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It's choose YOU ARE character
name a more soulful and memorable over-world item representation system
>not going RAcast every time
only if it's a manlet racast or a fat fucking tank racast
what the fuck is a caseal
Off my board, caseals
A robot girl
Help me pick between HUnewearl and FOmarl
It's creating a character.
For me, it's gonna be RAcaseal
Ramar or Ramari are my normal go to, but I could play almost any of them. Fonewm is probably my least favorite.
take me back, user.
I would if I could
HUnewearl if I'm playing solo, otherwise FOmarl
I fucking loved playing as a Ramar, until I learned that racaseal has some of the highest initial accuracy/chance to hit and ended up maining her because it's so fucking hard to actually land attacks on ultimate and I'd rather not go through the struggle of gathering up all the godly spells on forces. Too shit to play a hunter.
I fucking miss this game bros.
annoint me my db saber
>post yfw you see a red box drop
Didn't mean to reply
But Ramars were the absolute best due to the max accuracy and level 20 debuffs
>tfw became a metafag maining FOnewm when I learned they have the highest damage modifier for aoe spells
FOmar or RAcaseal
HUmar or HUcast because I love all the melee weapons this game has to offer. I don't find any appeal from using Ranger and there's no point playing Force unless using FOnewearl.
>have a claw weapon type
>basically non-existent, hidden due to how few there actually are
>make the best daggers in the game look like they should be claws
Why did they do this?
In this series specifically, it's a suffix to denote female android. I think the term goes into disuse when "CAST" starts being used as the race name.
Yep it's gaming time
How the fuck is PSO so good?
I went back to play it recently thinking my love for it was probably mostly nostalgia but it's actually just super good. Despite the fact I can point to multiple similar games which seem objectively better from a gameplay perspective, I'd prefer to play PSO over all of them.
I thought NGS might just be PSO again but in an open world
it wasn't....
why can't they just remake PSO but update the controls and graphics FFS
So what's the difference between hunter and ranger?
one is melee the other is guns
He lands in your games wearing jet black clothes, white long hair, his name is SEPHIROTH_BLACK. His weapon of choice is YAMATO, VARISTA or FLOWEN'S SWORD (Fake). He runs up to the Vol Opt monitors and he hits them. Again and again, and again, and again, and again... He slows your runs down, he dies and needs mooning constantly, but most importantly when nobody else wants to game, he's always in your games.
>equip Blades of S. Beat
>instant kill everything with high accuracy combined with rapid Dagger attacks combined with the Dim special
Oh yeah, it's RAmar time.
Kill yourself, 2tranny.
One is OP as fuck
the other is also OP as fuck
just pick the one you like
Seems like the ideal player for rare farming.
At least until he ends up getting the drop and then doesnt want to farm anymore.
>posts fucking metroid
Of course, he's a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.
elves are ugly
hucast is the only choice, anyone who pick anything else has low IQ
Me? It has to be FOmar with high hit% rares and charge mechs so he can function as a better HUmar.
HUcast followed by FOmar
PSO Classic on Steam when?
I mean NG is fucking dead so why not right? Easy money for SEGA, can't fuck up a game that's already done right?
>easy money
>have to keep the servers alive with no gacha or other ways of getting money other than initial purchase
Can't they just make it so that the server are handled by valve like some other games do with steamworks and shit?
>Easy money for SEGA, can't fuck up a game that's already done right?
If there's a way SEGA would find it
I'm just a nigga with a rocket launcher
>sell convenience features/ID changes/mat resets/psycho wands/SJS for real money
>put low-paid interns on the game to develop new content at low resolutions/graphical fidelity that PSO classic is known for
>base game (ep1,2 4) is free to play
>charge $10 per expansion pack which adds a new episode's worth of content/zones/quests
>no need to sink money into voice acting, localization can even be early 2000s tier and get away with it
it's very possible not to fuck it up, but Sega...
I never really played Blue Burst and never touched them in the GC game but what was the actual point of FOmars?
they would 100% fuck it up