IIT: Your favorite vidya couples

The one true pairing right here. Sucks that BotW 2 got delayed.

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Ryu and Katt

I love Reisen!

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Very nice. Personally I like the Hunter x the Plain Doll.

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Wow Zelda and.... Mount&Blade?

Ezreal and Lux

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This art has neat art.
Excuse my ignorance, but who are they?

>The one true pairing right here. Sucks that BotW 2 got delayed.
Link canonically gets blacked

step aside

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These silly two

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You just KNOW.

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No way.

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Me x Aloy

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Fuck Obsidian for cutting the marriage quest and the NCR cuck ending. The latter is one of the reasons why I never side with them.

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Malroth and your PC in Dragon Quest Builders 2

Don't care which gender the PC is either

Malroth is a good husband

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I thought Zelda belongs to Ganon?

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Someday Leon WILL continue the Redfield bloodline.

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You think you've won? You think you know love? I have you beat. I dare you to defy it.

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I hate Capcom. Claire and Leon are way better yet they keep going with Ada. Bitch constantly ditches Leon.

Sword couple

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>tfw you will never truly be with her
Why even live?

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Zelda game with age-gap please! I want a kneeling, stoic Link pledging allegiance to a young Princess Zelda. The other way around is fine too.

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How does it feel knowing your waifu sleeps with everyone except (You)?

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It's Demifiend and Pixie from SMT

I've always like Maria and Alucard from SotN being a great couple.

Poor Ez but if 4 different versions of him can successfully be with her then he can too.

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Mass Effect was a story of a dorky femcel nerd getting her Chad husbando and saving the galaxy together like in one of her holo-net flicks.

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I know its not canon but she pretended to be his wife for 3-5 days and ruined her own plans for no good reason unless she enjoyed experience enough to risk keeping it going as long as possible

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I like Kris with Noelle

Tali romance is most thematically fitting

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>what are you doing step-brother (wolf)?

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Good thing the horse Zelda guy isn't around...

>Not Susie and Noelle

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Also Zidane and Dagger

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Io a best

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Nope. Because yuri is such basic-bitch shit.

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Only trannies from Twitter even use the term "basic bitch"

these two, without questions

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I hate that I care about Resident Evil. Because it's extremely clear Capcom can't give less of a fuck.

I'm still salty about RE6. Sure it's abound with character assassination. Sure it is the worst kind of building on RE4/5 But I'll never accept that Sherry and Chris and Leon are the protagonists and CLAIRE FUCKING NEVER COMES UP ONCE!!!!

Cry and suck my dick, yurifag

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And ironically enough it's always the ones with the most boring and pedestrian tastes themselves. I don't get it.

starforce was such a letdown. I just don't get why they had to fuck up the battle system, they fixed something that wasn't broken. It was a shame since BN was played out and the premise in Starforce 1 was pretty cool

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My understanding is it was a last ditch effort to stop the bleeding caused by BN4. Didn't work.