Holy shit! Gaming is save!!

Holy shit! Gaming is save!!

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it feels like we're in the weimar republic right before hitler gained power, Im kinda scared

ok NOW Elon will make anime real, right?

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Not vidya

You frequent nightclubs?

relax, chaim, you have plenty of time before the ovens manifest

Its gonna fail


Why? This is when it stays to get good.


ohnonono twatterbros

good. Pretty scummy of Twitter to censor people who they dont agree with. I'm not even a Trumptard and I thought that was bullshit.

I hate twitter in general and my friends who hate Elon use twitter a lot, so I'm hoping to leverage this to get them to stop linking twitter. They will throw up some twitter posts like it means anything, irregardless of the context of whats being talked about. Its really fucking annoying.

I hope he shuts it down immediately with no warning the second its in his hands

this. so much this. Finally people are FREE again!

The based have nothing to fear. You are based...right?

Can people call out trannies now when they complain about women in video games?


So now leftards are scared that they'll get banned for criticizing tesla. And rightoids think Elon will make twitter an N-word haven. People are so fucking retarded. Elon's whole schtick is buying companies and doing nothing with them

I don't have a Twitter and I never will. I just hope the faggots who panic about this for whatever reason don't leave Twitter to come here. Again.

Ironically, it's true.

oh boy a plutocratic corporate overlord bought twitter! it's gonna be so based bros!

It's too late at this point, my bet is that Elon's actually working on a time machine to stop twitter from ever getting created, it's existence is one of the main reasons for the current hivemind that we live in.

Shit, I think Even i could buy that, why sell so low?

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It's ok. Discord will still pay for your bottom surgery.

>Sent from my iphone 11

>I'm only pretending to be retarded

What does this mean for me as someone who only uses twitter to follow porn artists?

>shitow the nighog

More lolis I hope.

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I've been waiting a long time for an opportunity to use this image.

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Some bimbos might write a few tweets about it and then proceed as usual

>it's true
Can't get any worse do hopefully it'll be a net positive

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jesus she's so flat. please tell me she has nudes.

>The hitler will be a democrat that takes power after the GOP collapses without Trump.
Wonder what they'll be like


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>you use [product]? You're not allowed to complain about the issues of capitalism.

You made a 0 IQ post.




Elon Musik is going to get bored trying to manage it himself and hire some retard like Ajit Pai whose going to ban porn for the advertisers

What happened to sticks and stones?

Twitter isn't private already?

>Implying Elon Musk ran twitter would suddenly allow hate speech
Doubt it

He's not gonna do anything with it besides make some algorithms open source. It's just another company that'll collect money for his fortune. If I were him I'd immediately tweet NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER as soon as I was the owner. He's not based enough to do that though.

Why is it so hard for people to just get thicker skin

I know this is bait but this is the unironic level of fearmongering that Twitter leftoids are engaging in right now.

Honestly the faster twitter dies the better.




Is twitter posting allowed now lol?

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What did he mean by this

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this is almost more beautiful than when tumblr died

Freedom is cool

Censorship for the sake of protecting tranny and nigger feelings is not.

>Twitter is in the hands of one person instead of a group of people who can at least veto any retarded decisions
So what if he wakes up one day and decides he hates ice cream. The word is banned from twitter and anyone who uses it is banned. Would you like that in a platform that's so important to human communication actual world leaders use it to spread information to their respective countries? Why are people pretending one person owning twitter as a private company is a good thing?

the post is literally quoting what some fag on twitter said

Is twatter still gonna be a trannoid hellhole?

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the internet is dying


How does it feel to be a white person benefitting off slave labor?

It means he's gonna ban every China and Russia shill account.

So where are all the super sensitive people gonna go now, reddit?

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>capitalism sucks because billionaires can buy stuff from other billionaires
i dont understand

I really just want him to fucking delete it. Come on, Elon. Be based.

of course lol

If I were him I'd destroy it. Sure, something else would inevitably replace it but it'd be a fun few days of faggots panicking that their super important opinions couldn't be seen by retards.

