Buys out your favorite gaming company for $44 BILLION dollars

>Buys out your favorite gaming company for $44 BILLION dollars.

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Make Dawn of War great again.

oh shit, football manager 2025 includes american football mode.

Elon Musk just bought out your favorite vidya company.

What changes?

if blood ravens get referenced in space marine 2: Primaris Booglaoo then I will take it as a sign that DoW4 is still happening at some point. Ideally it will even be a good game like 1 or 2.

>Buys out Nintendo and all their boots

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If the company is already making a profit why do they just sell?

>game gets better with mods

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I don't have a "favorite company" whatever that's supposed to mean

He seems like a guy that would buy Yea Forums

>gaming company
You mean Yea Forums's favorite news network, Twitter?

What will happen to twitter threads now? What will happen to twitter at all? Will i stop seeing twitter screencaps?

He's had plenty of business that flopped. Why would anyone think he'd be able to save Sega? aside from just giving them money to stay afloat.

A society that lets a single man have 44000000000 dollars is absolutely decadent.

Elon will implement some retarded change in a few years that kills the platform.

musk probably won't do shit with twitter except make sure the muskjet kid gets banned.

He should allow CP posting on Twitter if he was based

Twitter troons are absolutely fucking seething red right now, btw

streets of rage 5 now has the villains become serial polluters so the gang has to travel on their electric tesla car and beat them all up.
the tesla is a playable character too

>Twitter troons are absolutely fucking seething red right now

why would you even know this?

He says he wants to get rid of ads, so it looks like he'll make twitter some kind of subscription based service.
There's no way Twitter survives another decade.

Tranime bros....

A hairline recovery to match Lebrons

so are we gonna get Leaf or some cringe shit in a year or will people just seethe and cope?

He promises a groundbreaking new game every year but all we see is terrible pre-alpha footage

Neat maybe he'll make a new NiGHTS game, or tell Sega Europe to stop taking a diarrhea dump on the pc ports

They start making games again

Wait the fuck? The madman actually did it? He bought Twitter?
Well now what?

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If he makes a new battleTanx or puts a remastered Army Men: Sarge's Heroes on Steam he can do whatever he wants

twitter actually already has a subscription service called Twitter Blue, no idea what it does tho

either it burns to the ground or nigger becomes the most used word on twitter. win win.

he'll probably add an edit button and then a few months later will ban all nsfw stuff and will make all troons and furries move to discord or something.

Microsoft is going to buy Sega, screencap this

>and then a few months later will ban all nsfw stuff
dream on retard

Removing twitter and forcing artists to use actual fucking sites or to develop one will be the best thing to ever happen to art and artists


Sega will buy WB games.

Didn't they try to and sega said no based on how they are IP squatting and wouldn't actually do shit?

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1. They know some shit is going to go down and they want out
2. They don't want to manage it anymore and just want the money and run
3. for the lulz

Make games open sourced and moddable.

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I hope SEGA never gets acquired by anybody else, we're lucky enough the Sammy merger wasn't as bad as it could've been.

>streets of rage 5
Speaking of which, where the hell is it? No, I don't give a fuck about the movie since it'll suck like all vidya movies.

>forcing artists to use actual fucking sites or to develop one
Hehe. Psssh. Tch. We can use WIX.COM or even SQUARESPACE! Take that! Face it. You lost. It's over.

today democracy and real freedom dies
fuck elon musk, fuck putin and fuck trump

And twitter will still be an unusable pile of garbage. Elon will change nothing.


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I can say nigger

Old games going open source would be cool and wouldn't hinder any sales of modern games, unless you wanna go full jew like Ninty. Making vidya engines generally more modder friendly and releasing mod tools would definitely be a great thing and prolong the lifespan of any game, as well as boost sales. Not sure why more companies won't do it.

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maybe sega will make NFTs of streets of rage characters

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you make it sound like society dictates who gets what.

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Becouse they'd make less money.

Because engines are the most valuable IP a game developer can have.

Anything that isnt fucking buried in layers of political bullshit, food posts or gatcha retardation is fine by me

44 billion dollars dollars

Nice. Now Sonic franchise should have game every year.

>the tesla is playable too

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If anyone wanted sega they would be be bought by now. They sold their arcades kek.

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His only actual reason

Warhammer 40000 DoW 4 please.

Someone please buy Konami and just put it out of its misery

If you're playing a classic it's less likely you'll be baited into the new shit. Its literally that (((simple))).

>Nexon is worth 15b
Those fuckers

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SEGA is partially owned by Samsung and dealing with them is absolute cancer.
New Sega CD consol please

>kills twitter
>japanese artists finally have to fuck off back to a site that isn't dogshit
based elon

I just wish GW weren't seemingly intentionally selling out 40k's boipuss exclusively to the most incompetent shovelware devs available as if they're trying to ruin the brand on purpose.

Reminder that Sony bought Bungie instead of Sega for the same price.

Wasn't Elon the Left's poster boy because he was le climate change man? What changed?

Sega Genesis Does What Nintendon't

They still alive even?

Mega CD had literally one good game

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They literally did it with tumblr

Goes back to squaresoft. Fires everyone and goes back to soul instead of belts/buckles and graphic/wife whores. No more microtransactions or battlepass. Final 11, 13, 14 and 15 are deleted and re done as classic jrpg. Nomura gets kicked in the balls. Kingdom hearts is deleted

Why do people (zoomers) even use the shit? It's awkward as fuck and pointless.

tumblr isn't owned by elon

he's a free speech absolutist which assumes the n word pass for all citizens

This except Pixiv schizophrenically banning people drove them to twitter in the first place

>Musk buys out Pokemon and allows open access for all their female characters for more mature style games...

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There should be a second game.

Sega never looked stupider for biting Bandai's hand.

Could you post a picture, we need to pick up your new flag, Shia?

But there is user, but only released for the snes and it's prices is far from the average collector.

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Destiny 2 has 10x the playerbase of pso2 ngs on steam.

>what is popful mail
>what is earthworm jim cd

only to make it more attractive to sell off, since it's already sold, no need to do so here the move also wiped a cool billion off the valuation so clearly not the move to make here

How did he recover that hairline? I need to know, paranoid that my hairline is going to get bad because my dad started balding around his mid 30s and I’m 31 right now