"Did I do the right thing?''

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Brad did nothing wrong.


>Brad did almost nothing wrong.
He did abandon Dusty.

He tried

Why does this game feel like a more unfunny South Park?


South Park isn't a video game

isnt the game about a world where only 1 female is alive or some shit?

yes and the MC's entire motivation is his existential crisis over not being her hero

Take your meds.

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Within the context of the question the answer is yes. He did right by Buddy given the circumstances. Raising her to be a cold blooded cut throat was the only option he had and slaughtering dozens of men to try and get her back was also justified considering what all of those men wanted to do to her.
He made plenty of mistakes in his life, Buddy wasn't one of them.
It doesn't have that much to do with Buddy, he outright states she is just his second chance to redeem himself after what happened with Lisa. If it wasn't for his kid sister he probably wouldn't have given a fuck about Buddy.

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That’s a really succinct comparison, now that I think about it. Really try hard with obvious flaws, it will make you laugh sometimes.
>No! That’s my gasoline bucket!


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fuck off aris

It reminds me of that bit in the Watchmen comic book where some guy tells a story about the owner of a car shop putting on a pair of fake tits to make his buddies in the shop laugh but right before he does it he gets a call someone he loves just died so he walks out of his office weeping and the guys in the shop all start howling with laughter because of the fake tits, thinking it's a joke.
Lisa really encapsulates that "life doesn't care" vibe. Brad having to deal with all of these weirdo's who are doing their own thing while on a very serious mission to save his daughter. Something really down to earth about all of it.

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What the fuck was her problem?

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Brad didn't hug her enough. Also probably the pill popping and heavy drinking while living as the only female in a world full of heavy weight fighting rapists. But mainly the lack of hugs.

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He's not Dire.. so no.

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Why does his face look like a pair of buttcheeks?

I can’t believe men paid to fuck this

Every character in LISA is either an ass or a dick.

Lisa the Sneedful

Buddy was the real lunatic. Jesus Christ, that hacksaw scene. What a cunt.

Er Lisa, sorry, they're kind of similar. Buddy was a pretty huge cunt for betraying Rando/Dusty like that. Imagine trusting Sticky over Brad or him.

who and what fan game?

Dire from Lisa The Ungrateful


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Please tell me there's more of this.

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>brad's game rocks
>move on to buddy's game
>theres no party members, its just you spamming [x] attack on every encounter
No, a few fights with rando doesn't count.

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I know for a fact, there is at least ONE (1) more floyd sprite out there

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Jorgensen would flip his lid if he saw these

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According to him every fan game is cannon, so technically he fully supports it.

did anyone else find the game hard, I played it over last summer and was getting my ass kicked 2 hours in

Rick and Sticky did absolutely nothing wrong.

It's really not that hard, wally and the bike battle were probably the only two that were fairly challenging

Early game can be REALLY tough, game opens up after getting the bike and 4 party members.

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Who makes this shit?

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>My brother was further away than I thought, Brad.

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>there are people that think Buddy would hug Brad
>I loved you

i get so much anxiety with my choices if im gonna kill a party member and shit

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>Buddy had to be overdosed on Joy to even imagine Brad hugging her and even then her only response to it was trying to stab him to death
She wouldn't but she'd want to.

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Why does she hate Brad so much? Whiny little cunt

First playthrough I recruited Bo after having found his brother first then completely forgot about reuniting them and took Bo all the way to the endgame. He was too useful as a healer.

Any of you played Brad Has a Pain? It's surprisingly high-effort for what initially seems like just a shitpost mod

I lose 5 members in my first game.

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As much as it pains me to say it, I don't blame her for hating Brad.
>she only knows four people in her life
>she barely knows anything about the outside world
>every time she tries to go out, her dad either stops her or goes with her and forces her to wear a mask
>probably doesn't let her speak either
>and I'm sure Brad has told her all of these horrible stories about the outside world
>so she spent 90% of her life locked in a basement while her father goes on constant drug and alcohol benders in the room above her
Brad did the right thing, but I can understand how Buddy would see him as an abusive father given her lack of exposure to the outside world.

Nigger I asked for more YIIK x Brad porn. This is aight though.

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Friendly reminder that if you savescummed that part, you did NOT, by any stretch of the imagination, beat the game.

She hates everyone and everything. Not as much as she hates herself but still.

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I played Alex has a Point. It's certainly impressive, but I found the humor to be grating after a while and quit in the middle of Downtown. Is Brad has a Pain much better or just more of the same?

The moment I lost my understanding for Buddy was when she decided to kill every leader on the list because she wanted to be top dog.

To be fair she was already under the effects of Joy by that point. She wasn't entirely herself.

She was playing by the laws established by those leaders. Big L was top because he could kill anyone, she didn't do anything wrong as far as how that section of Olathe was being run.
If those guys didn't want to get cut they shouldn't have made a list based on who was strongest.

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she's a growing teenager in a post-apocalyptic world. what do you expect?

Not only that, but she knew that being at the top of the list would be the only way she could keep people from fucking with her. Even after she's killed several leaders that guy still tries to rape her whenever she goes to save Rando.

god i wanna replay but the beginning is such a slog

I get Harvey in every playthrough I do. Not because he's good, but because I find him extremely funny

getting buckets legitimately is a nightmare