>not wanting to hear slurs and useless insults is the same as being in an echo chamber

I suppose that makes sense if you are a brain dead tool who thinks gay people existing are political.

God I fucking hate women but that tummy is so delicious

Elon musk really does have it out for robots.

>authenticating all humans
fuck that, they're gonna want ID to make an account

The Internet is unironically saved. Yea Forums and Twitter are now the last remaining bastions of free speech.

Say it with me: FUCK NIGGERS!!!

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There is literally no circumstance where you're required to own an iphone to survive user. Using [product that represents everything i'm against] when you have every opportunity not to is stupid.
and before you make some retarded gotcha, notice how iphone is specified, not phone.


>get censored on twitter
>buy the entire platform instead
Holy based.
Now if only EA and Ubishit can ban him from a few of their games, he might still save gaming.

>Now owns SpaceX

My god, no one person should control so many powerful corporations and have all that money. What will his networth be after he acquires Twitter? Will he surpass Jeff Bezo eventually? Amazon is a monster of a company, but Twitter was probably the most popular social media site next to Tik Tok I imagine.

I just wonder what exactly will change on Twitter once Elon takes ownership of it? I don't use Twitter, but depending on what/if anything changes I might.

Twitter is still shit for that. A real shame Tumblr nuked themselves since porn was the only thing it was good for.

Free speech and hate speech are not the same

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publically advertise Yea Forums, bring them here. We'll welcome them and they'll learn our ways and then revolt against the world. we will grow stronger!!

Twitter has nothing to do with gaming.

You can always just leave to another platform.

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The fbi will assassinate him.
The government will not let its greatest propaganda machine go just like that. Expect Elon to have a "accident" soon

Yes they are nigger

I know he has tons more money but imagine all the good shit that could have been done with $44 billion dollars.

Enjoy the NFT and Tesla shilling. One Jew was traded for another

it's not happening fast enough

kill yourself you disgusting fucking tourist

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i hope he's gonna legalize loli porn on twitter again and make roasties seethe

/pol/ lost, /qa/ lost, Trump lost, Le Pen lost, Russia lost, Moskva lost

space X was already his company.

>Elon says he's all about freedom of speech

I wonder if the porn will increase on Twitter? I figured you'd still need moderators/moderation, it'd be retarded to just let people post whatever. It'll be like the wild west.

no they are not kike

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>What will his networth be after he acquires Twitter?
Nigga are you stupid or just pretending to be brain damaged?

Yes, private company btw.

Lefties believe that hurt feelings is more of an offense than actual physical assault.

Yeah I dunno if they think elon will walk down to the twitter hq and tell them they can't suspend loli or n word accounts anymore


Anything that makes trannies and leftypol mad is automatically good for the rest of us. Every single time, without fail.

Pump the website with moar cryptoshit

One 'haha man' owning the platform > group of 'no haha old men owning the platform

Maybe I'm retarded and don't understand how much money that actually is but isn't that a little low for something as massive as twitter?

I don't know how networth works, I just figured acquiring a large corporation like Twitter would affect it.

My point is that SpaceX and Tesla were already pretty big things to own/run, and now he owns Twitter.

IDs are the only way to stop bots and retards on both sides

Truly both the sjws and chuds are just completely fucking retarded. The sjws brainbroke all these counter culture losers and now they're all the same, massive reactionary pussies. DUDE this C list actor in a new shitty movie tweeted something racist 13 years ago, he's trying to bring back slavery, fucking cancel it! DUDE this children's animated movie has a white male villian, the jews are genociding whites, fucking cancel it!

name one example that didn't backfire retard

Being privately owned means twitters is 1% less likely to blanket ban porn, and since Elon Musk pretends to be based sometimes there's maybe a 2% chance twitter gets updates that facilitate using it as an art website.

Tumblr was only barely better than Twitter was for art. I don't miss that awful search engine or the devs constantly blocking access from downloading original quality images.

Most bait on this site is abysmal, but I just had to give you props on this one. Nice work.

