>Jim Carry returning for one final movie >Eggman will be fat this time >Full adaptation of Sonic Adventure 2 >Darkest film in the series >Space ark in live action >Rouge the bat >Possible Biolizard appearance >Sonic Tails and Knuckles team up kino >And of course gigachad Shadow on the big screen!
But I assumed Shadow turned grumpy after Maria got killed and stuff, not that he was always like that.
Joshua Jones
>Rouge the Bat Rouge is far too fabulously based for a mainstream audience. They'll whine and piss and moan about how she's "corrupting the children" and accuse Paramount of being groomers or some shit. I mean she'll almost certainly be in it anyway, since she's Shadow's best friend, a major presence in SA2, and an extremely popular character in her own right. But it'll be funny to see the pearl clutching retards seethe about her.
Even after he lost his memory. His attitude with other people was more "I'll help you if we got a mutual cause but I'm not hanging around"
Owen Cook
Carson King
He was probably still stoic on the Ark, but yeah became grumpy and stoic after Maria died.
Leo Perez
As a kid i always found the humans anoying and in the way in movies like this.
Henry Ward
Who will play Maria
Will she even be in the movie
Josiah Kelly
Donut Lord can stay as long as he doesn't get in the way, alternatively give him a heartfelt moment with Shadow maybe as the person who tells him Maria never wanted revenge
Adam Martin
>Skipping right past Chaos What the fuck lads? Chaos is way more popular then fucking Biolizard why would they do this?
donut CHAD will be with sonic the entire movie and there is nothing you can do about it
Bentley Harris
They already said it wont follow games going forward, and since this is carrey's last movie, its going to end itself with the asumption that eggman will be a different likeness going forward.
The only things that will for sure happen are >Jim carrey will also play Gerald in an older CGI enhanced role and be just as crazy as his grandson >Maria robotnik will be played by some popular blonde actor and have minimal role >Space colony ark will be the basis for robotnik to have his "death egg" and the only reason for the chaos emeralds >This is hollywood, so lets throw in some random faceless enemy this time, Those black aliens work. >No references to chaos, artificial chaos, or the biolizard because it just complicates things, and chaos isnt important to this plot. >Shadow just exists to be the token rival who will then go antihero because reasons. >Chaos control will alter reality and Robotnik and stone will adopt their AOSTH likenesses under new casting.
Andrew Moore
>Shadow will be voiced by Tom Holland Wtf why?
Jason Myers
they'll probably figure something out. Maybe they'll flip the order, or squeeze both in somehow.
Adam Brown
Who will be the villain of the Knuckles TV show Yea Forums?
What’s the better game sonic unleashed or sonic generations
Jordan Cook
I bet you right fucking now Robotnik will die in Sonic 3
>Robotnik and Agent Stone are on the space ark >shit's gone side ways after Biolizard broke lose and now threatens to destroy everything >There's only one escape capsule left >Agent Stone is fully expecting to die since he knows Robotnik only cares about himself >Robtnik goes up to Agent Stone and hugs him and says "I'll miss your coffee" >Agent Stone closes his eyes ready to die >Robotnik shoves Agent Stone into the escape capsule >Agent Stone is pounding on the door begging Robotnik not to go >Robtnik gives him a smile and a wink as Agent Stone is saved >Robotnik accepts his fate and dies on the space ark
Ok now that you've read my script fucking pay me Paramount.
>Egg Robo lol >Rouge Possible >Fang lmao >Chaos Will probably be hinted at but won't show up until a proper movie.
Noah Davis
There are diminishing returns with movies, so it would be better to go with the one with Shadow as one of their popular characters instead of using their third and possibly final movie to bring in Big the Cat.
Aaron Rivera
It's gonna be Agent Stone why would you establish a new villain for the show when the second best villain in the movies is already established?
>Will probably be hinted at He already was, the room with the master emerald in the ruins maze had his depiction on the leftside wall
Cooper Parker
Sonic 2 is honestly the most fun I've had with a movie in ages
Easton Myers
Everyone knew were Sonic 2 was going with the knuckles arc to be before entering the cinema. Shadow's arc is much more in-depth and so tonally different it's hard to not want to see where it all goes in a film adaptation, especially since they've confirmed he has the trauma and anger from SA2
I bet 10 dolla that Chaos will be in the Knuckles series.
Aiden Wood
Make her life Catwoman she starts off a thief and a villain but it quickly turns out she really ain't all that bad.
Brody Evans
I liked him in the 2nd movie, he wasnt in the way and was used very nicely. He is Sonic's family, not adventure partner and thus should remain as such.
Christopher Ross
Her clevage was censored in the american version of sonic x
Pro Tom and Maddie I think something in the middle of the first movie and the second is best. Every other human besides Eggman and Stone and the relevant ones of SA2, can be retired
Sebastian Gutierrez
sonic isn't canon
Isaiah Miller
I liked that these movies made the villains super competent at everything except killing sonic.
