>PC confirmed.
>P2W removed.
Are you happy now?
>PC confirmed.
>P2W removed.
Are you happy now?
Other urls found in this thread:
did you guys not have faith?
P2w removed?
>only saw like 10 mobs per screen at most
it's shit
dafuk is up with ziggy stardust there on the rgiht
Oh, I'm happy
>chink knockoff
Hard pass
Find a flaw.
Why is this Kung Fu Panda mobile clone being pushed in Yea Forums?
>I put the shit on a plate and gave you utensils too!
Fuck off
still not playing immortal
still not buying diablo 2 resurrected
still playing devilution x and vanilla lod with plugy
rune things are cryptic. have to pick up gold manually (tedious). diablo 1 was more claustrophobic and better themetically.
only complaints
An absolute fuck ton of bugs, some that makes classes worse than they really are
this game was designed for bug people and i will not purchase.
What's wrong with Resurrected? Genuinely asking since I haven't played it.
Diablo was a huge IP worth millions and somehow Blizzard fucked Diablo 3 up so hard that they had to reskin an existing mobile game. Let that sink in.
How can one company be so incompetent?
This, who the fuck would play this on the PC when far better games exist.
What fucking purpose?
No mods online, which means that no one is porting their D2 mods to it or making new ones.
Too little
Too late
Too fucked up company
> P2W removed
>don't worry guys resurrected is still going to have tcp/ip and lan, we aren't going to force you to use bnet 2.0 for multiplayer preorder now
>btw we're removing tcp/ip and lan and forcing you to play through bnet 2.0, for security or something, just shut up and buy it
I don't get it.
it's just diablo 3 you fucking retard
still owned by jews
still pozzed
still shit
He thinks the game has been blackwashed when each class have 3 races to choose
But I don't want to be a tranny.
Anime site
How is the P2W removed? Is it just being reworked?
talking about a hobby corrupted by BlackRock. yes indeed. A sad state of affairs
You already posted this in the other thread. Fuck off.
I already have poe
It’s time for yet another round of OUTRAGE CULTURE
3 sold more than the Bible. It’s an obscene success
did they remove the p2w?
beta testers for the mobile game reported it was exactly as bad as you thought it would be
>Burned the good will of the entire Diablo IP
>Obscene success
It has like 15 times as many sales as d1 and d2 combined
Is Actiblizzard still alive?
Then no
Why would you want to play a mobile game ported to PC?
>A mobile game on pc
He’s just jamming good with Weird and Gilly, don’t worry about it
Was the merger the exact moment when Blizzard lost their soul and turned into nu-Blizzard?
It’s also terribly optimized and runs like shit on rigs that should reasonably be able to play it.
Nah gonna wait for Diablo 4
That isn’t what they’re talking about and you know it, you duplicitous retard. They don’t mean fiscally successful.
What are the odds that the PC version is just an android emulator with the apk installed?
They made 10 billion dollars but little uncle whiny boy user that’s been crying about every game made for the last 15 years doesn’t like it so it failed...
I don't think there's a single person in this big beautiful blue world that ever thinks about this game whatsoever, unless they're on Blizzard's payroll
the fact that threads about it suddenly started popping up in a kinda regular basis is so fucking obvious lmao
You underestimate blizzardrones still riding off the nostalgia of their childhoods with wc3 and diablo 1-2
About to be absorbed into Microsoft and inevitably destroyed beyond recognition. But yes they're still alive... for now.
Microsoft acquisition is the best that could happen for them.
I just want another good Diablo and Warcraft game.
Its just a company, the people who made those games are gone
>blizzard trying to push Immortal as the next Diablo entry
>very little news about IV
not a good sign.
Yea. But I know defence builds will suck at release. Go attack/health hybrid, trust me guys
>p2w removed
>P2W [headcanon].
heh, white woman for chinese audience
She's European, though.
>Do you guys not have phones?
A few years pass
>Oh shit this thing's going to flop so fucking hard oh god oh fuck someone port this shit to PC now maybe we can still salvage it!
D3 is literally why I dont Pre-Order games anymore.
D3 is literally the last Blizzard game I payed money for.
Short term success mean shits in the long run if you just keep fucking people.
>Diablo game with black female paladins and no blood/gore
Can't fucking wait!
This but unironically.
>P2W removed.
I've heard this one plenty of times before when korean MMOs come to the west and it's never ended up being true