>no LFD
What the FUCK are they thinking?
Wrath Classic
sitting in trade chat for 2 hours and spending another half hour flying to instance is good for you, chud
>just make friends, works on my machine :)
>tfw tank and healer friends never want to run anything just for fun and only want to do it if they need something out of it
What people don't want to admit is that LFD tool was a good innovation. It was the game designers that fucked it up by giving in to difficulty complaints (this was going to happen regardless of matchmaking).
It just seems spiteful to me. LFD is literally synonymous with wrath at this point, so to deprive the wrath fans of it just because the classic and tbc crowd didn't want it is pretty fucked up.
meant to quote
The consensus on the forums and r*ddit was for wrath classic without LFD. Didn't you have a better time in classic/tbc groups compared to the soulless "gogogo" in LFD?
No LFD will bring people back and they’ll cope with the paid level ups and lack of any effort from blizz to ban bots
>they fixed WoW y’all
>its another tank and healer having an argument episode
>huntard has an autistic episode and pulls
LFD was literally the moment Wrath went downhill, good choice on their part. There is NOTHING wrong with a tool to help you find others that want to run the same dungeon as you, on your server.
The reason it was shit was it pulling players from other realms for shorter queues (Destroyed any sense of community, you'd never see the same people twice, in a fucking mmo) and teleporting everyone straight into the instance and back out again, so nobody ever had to do any adventuring or summoning to the instance.
The process of pulling a team together, flying to the instance, battling mobs and even other players at the location of the instance, was a very organic process that helped your team come together and communicate better.
Turning dungeons into a glorified matchmaking service was stupid and destroyed any sense of scale in the world.
>Oh Im adventuring underwater, but I click a button on the UI and suddenly im in a castle in the desert
I'd be cool with it if it just made the group, and everyone had to get to the dung themselves.
turtle wow has a feature like this and it works well
The easiest way to fix this was make it so you HAVE to do an attunement questline to do ANY dungeon, at least for the first time in your account. So at least you have any fucking clue and scale on what you're doing.
Hell, the other big tab-target MMO with a sub system does it, why can't WoW do it too?
The "sense of community" has been dead since original wrath. You people who think classic vanilla and tbc somehow revived it are delusional. Sure, there was a spark at the beginning of classic, but then mage boosting and raidlogging took over and we're essentially right where we are with retail, only now without the convenience.
>j-just join a guild
Been there, done that, and it's the same thing. Nobody uses gchat anymore, nobody runs dungeons to help each other out unless they personally need something, and instead just sit in discord all day sucking off the officer clique.
>the process of pulling a team together, flying to the instance, battling mobs and even other players at the location of the instance, was a very organic process that helped your team come together and communicate better
Again, no. The reality is that people sit in lfg all day waiting for some other poor schmuk to go through the trouble of forming the group, then beg for a summon to a dungeon where they'll say nothing then promptly hearth when it's over.
>game already has a tool for pvp that teleports you into a bg with others
It's definitely spite.
I'd kill for an MMO with this exact thematic:
>Objectively Evil
>Black and Blue
Fucking Christ there was more lore about Saronite ore than the entirely of shadowlands.
catering to the same tryhard faggots they've been catering since cata
"We can sell boosts if leveling sucks dick compared to chaining dungeons lmao"
They also weren't thinking very hard. I've seen two Reddit polls, a WoW forum one, a Twatter one, and one on MMO champ and they're all like 70-90% 'Add LFD wtf'
the retards who LARP about 'muh community' that has never and will never exist cope by saying that "well the communities on these places aren't the playerbase at large" and they're right. They're more diehard fans; casuals will want LFD EVEN MORE
even if they added LFD it will be in the last patch, anyone who wants it doesnt seem to realise this
2008 ISN'T 2022 you fucking smoothbrained retard. We've seen twice now with Classic and TBC how 'muh community' works out.
It doesn't. You fucking FAGGOTS all transfer to the same fucking server (giving Blizz money in the process) and make sure you're all on the same faction for 'le epic pvp'.
It results in 1-2 metaservers of all one faction and a shitload of dead empty servers with people trapped there who just quit.
fuck you and your disingenuous retard make believe shit
Classics have been run off of one fake last patch though (1.13 and 2.5), WotLK will just be 3.4
They already showed how out of touch they are by drowning PvP in the bathtub with the rating requirements on season 1-2 arena gear so nothing really surpises me at this point
yeah except for dual spec that was partway in the real thing and somehow magically there from the beginning this time
which were never there in the original
just say youre an antisocial loser
>kissless virgin thinks typing 'inv gs 208' and then 20 minutes later 'gg' is 'being social'
I accept your concession retard
just say you want the game to be changed to suit you but you're still okay with boosts
I played a wrath private server with no LFD and it was kino, then the admins caved to whiny babies on the forums and the community got significantly worse immediately
>Communicating to another human being to help you accomplish a goal isnt social
yeah, I want it to be changed because its a better decision, youre absolutely some faggot dps only player who complains when theres no tanks or healers, if you get declined from groups make your own
>no tanks or healers
enjoy no players more like on your retarded DOA Blizzard retardation festival lmao
I'm not a DPS, or a tank, or a healer; I'm nothing because I'm not touching this trash fire with a 10 foot pole just like everyone else
Damn, all because of LFD not being in? Nuts.
