Remember the good old days of Maplestory? Remember all those friends you had? The music? The simpler times? Not having a job to worry about?
How does it feel knowing you can never go back?
Remember the good old days of Maplestory? Remember all those friends you had? The music? The simpler times? Not having a job to worry about?
How does it feel knowing you can never go back?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. xXDexl3ssS4suk3Xx
3. are you israeli?
4. Got track?
5. cc plz
6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
7. Pan Lids and Kumbi were FKING expensive
8. Tiger and Suuushi
9. Falling into that golem pit when going from Henesys to Sleepy woods
10. That damn iron hog at pig beach
11. When everyone wanted a thief in the party for Haste
12. Accidentally taking the black cab to Sleepy Woods as a noob, and have no messosfor the ride back
13. Hidden-street
14. Going to Orbis and El nath, not having money for the ride home
15. Waiting for mushmom
16. Get freaked out when the C. Balrogs arrived
17. Party members going apeshit when their leader didn't get them into the PQ
18. Autoclick hack
19. Only Scania, Bera, Broa, Windia
20. Screwing up your hair with Amoria hair coupon
21. Hype when Ludi came out
22. People losing their shit when they got defamed
23. Henesys hunting ground
24. F3
25. Do quest for 60% ATT gloves scrolls, then sells it for like 1.5 - 2 mil
26. +15 speed with Red Whip
27. Playing cards or that omok game with strangers
28. That noob with the buzz cut, white tanktop, blue shorts, red boots asking for mesos
29. Those ATT work gloves that were freaking expensive
30. Fangblade first to reach lvl 200
i hardly remember anything from before high school since high school ended. i'm turning 27 in a few weeks and i have no idea what's going on. i'd much rather be like me than like you tho, constantly pining for something that will never exist. your own memories seem to be your worst enemy
The world has gone to complete fucking shit, and I think about killing myself daily.
No, never played it.
And when I tried to play it to see if it really is that good, I discovered that it isn't and the people think it's good only because of nostalgia.
wasn't fangblade exposed as a hacker
>The music?
MapleStory's music is still good.
I am glad, that despite everything, after 15 years, they brought it all to a grand and glorious conclusion.
No, retard.
All the top leveled players back then were just account sharers. That was the only way to compete in the race for 200.
I thought he was an account sharer, having friends grind for him around the clock.
yeah i actually think of oldschool MS a lot and how my life back then was so much better, every day after school my friends would get home and hop online. i would spend hours and hours on the weekend playing it, it was a very unique experience that you just had to be there to enjoy it
now i listen to the OST a lot and cry
dude your cringe comment is cringe on youtube and cringe here. dilate caic.
>6. B>SCROLLS@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
fucking noob it's [text] [two spaces] [@@@@] [two spaces] for max visibility
Pc game somethingsomething never played it, iunno. Was probably working some crap job and playiiiiiinnnnggggggggg ps2 at the time
What if Yea Forums tried to make a private server for the millionth time
>remember all those friends you had
*uses cheatengine to suck everything on the map into the corner*
nothing personal, grinders
Yes, for the nth time, I still remember
For me it was Mabinogi.
You will never get another good private server guild, madwolf. You will be forever alone.
>are you Israeli
This always cracks me up, when I played it I used to live in Israel but I don't recall ever asking people that but not too surprised that a lot of players have. MS was super popular in israel around 2006ish, its a lot of people's forst ever MMO cause no one's mommy or daddy ever paid subscriptions for video games.
Why would you say this? Yea Forums isn't capable of making one. Too much Java knowledge is required, along with understanding of large scale networking.
Maybe Yea Forums could play another private server, but I'm not motivated to try. No good servers.
>didn't have a lot of time to play back then
>leveling took a fuckload of time for me
>would just explore around instead
>take some boat or whatever it was
>end up in some Lego city
>there's a big ass tower you can climb down
>very determined despite being underleveled by several orders of magnitude
>got to a point where dying would take you to some other area instead of the town and got stuck there
That was a really fun experience
I believe Yea Forumsfags hosted a few over the years
i remember the music and simpler times, but the playerbase was shit
it was just a good world to explore
Dumping some old pics from the Tiger era (2006-2008) if anyone is interested. I won a GM event in this pic, GMHershey did a server blast for first people to solve his riddle and first people to find where he was standing won access to the special jump quest pq. 26th June 2007
First character was a ghetto nigger thief with like 12 points in doublestab and 8 in lucky 7. Used an axe because i knew fuck all about the game and just figured lucky 7 was something about crits and doublestab was doing double damage. Maxed darksight and traveled all the way to where the big ass purple lizards were in sleepywood dungeon before i died then i was stuck in sleepywood forever and just made a new character because i couldnt be assed to leave
Heres one more pic from the GM event, I asked GMJudgement to warp me to maple island after the event so I could fuck with noobs but he declined.
No, that was just one person hosting with a publicly available source.
All public sources are shit and will choke with more than 50+ players.