>Maybe I'm retarded and don't understand how much money that actually is

Reddit has more users than Twitter lol

Wasn't it a private company before that?

Hey, at least we get a power vacuum, and few years of competing platforms. It took like ten years for Twitter to become the absolute monstrosity it is.
Alternately, Elon could just tweak the site to be so boring an unaddictive, that people don't want to use it anymore. Have like thirty second ad breaks between each post. Captcha on everything, birdwatching tips and knitting are always trending.
Do it, Elon, you cunt. This actual philanthropy.

Isn't this a strawman argument?

I'm not sure requiring ID is going to work but I don't really use Twitter so it won't impact me. It will drive participation way down though so celebs and other "important" people won't get their ego boost from bots upvoting their one liners.

in its purest form, yes.

Could elon buy hiro next?

Will he bring about the blue checkmark genocide?

are you the emiru obsessed schizo retard from ?

Why do so many Twittards use Yea Forums/nel? Is that where all the ebonics and lingo like incel is coming from?

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This. If I had 44 billion dollars I'd use it to breed a species of miniature elephants the size of Bassett Hounds and make them green and blue and orange or whatever. Fuck I'd be rolling in pussy. Like even if women hated me am my miniphant army I could just fuck the elephants. Elephants are smart. They'd be in to it. Did you know elephants have tits on the chest like humans? It's a sign.

Yes I would like the old internet come back one step at a time

Oi vey, you saying that is just like the holocaust with the 6 gorrillion JIDF members shocked! I demand you to pay us goyim all of your money for the rest of your life as compensation....

I'm pretty sure it already is legal? Hopefully it just makes the SJWs who harass JP artists fuck off the platform.

Net worth is the value of everything you own. If you go and spend $1 million on a car, you have a very expensive car but your net worth hasn't changed. So his net worth won't change just by buying the company, but it would increase if the value of the company increases. Keep in mind though that his plan is to take the company private so the exact value of the company will become a bit muddle and up for interpretation.

Name one that did.
Except your first example actually happens while the latter is made up, kike tranny.

I don't use twitter so dont care lol. I just heard about them banning Trump, making him out to be some kind of dangerous terrorist.

Trump is getting unbanned too

>blocking access from downloading original quality images.
Most of the time if you want variations or cumshot versions of a porn pic you gotta go on sadpanda or kemono party anyways.

>Elon Musk has a higher net worth than Jeff Bezos by almost 100 BILLION dollars

Well, that's news to me. I thought Jeff Bezo was richer than Elon, but Elon is actually the richest man, and I imagine acquiring Twitter will make him even richer. I have no doubt that Elon might be the first TRILLIONAIRE we've ever seen, or he might reach at left half a trillion, which is fucking insane to fathom or even imagine. It just blows my head what you would need or use all that money for.

I don't but yes this board is infested with normalfags, it's pathetic. Elon worshipping and left/right dichotomy is peak reddit but take a look at this thread lol

Yes, twitter users used that to defend whatever action Twitter did. Now they want government interference because they don't like it when they think it's going to be used against them.

No such thing as """hate speech""", sweaty. It's just speech. Get some fucking therapy if a 10yo is making you consider suicide over the Internet.

All he needs to do to be a hero is shut twitter down.
That's all he needs to do to become a legend like churchill etc

Twitter's TOS isn't going to change and won't bring back the banned people. He just wants free speech to be equal so stuff like The Nation of Islam gets banned for hating Jews.

I use twitter just to follow japanese artist

>Name one that did.
The entirety of the 2016 election ended up dividing not only America but the entire world and now everyone is stuck up their own asses with politics

Isn't an assasination contract like 43B cheaper?

"Hate speech" is code for anti-white.

What would muskchan be like?

>said the frogposter.

yes but leftists are crying because "the good billionaires" no longer control twitter

>authenticating all humans
Wtf does that mean? Captcha for every post? Invisible ID that you have to apply for?

Twitter is getting a edit and downvote feature
jk, but I wanna see it just for the shitstorm it'd create