>he thinks my example is "community"
KEK thanks for proving my whole post right
>just say you want the game to be changed
WOTLK didn't have LFG on launch, but nice try wrathbaby.
>What the FUCK are they thinking?
"This will help sell boosts"
"We can't get it to work"
Pick two.
nah more because a string of continuous retarded decisions since TBC Classic that never end and surely will continue.
Blizzdrones gunna drone though, and being disingenuous is all you fags know if not outright lies
>Can't tell the difference between communicating and community.
I can understand why having to type instead of just clicking a button to find a group might pose an insurmountable hurdle to you.
>Who needs this quest?
>What is it?
>You got it from X back in Y
>Oh damn, shareable?
>Nah, sorry man :(
if you didnt have SOULful interactions like this in wow classic, the problem is you, i dont even have the stupid gearscore addon, dont come talking shit about community when you actively dont want it
It was put in 1 year into a 2 year expansion. Thanks for admitting you want something that was there removed for "reasons" fucktard
I'm a wrathbabby and I'm glad for it. LFD was never good for the game, even Blizzard worked that out - you haven't been able to randomly queue for any dungeon content that's actually relevant since mythic dungeons were first introduced in WoD.
The sad thing is they are not even doing it for the benefit of the classic feel but because people will level too quickly and be done with the content faster. Regardless, they better change their minds because I am not coming back if there is no match making.
yeah man and LFD removes you talking to some rando about a quest in WotlK, I suppose?
it promotes the "Youre bothering me by trying to complete your quests, I just want to defeat the bosses and join another" mentality
nobody plays Mythic dungeons. Turns out they are AIDS just like everything nuBlizz comes up with.
>DM a dnd group
>player hands me his paladin
>it's just Arthus
>he does
>cries when you deduct paladinbucks from his divine chequing account for being a shit
There is nothing soulful about this. You sound like someone that would get emotional over text messages and emojis.
I was referring to how things were in original wrath, not how things are currently in Classic.
Even if the community nowadays is worse, thats part due to the age of the game, and part due to changing culture. I mean in tbc days there wasnt any mainstream social media people used to communicate. There was teamspeak/vent for raiding, but that was seen as ultra tryhard. You had your guild, and maybe your guild had a website. That was it.
Nowadays there are just more convenient ways to communicate than talking to someone in game
>The "sense of community" has been dead since original wrath.
The LFD being added in original wrath was the reason I originally quit wow after playing since vanilla back in the day. I remember the impact it had on communities
what the fuck is the LARPing in this thread? ALL of the interaction non autistic people do in Classic or TBC Classic is done inside a guild or Discord with your friends.
>uh one time I talked to a random guy and he sucked my dick and he was poggers and we killed Hoggers lol
its just one example of the many interactions of had with other players, helping them figure stuff out and them helping me figure stuff out, how is that not community?
If you don't want things to go back to how they used to be why the fuck are you playing on a classic server?
Blizzard made a heap of shit choices over the course of WoW's lifespan, yes, I'd rather the classic servers went back to before then and launched in the state they launched in instead launching in the way they were in their twilight.
Thanks for admitting you want to LARP as playing WOTLK while actually playing Cataclysm-tier trainwreck systems and presumably things nerfed like needed to be done to make LFG ""functional"".
thats community
>If you don't want things to go back to how they used to be
So then you're all for removing the boosts and adding LFD into Wrath?
Because it was in Wrath
lol retard
>anons are now arguing FOR casualizing a game
fucking hell you faggots are really just contrarians
>go back to how they used to
so keep LFD or add it in halfway and remove boosts and making a DK without a 60 characer.
Got it, chief thanks
the problem is if you remove boosts you remove the ability for high level players to run their friends through dungeons, see season of mastery
just 2 more expansions and maybe I'll play again
Bing bing wahoo
the same thing happened with the TBC dungeon finder, and surprise surprise nobody uses it because its shit and they shouldnt have included it, same thing here but this time theyre actually listening to the smart fans
All the niggers crying about no LFD should just fuck off to retail and play their queue popping simulator. You can play WOTLK time walking.
Strange, I continue playing after LFD was introduced and I've seen minimal impact of it on how I ran the dungeons. Must be a regional thing. The only thing it added was convenience of getting to the instances faster instead of waiting for some afk dps to get to the instance on a daily heroic clear run.
They should just add the current M+ LFG interface
the tool they added in tbc isnt rdf though
I unironically liked being able to level alts by just spamming BGs and dungeons instead of being forced to drag myself through the shitty old world.
oh boy can't wait for Wintergrasp™ on these dead ass servers with no LFG and one faction stacked!