This pic is my wedding to Dinalle (Kittyz0r's alt) who was supposedly Tigers IRL friend. The Dinalle account was banned a couple days later for botting lol, I never re-married.
8th Oct 2007 for the wedding according to photobucket timestamps. I didn't believe her that she knew tiger until I got a PM with her and Tiger, I was only like 12 so I was just freaking out and didn't really say anything.
I still wake up to Maplestory music as my alarm, sometimes nostalgia sadness hits me hard doing that but that's alright
these are actually cool nostalgia pics, keep em coming
which song do you use?
Wound up getting an autographed spear from Tiger, but sold it when I quit. Its probably still out there somewhere. Sorry Kittyz0r :)
Why don't modern games have soulful UIs anymore, it's getting fucking depressing. I get whiplash whenever I see an old game from the 2000's and the charm is so palpable and then looking at modern 2020's corporate Apple iGames with their hypersimplistic scifi menus
Maplestory is the proof and good art and music can carry a game
Now give me (you)'s
If only Tree of Savior was popular
More wedding.
i play maplestory in 2022 tho
It's been playing Shinin' Harbor like 4 days in a row even with shuffle so mostly that lately lmao but I have almost every song in the shuffle 'cept the more high tempo ones
I spent a lot of my allowance money spamming cringe smegas with thaixmage. Was trolling GMs or something I forget.
Killing Mushmom and talking with friends about myspace. 06 Nov 2007
this is true though
My original account was DolphinSecks, I spammed tons of cringe 13yo smegas on that account too lol.. Played a ton with my IRL friend BunnySecks who spammed smegas too. Sep 23rd 2006
maple sit tory
How is it
>Hellz yeah I sucked ho's.
- DolphinSecks, Scania, 23rd Sep 2006.
Maple was the game that got me to just outright drop out of middle school and I had to deal with constant physical abuse from both my parents because they wanted me to be a functional member of society/didn't want me homeschooling myself. Their desperate attempts to get my bullied ass back to school are cute in recollection, but living it in the flesh was actually pretty traumatizing, so I definitely don't feel that cozy nostalgia most do. I remember the day they gave up and just let me use the PC again, first time I did was log on back to my account and ignore the creeping emptiness just on the back of my head. It never left.
>Lick my balls... xD
DolphinSecks, Scania, 23rd Sep 2006.
>Remember the good old days of Maplestory? Remember all those friends you had? The music? The simpler times? Not having a job to worry about?
No, because I wasn't a huge faggot that played that shit. I played Ragnorak Online, it was 100x better
I couldn't find nemo. 7th Oct 2006.
Another from 7th Oct 2006, killing snails and slimes looking cool af. I titled this DMG.jpg so I think this is the first time I hit above 1000! :)
Got my Zakum Helm with Vengence, 8th Oct 2007. Im actually on my mule, you had to pay Vengence and give them your acct info to get a helm on Scania back in the day. Had a guy sitting and holding between runs. Part of the reason the entire guild got banned and was disband actually. Side story, I was a little shit script kiddy who had a pincracker. I made friends with some of the Vengence guys who gave me their spreadsheet of accounts they ran zakum helms for. A lot of them didnt have access to the email so they couldnt change pass only pin. I stole a top 500 account after finding an exploit in the old maplestory website where if you go to reset your pass and forget your email, it would literally autofill the email used to register the account, from that I was able to get into many emails because they had the same password as the maple account. Easily cracked 50+ accounts made off with probably 2x max mesos at the time. Pretty sure most of the spoils went to SleepyDay as he was running the guild at the time.
Pic is google11 trading me a whip, he was the original guy in Vengence I made friends with. I think Chris was his name.
based blackgoku
based colby
Can someone tell me why the FUCK they got rid of the Kerning PQ?
t. brainlet
kill all niggers
>HP Washing
>Mandatory Bishop
>Few maps that you can actually grind at efficiently
>Need rate multipliers to make the game playable
>No one socializes in game
>Basically a singleplayer game for 90% of the experience
Private servers basically show how effective nostalgia can mask the shit that was old Maplestory. Also, the vast amount of private servers out there means that the already niche community of maplestory PS users are even more spread out, amplifying the last point I made by 10.
*puts a weight on Z key and stands under you*
not my problem.
*reports you when Inventory gets full*
>>No one socializes in game
>>Basically a singleplayer game for 90% of the experience
thats true for private servers now, OG maplestory was a huge social game though.
You are a bad person.
good for listening to audiobooks or podcasts
MS was essentially a digital crack dispensary mixed with a Gaia clone chatroom (that blended pretty nicely into the skinner box design through swag). It's why people remember it so fondly: the social experience of an IRC server or a forum is key to it.
But kids socializing that way is a thing of the past. It's also why MMOs nowadays only live as cat girl ERP societies locked behind subscriptions.
Ragnarok Online sucked shit just like Maplestory but the social experience was pretty decent still. I think Merchants are cool though, you should have been able to setup shops in maps near popular dungeons like in Tree of Savior
What was like like being OG Scaniafag? I don't think I ever played in a server that wasn't WIndia