>Eggman gets his hands on everything he sets himself out to get >Agent stone actually reads the fucking manual to bitchslap sonic with the mustache.
the 2nd movie was based
Ryder Flores
That's basically already her deal, so yeah. Well, except I'm pretty sure Catwoman never worked for the government.
Yes, it was. They made up for it with the hilarious sax music that honestly becomes endearing after a while.
How sacrilege would it be to say chaos is the "ultimate lifeform" and just throw chaos in as the final boss of sonic adventure 2? Like did it ever give any lore to a fucking brontosaurus with a space station dildo being the ultimate lifeform
Charles Baker
So how in the fuck are they going to establish the space colony?
Out of all the humans, he was the least annoying. It was that black wedding that ruined the second movie. It went on way too long, and had madea-esque "humor".
Nathaniel White
Knux will probably be him vs Rouge getting the shattered Master Emerald back, developing their relationship. Stone and Chaos will probably be villains. Ends on Robotnik being resurrected/found in the post credits.
Cameron Wood
I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Robotnik who kind of redeems himself by the end if Jim Carrey is serious about leaving after the third film
Quite easily I'd imagine, since Robotnik worked for the Government unlike the games. They'll just treat it that the Robotnik's of the last three generations are all geniuses and worked for them. Gerald built the Ark for the same reasons he did in the games.
Ryan Harris
You DO realize project shadow is an Imperfect perfect chaos, right?
Jordan Morgan
I have a feeling it will be a research facility located on earth instead of the space colony, but I could be wrong.
Lucas Perry
I know it's a kids movie but did they really need to have wingus and dingus point out that Eggman was buiilding soemthing like it wasn't obvious as fuck from the imagery?
Weirder still they had the "Robotnik has a lot of bad thoughts" line which is mildly clever by Hollywood standards.
I thought it was fairly obvious that the Biolizard was a Frankenstein-esque manifestation of Perfect Chaos, given it lives in a replica of the Angel Island ruins with a Master Emerald altar, and just given they're both lizard things powered by chaos energy. In that sense it sort of loses the cool "man-made horror" it would have going for it without Chaos being introduced, and actually loses its relationship to Shadow the Hedgehog too.
Nolan Smith
He's gonna have a very big role when his fathers past is revelled.
Sonic 2 was the most fun I've had watching a movie based off of a video game. It was kino
Samuel Jones
How are they going to handle all of the Space Colony Ark stuff? Like with Gerald being Eggman's grandfather and such?
Jayden Reyes
I literally don't know. All I remember is during the final boss shadow is all "omg sonic it turns out you were the ultimate life form all along!"
The movie wouldn't even need a final boss, just an exploding space station that sonic shadow and robotnik team up against.
Connor Jones
In this universe Eggman is an eccentric genius who worked for GUN and got military funding before he cracked, so his history of other robotniks working for GUN is more likely established.
James Gray
Man it would be so fucked up and kino if it was revealed that Tom's father or grandfather was the one that killed Maria, and it was kept a secret from him all his life.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Did they establish the Master Emerald being a control for the Chaos Emeralds in the second movie?
Sebastian James
Well if Jim throws in the towel after Sonic 3 they'll need an antagonist for Sonic 4. Chaos can suit that role.
Nicholas Moore
The same way the game did? >Hey, Eggman. I'mma grant you a wish(whatever the fuck that means). Meet me on the Space Colony ARK. And bring chaos emeralds.
William Wright
>Egg-robo No robot of Eggman has autonomy yet, so a low chance. Even then, Agent Stone would fit better if they want an Eggman representative. Just a guy without CG. >Rouge Most likely. Just have the Super Sonic be like the surge of power that caught Tails' sights. Rouge knowing the emeralds are behind it and going after the ME not knowing they already left. >Fang Pat Casey did say that everyone is being really mindful of introducing game characters in important roles and not just throwaways (he mentioned Jimmy Olsen as what they're trying to avoid) but also that he himself is pushing for Rouge to show up. Even if he isnt working on the show, they might just choose the most relevant thief character. >Chaos He will get something, but Perfect Chaos is going to be saved for the movies.
Josiah Nguyen
Biolizard was just a freakish experiment that they failed to terminate Unlike Shadow who was perfect. Biolizard was an attempt to artificially create a god like being like Chaos but it clearly failed only problem was they couldn't kill it but it's not a god like Chaos was it's bit still very deadly.
No, they turned the chaos emeralds into the infinity stones by stuffing them into the master emerald and then revealing them as its shards
Aaron Roberts
I mean they could go ham and just throw perfect Chaos as the final boss for Shadow and Sonic to take on. He could be trapped on the Ark or something I suppose?