You will never experience the magic of playing this game for the first time ever again

>You will never experience the magic of playing this game for the first time ever again.

Attached: Kingdom_Hearts_ntsc-[cdcovers_cc]-front.jpg (1499x1000, 311.37K)

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Yeah I was like 15. Alot of stuff would be better if I could go back to that time. Not just kingdom hearts.

Considering I didn't get into it until 15 years after my first impression I suppose that's a good thing.

my next replay is going to be ps2
the ps4 version is too jacked and will never be fixed

Never played it, looks fucking gay

I agree but I think its just because we were children and this kind of shit was just straight magic to us. played kh1 and kh2 on release and I loved them both to death, kh2 especially. when I got kh3 once dearly beloved kicked in I cried in the main menu knowing how long I've waited for it. yes it turned out shit but it closed a chapter in my life I've long awaited for

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I like how the only selling point is Disney

The whole concept of this game was so wild back then, and as a kid it was actually sort of badass. By the time the second game came out I'd already realized it was kind of gay and autistic, and the retarded plot and Disney characters talking about darkness didn't really help.

epic or pcsx2 if i want to replay? i have a potato fyi but pcsx2 at 30fps worked pretty alright a few years back. is mod support as good on pc as it is on pcsx2? i kinda want to get into randomizer autism too.

pcx2 for kh1
pirate the pc version of kh2fm

>the ps4 version is too jacked and will never be fixed
What's wrong with it?

the sound effects are totally fucked
they cut each other off or don't play at all when you're in heavy combat, and the game is missing most of the reverb effects from ps2
final mix is a worse version of kh1 content wise too

i was 10 when kh came out and even the kid me thought it was cringe

I assume it's the same for the PS3 version as well? I played OG KH1 when I was a kid with the HD version has been my go to these days and thus I'm not as aware of the butchering, sounds bad.
I'm surprised you'd say the Final Mix version is worse content-wise, doesn't it just add stuff and nice QoL changes like cutscene skipping or rebinding limits to triangle?

and the worst part
you cant upskirt the girls in the hd collection, but you can in the original kh1

No actually. The ps3 version is 30 fps, so whatever sound bug 60fps introduced for ps4, xbox, and epic isn't present.

yes but the shitty recolored heartless and alchemy being gated behind rare hartless farming is enough to never want to play it more than once

PS3 is filled with bugs and the load times are eternal


But I haven't even played any of them, seems far too confusing series for their illogical numbering

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I could never get into KH because I thought playing with donald and goofy was insanely gay and there was no option to not play with them. I got excited for KH2 since I thought you'd just play as roxas but then you go back to playing as that clown shoes faggot sora with his two boyfriends.

>final mix is a worse version of kh1 content wise too
I was with you until this point.
Now I'm just calling it b8.

I still remember seeing this game cover in the store, it was like an orgasm in my imaginative kid brain. Then I saw the commercial for it on TV and absolutely knew I had to have it. 1995-2005 was pure magic to grow up in.

80s was better for everything except video games.

i remember renting kingdom hearts 2 and being blown away how fun the combat is
kingdom hearts 2 is probably the most fun i had in a game

Its fine. There will always be new experiences on the horizon. Once you lose that, well...

Why is there not a single mention of Final Fantasy on that box? You'd think it would help your game sell, being that FF was peaking when it came out.

Oh I just noticed Cloud's head on the corner there. I guess that counts.

I always find it weird how people describe this game like a FF crossover when even in the first game they were basically just cameos.

Attached: 1624364980641.jpg (1200x797, 143.45K)

Because the FF characters are just glorified cameos.

This really bothered me about the whole series. Barely any FF shit actually shows up.

it honestly hasnt been topped in the action rpg category
fuck I might go for another playthrough

If you want a replay of KH2, randomizer is always fun.

kingdom hearts 358/2 days was better.

Attached: file.png (512x384, 33.28K)

So no one about anything, ever.

I love the idea of having the first game be childhood oriented, and then the second game becoming a little edgier for teens and growing with the intended audience. All black outfits, etc. Unfortunately that stopped after 2.

Every KH game is designed for teens.
You can't even read it unless your a teen.

remember when people finished kh2 at 100% or something like this and told you at the schoolyard that this will be kh3. lmao funny times.

that birth by sleep trailer still gives me shivers every time I watch it. I honestly think its a masterpiece.

someone give me a story tldr. i only played kh2 and kh chains of memories as a child and i can't remember shit.

this game sucks lmao

I cannot imagine a concept gayer than disney characters acting edgy with some jrpg protags. I will never play this game and I do not understand why anyone would.

final fantasy 9 was not a well loved game despite it aesthetically being my favorite, final fantasy 8 was VERY polarizing, final fantasy 10 was not well received, and to be honest for all the final fantasy characters in the game, I honestly forget them all outside of cloud and sephiroth, it would have been a bad decision to market it on ff when it would have just brought to light they STILL have not done anything with 7.
the most memorable thing about the game was easily the disney characters with a kid friendly quinn coat of enemies and over the top on top.

after kingdom hearts, they kind of profusely shit themselves on how to deal with the franchise.

Man, I truly wish Birth by Sleep was a better game, that I could like it, but the thing just falls apart the second you look past its "press Triangle for awesome" combat

It felt like they had prepared something spectacular for the series, there was incredible potential. It's kind of wild how much they let all go to shit since then.

That game is the definition of wasted potential, coincidentaly this thread made me play it again and there's so much shit that is cool but is bogged down by how shitty the game feels to play and how bad the character writing is
>the creativity in many of the commands
>the heroes slowly being manipulated and separated only to fail in the end
>last time we would see an arena filled with unique bosses
A shame the game sucks, I've been waiting for someone to mod it into being good since that shit came out on pc

should i emulate the ps2 or ps3 version of it?

Oh, and how could I forget to mention how they completely removed the multiplayer on the rereleases
Rolling through commands could actually be fun if you are fighting an actual human player that's as op as you

>the creativity in many of the commands
The commands in BBS were the worst part. 99% of them are shit and the 1% that are useful are so good there's no point using anything else.

First time entering Hollow Bastion... Kino...

someone knows how the ps3 version of it feels? only played the psp one.

That's my point, there are a lot of commands that would be fun if they weren't overshadowed by shit like surges and mines


Played the PS3 version. Is the combat intended to be floaty in general? Because otherwise it's fine, doesn't have any of the PS4 issues

It is gay, its the bastard child of animu and disney characters with a plot that only makes sense if you are autistic. Which is funny, because the guy that makes it is the very definition of it.

Basically for some reason if you make a movie or tv show with Disney characters there's a list of RULES that's about four hundred pages long. But yet Disney lets this dude do whatever the fuck he wants with Mickey Mouse
in this videogame no matter how stupid. It makes no sense.


Imagine not being able to understand a plot designed for literal teenagers.

>Played the PS3 version. Is the combat intended to be floaty in general?
would like to give you some info but the last time i played it was on releas. if i remember correctly it was a bit off if you payed 1 or 2 directly before it.

it feels exactly the same, the only thing they changed was the zero exp ability making you do ridiculous damage with finishers

but I've never played it in my life because it looks gay as fuck