced fight, actually. It's not super difficult, and the game gives you the tools you need if you explore. But you're definitely not handed the victory either. The Pokemon series needs more bosses like this.

that's lame

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If you're having that much difficulty playing a childrens game, consider finding another hobby. Otherwise, git gud.

In some ways that's what Onix was in Gen 1. Defensive brute but folds to super effective attacks. The trouble with designing pokemon primarily as gym bosses is it makes them a bit more one-note, but it's certainly better RPG design.


>tons of pokemon with status moves, especially in the area
>literally any rock type pokemon you could get resists all of Miltank's attacks
>ghost types from Sprout Tower don't care about it, either
>both prior gyms give you TMs that perfectly counter it (Mud Slap lowers the accuracy and turns Rollout into a non-issue and Fury Cutter outdamages it)
>if you have more than a single mon on your team and they're all more-or-less around the same level then Miltank won't be able to take down all of them, if you only trained one mon then it's going to be strong enough to just brute force the fight every time
The only reason this fight ever became a meme is because so many retarded children picked the fire starter, skipped every battle whenever possible, didn't train anything else, and just went in blind and got wrecked because of it. If your IQ wasn't room temperature as a child then Whitney was probably the easiest Gym Leader

>>ghost types from Sprout Tower don't care about it, either
Rollout would delete them

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Rollout is neutrally effective, so even though Gastly has terrible defense it can take a couple as long as you don't switch to it when Rollout has built up strength. Also it has access to Curse at the level it would likely be during the gym battle, so Miltank would get put on a timer and wouldn't be able to gain momentum anyways.


ill beat my meat to her right fucking now

>not beating the shit out of her with Hera

Git gud, faggot.

Go back to /vp/, zoomer dogfucker.

>The Pokemon series needs more bosses like this.

Can't see it working today. Modern pokemon games have such an abundance of good pokemon that are available early with great learnsets and coverage, and many hold items that the bosses simply can't keep up with because AI barely takes advantage of the things the player has access to.

But would you own a Miltank?

Attached: miltank.jpg (600x360, 204.36K)

>unironically backing Fury Cutter as a TM that "perfectly counters" Whitney's Miltank


yes, they're adorbs

It's got slightly lower base power an slightly higher accuracy, so yes. Fury Cutter and Rollout are nearly the same move.

Miltank is also a pokemon with 95/105 defensive bulk. Fury cutter in gen 2 has 10 base power turn 1, then 20, then 40. In 3 turns you are doing the damage equivalent to one 70 base power move, if it doesn't miss, or if you don't lose a turn to Attract, which is prominent in this battle. You likely won't be getting STAB on that because you won't send a bug type out against rollout and Heracross which isn't weak to rock doesn't learn fury cutter.

Literally using two STAB ember or water guns against its lower special bulk is a better deal, dealing 120 BP over 2 turns with STAB. Alternatively you could use the headbutt TM you just got in Ilex forest which has a base power of 70, can flinch and can be taught to one of many normal types for STAB. Fury cutter is crap.

Play the game.