ITT: noob traps
ITT: noob traps
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tack zone is fucking amazing, ring of fire is kinda lame and I dont know about maelstrom because I never go middle path (abilities are gay)
Is that an 8 way gloryhole booth?
Admiral Brickell my wife (Sex)
i can't imagine a world where i want to be anything more than a casual noob at bloons
I think you posted the wrong image op
Sseth has killed my sekrit club for good.
>ring of fire is kinda lame
ring of fire carries me well into the 100s
If that's some twitch eceleb then I should let you know that BTD6 has always been popular and there has been no noticeable uptick lately.
Inferno ring fucking SOLOS the B.A.D
Nice job outing yourself as a newfag.
never heard of "btd6" till your post, whatever that niche shit is, it's not popular
really? has it been buffed recently or am I retarded?
Again, your eceleb is not relevant.
If you don't know Sseth you are a newfag and need to gtfo or lurk more.
Shit man with it's anti moab fireball just give it a radar scanner and it's good to go. 5 0 2 range is only good it there's little to no loops or bends in the track also it might stuggle with the speed of DDTs.
Only zoomers give a shit about some youtuber faggot's opinion, fuck right off
fuck off retard nobody cares about your ecelebs
You are the newfag for thinking ecelebs are in any way an acceptable thing to bring up in a videogames thread.
>t. newfag samefag
Sseth is widely accepted by Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Maybe you trannies will find peace on twitter, oh wait. HAHAAHHAHAHA, TIME TO HANG YOURSELF LMAOOOOOO
>Sseth is widely accepted by Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
Fuck off, you zoomer.
Is this flamewar instigation or trolling? Not the first time I've seen BTD6 threads being fucked by this new wave of eceleb niggers.
>keep trying different stuff and losing
>eventually give up and go ninja alch again
realizing how god tier alch is has ruined the game for me
Tack zone allows me to carry retards in coop boss, genuinely tired with getting queued up with lv30s in boss matchmaking, like the fuck are you going to do? burn all the money on towers that work on Easy?
>Leaves and requeues for people with a brain and after an hour of this shit just say fuck it and play solo and finish the boss event in under a hour
Ninja isn't even that good, alch is truly busted though.
>queuing with randoms
do you just hate yourself
I haven't played since btd 5
Is super monkey still the best?
2-0-5 is great if you can give it a monkey village or some other kind of camo/lead support
ninja falls off if you're talking top path and crossbow master is better than grandmaster and cheaper too
Why does this guy have to blog about his drug addiction in a fucking video game review?
Its a joke you retard.
The guy makes comedic game "reviews".
You sometimes get queued with people who know what they are doing leading to fun teamwork or people who use a cash drop to give an easy win
they just synergize really well while being a cheap combo
>alch buff is per-attack, so multi-projectile attacks are better
>camo detection
>pop any bloon type
i dont use ninja alch for late game, but it lets me save/eco up to the best towers while any other opening fucking sucks
please user get some friends
how do you get friends that play bloons?
he should consider making them funny then
the new hero is blatantly busted and I hate it
the nigger can literally 1TC
>not 02x dart monkey
What do you think is funny?
my friends aren't huge fans of btd, even when we do play they are retarded on slightly harder difficulties
someone simping for a shitty youtube they shill out
so you're pretty high up there m8
Nice job dodging a simple question.
getting top path max and bottom path 2 ninja and add 4 or more shinobi tactic ninjas along with alchem stim, absolute killer against any regens and MOABs except DDT
Just Obyn + druid lmao it's not even complicated
thanks, its easier than trying to interact with retards
>sucking e-celeb cock
>"Nice job outing yourself as a newfag."
Imagine being a game content creator and the game you're famous for is a glorified mobile game.
hey hey people
>famous for a mobile game
Pick one.
I like to at least try maintain a pretense of fairness.
super monkey was never the best
its always had really shit dps compared to its cost since at least BTD4
if you want an expensive tower that actually justifies its price with dps look at the Spire upgrade for the airplane
>if it's more expensive then it's better
ACTUAL noob trap
Noob traps are just a game design fault.
How much experience should I have before I try taking on some of the bosses?
I haven't unlocked all of the upgrades for every tower (ones that still need a lot of unlocks would be ice, druid, pilot, heli, probably a few more that I can't recall at the moment), and I'm a bit concerned if any of the paragons might be necessary.
You can try any time you want, there's no penalty.
You'll die.
You will need all paragons and tier 5 on everything.
Just post the 34 already
I think you mean 33.
For any niggas that know, is sniper any good?
Low difficulty using them is lots of fun but Im not sure if they are worth much on higher ones
Sure you just have to know the secret combo
you dont need paragons for normal boss
im not touching elite that shit looks sweaty aids
all three paths are ridiculously good
cripple moab makes all your other good towers shred anything below a bad
elite sniper is the weakest of the three but gives plenty of cash to more than pay for itself in a few rounds and gives elite targeting priority which is good for your other 4xx snipers
elite defender with shrapnel will solo pretty much anything up to 100 and beyond if given alch buff
easily top 5 strongest towers in the game imo