This motherfucker doesn't even know what exams are.

Attached: P5_portrait_of_Morgana%27s_cat_form.png (606x665, 134.48K)

>he doesn't know about cat exams

>t. user who bombed his exams

>his cat didn't take the exam

Cats are the niggers of animals.

What en tails a cat exam?

ryuji is a faggot

Based Morgana

if you are a cat, you pass

Dogs are the niggers of animals. Barking at everything that moves.

Ryuji vs. Morgana shitflinging got honestly really tiresome after a certain point, they were surprisingly mean-spirited and nasty to each other up until the end. You’d expected for them to get over it at some point.

Ryuji literally did nothing wrong -- it was all just Morgana shitting on him for no reason and the moment Ryuji made a few mild jests at Morgana's expense, that simp cat lost his everloving mind and flipped out

Why is this cat for fat?

Ryuji is just an insufferable retard, he got treated the way he deserved to be treated.

I don't like any P5 characters, but I especially don't like this faggot cat

Then wouldn't he think it's good to fail exams?

I just want to put my dick into Futaba, the rest of it doesn't matter.

Japs are soulless, mean spirited insect people which is why bullying and suicide is so rampant. This is not to be surprising.


Oh no he's hot!

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I love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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sometimes it is good to fail exams

Persona needs to fuck off with character mascots. P5 was bloated enough as it was.

You can fail a few exams.

That's because Ryuji didn't get enough sleep. You should get some sleep user.

that two hours where morgana got uppity remains to be the single worst video game narrative section I've ever played in the past few years, on par with nu-GoW's atreus getting uppity for the same fucking """"character building""" reasons

I hope no one ever pulls that shit again

persona shouldn't have more party member than there are slots in combat, having dedicated benchwarmers is just stupid

As long as Japan exists they will never stop with tacky mascot characters because they are subhuman creatures themselves.

I think 2 benchwarmers is fine then you can have a dungeon that requires 2 parties of 3 split up mechanic

This thread reeks of cat fuckers.

>t. dog fucker

Sometimes a cat is fine too.

>just SHUT the FUCK UP you stupid CAT!
I can't believe he actually said it finally.

Honestly, this. Just in terms of culture, they're all about superiority and collectivism. Sahori and Ann deserved everything they got.

>Had three weeks to study for my prostate exam
>Spent all that time on Yea Forums

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They were just throwing shit at each other and not really being too serious about it until Morgana got pissed off. Notice how they don't talk about how they went after each other nearly as much as the zoomers attempting to play the game do. They were always gonna go after each other, all that changes is that it stops being in poor taste

this made me chuckle

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it's not that hard, you'll be fine

is there a dumber thing to get stuck on in any game's story than "hurr who was in the wrong ryuji or the cat"?

Morganna was initially in the wrong but Ryuji held the grudge for too long and the blame shifted to him

you will probably see more of it because people like stories where kids do unattractive things
video games just aren't for you anymore user

If it's anything like persona you can just spend all your sp in one night and get it done

I fucking hated Teddie in Persona 4 and I hated the stupid cat in Persona 5 just as muhc.
I really hope Persona 6 doesn't have another retarded and annoying furry character.

Holy pussies. I just know these posters are White, limp-wristed, and probably masturbates to "trap" hentai.

>Lets be smart and not fall into the trap
>Morgana not only falls hook line and sinker he intentionally forces the others into it too by giving Haru powers
>Soon as they "save" her Mystery sniper kills her dad and oh wowie it was a trap

Fuck that cat

>Morgana prolapsing the party out of his car ass while escaping Futaba's palace
What the fuck did they mean by this

Does anyone unironically like Morgana? I don't really hate him, but I can't see how anyone can say he's one of their favorites

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I was talking about people, not Japs

This for me but move Akechi down four places

A lot of people like Morgana but that's very contingent on not developing a complex over a fictional character acting like a stuck up child with no friends which is something that seems to only happen in the west, see
from Japan

Morgana really wanted to get with the MC and saw Ryuji as the low man in the totem pole. Shitting on him was his attempt to claw his way into second lowest.
Not really a problem in my run though, Anne was the gopher in my group and the lads were first among equals.

Godawful taste. Literal fucking insect subhumans

based japs not falling for Takimaki

>silent MC

Holy shit they're so boring.

oddly specific insults there lmao

>spends entire game clowning on Ryuji
>gets shat on once
>has an entire butthurt arc about leaving the group because he gets no respect

He's such a faggot it's unreal

>No Ryuji dindunuffin fuck the cat
>No Ryuji is a retard Morgana is innocent of everything
You people are just beyond help

It's just a retarded arc that all really just revolves around the Makoto Futaba wank and the fact that the other characters are useless and the writers don't know how/don't want to write the rest of the cast properly by giving them any kind of role or story relevance.

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cats are awesome, shut the f*ck up

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I heard you’re about to get beat with a ball bat, furry kamoshida. Get the fuck away from me.
Seriously, who even likes the shitty mascot characters like fag cat and Teddy? Nobody. If you say you like them, you’re just lying and being contrarian

retard take
arc revolves around the cat being pissed that he doesn't belong anywhere and is smokescreen for how every single thing the cast does in the dungeon is halfassed and emotional

my wife Makoto 2ed place. i kneel.

contrarian is being as perpetually pissed about the mascots as you are desu

Dogs are the niggers of the animals:
>dumb, violent, easily amused and easily fooled
Cats are the jews of animals:
>leech off
>produce nothing
>mocks white man's world

Wrong. I actually liked the dog from P3. P1/2 didn’t even have that shit either. It’s just 4 that started this shit trend.

Koromaru is not a mascot and not even a character, and yes that is being contrarian

>Implying shitposting doesn't qualify as prostate studying

At the end of the day you're just upset that the protag's mouthpiece is a woman instead of a homo like in P4

I didn't like Yosuke for the most part, but yea it's always embarrassing when the writer has a waifu.