
This game turned out to be super fun despite all the hate it gets.

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when this was the flavor of the month i didnt mind it much since you faggots would put the name in the OP post and my filter would pick it up
if only the smellden ring fags would do the same

It's fine but the recent events have been ass; lord help you if you're new and roll someone like Raiden.

Needs a skip dialogue button

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It is fun. Exploration is really great

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Had fun for quite a while so I can't say it's bad but eventually it got boring to me.
New maps being good was not enough considering how little interesting shit to do was in them, and with the gacha being like that the reveal of new character was like a "mh, so?"
I guess if you are a decent spender it can be great

>30 gems have been deposited in your account
The game literally has the same gameplay loop for nearly 2 years now. Waste stamina on shitty articat domains and do spiral abyss, the literal only somewhat challenging content since the game released.

it's alright

The inazuma festival one was pretty good

Absolutely. Or better yet: dialogues actually worth reading. The amount of boring lore dump, especially since Inazuma, is not acceptable.

>>same gameplay loop for nearly 2 years now
>Bro why aren't they re-inventing the wheel constantly?
>>Everything else
>muh challoonge I need muh endgame grind why isn't this world of warcraft 2!?!?

I think most of it is worth reading.

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A handful of schizo have been seething at this game for a year and a half now

Auto mode should auto pick a response after a few seconds
Especially since the dialog choices all lead to the same thing 99/100 times

it's funny seeing people like that pick the game up and say it's good

Honestly even I only started the game so I could shit on it more accurately for being a chink BotW clone. Never been happier to have been absolutely BTFO

>muh endgame
There's no point to bosses if you don't have to use your brain at all. No reason to bother with the new skills and characters as well. It's just incredibly boring, and dailies are pretty much the biggest time waste among all mobile games I've played.

Buddy you waste even more time crying about how Genshin wastes your time, than how long it takes dailies

I haven't played it but I heard there's a crossdressing event upcoming so it now has my attention.

You heard wrong

I stopped my addiction when Inazuma came out and I started playing again today since I have no self control. Is there anything I should be rushing to unlock or do or can I just go back to my autistic farming adventures?

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i got my mileage out of it, but i think this is where i put it to rest now. i can only do the same shit daily for so long.

This is the first thread of this garbage I've bothered to reply to in a long while.
Just accept that you love to eat shit because it's popular and has cute girls in it.

>tfw just want my weeb bros to have fun
>try to spread awareness of how good the game is
>annoying faggots like you screech and sperg out
>simply end up missing stuff like the golden apple event

thats fine
as long as you dont spend actual money on it

No it's not you obsessed faggot

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Enkanomiya and The Chasm are permanent content, so no rush

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Did you miss the part where I said I was BTFO?

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right? the dialog is so long-winded and dry and its all about procuring the proper paperwork for the merchant booths for the chinese dog festival but oh no someone forgot to sign a form so we have to go to the Gunshin Byako Bureau to authorize charter 23-b but hes missing so go kill some treasure hoarders

>nooo you're the boogeyman I'm scared of in my dreams!
Take your meds, maybe it will help you realize you're playing a terrible game.

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They can be meh, I actually do wish they were tougher
>new skills and characters
I like seeing cool characters do cool things and slap big numbers on enemies
tl:dr its nice to see numbers become big numbers

based and checked

Nice to see longtime players, day 1 never-missed-a-day btw

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Day 1 as well, missed about a week early on

Nah. Mediocre and mind numbing gameplay, boring exploration, and its a Gacha so it has absolute shit built in by design.
The gameplay isn't outright terrible, but its not engaging or deep enough to make up for how shit everything else is.

>boring exploration
Name a game with good exploration

>Having nothing to do
>Super fun

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King's Field 2(JP)

>using filters
maybe reddit is more of your liking

Xenoblade Chronicles X.
The most enjoyable aspect of the entire game was just running around killing shit and looking at the landscapes.

I feel like I’m playing the game wrong.

I’m stuck in the mountain area because the enemies are level 30 and I’m only level 20 plus I keep freezing.

XCX looks cool but there's nothing to find, how the fuck is it better than Genshin?

You will freeze if you get wet, Barbara makes you wet.

It's a proper game without the gacha mechanics (and the limitations that brings by itself).

I make Barbara wet

>Old ass game that can't even render more than 10 feet around you
Wow such a feeling of adventure
I agree, Monolithsoft are great at world-design, Genshin and Xenoblade together are exploration kino

What limitations does the gacha bring you?

It's no more of a proper game.

I don’t play as the women.

I’m a man. Not a fucking tranny.

If you want, you can head south to the other non-freezing area

Exploring new areas is the only part that's even remotely enjoyable. After you've done that and wasted all your shekels on [fotm banner character], artifact grinding is just monotonous and boring

You're also getting filtered by a casual game, don't know what to tell you.

Not me, the devs, shit like not being able to write shit because there are 800 characters, can't write a proper story with its conclusion because it's a gacha and people want to get invested so it has to last years, shit like having to add grinding or endgame content to justify the gacha system, you know shit like that.

There are less than 50 characters nearly 2 years after the game's launch, you're confusing this with png collectors

Simple, the world doesn't look dull and generic and it doesn't appeal to ADHD zoomers that can only enjoy exploring if they get a dopamine rewards for doing so.

I recently had a weird dream where Fischl was my girlfriend. We slept together too, it was really nice. I need to find a cute blonde goth chuuni irl now.

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Game isn't as bad as people say, but it's also no masterpiece. The best parts were like the first 20 hours of the game. I'm still in mostly for the main story, and want to see what the next continents look like.

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I was not talking literally

I want a Fishwife so bad

The game has story quests for every character and the plot is progressing at an extremely controlled intentional pace.

>implying Genshin doesn't have more fleshed out characters regardless
And meanwhile XCX's ending exists

They both have good worlds and what a joke, content is bad according to you. Holy shit.

I completely skipped the Ayato event because of this. The dialogue is so mind numbingly boring it's hard to do any quest now. Either it's straight up filler (oh no Traveler, follow me while I do paperwork!) or exposition told in the most boring of ways. It doesn't help that most Inazuma and most Liyue characters have no personality.
At least the current event is just fighting wave after wave of enemies.

You have low standards. That's okay, but you should not be posting online.

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Damn, newfags can go to Dragonspine at such a low level, huh? I'm kinda jealous of all the fun you're going to have.

>can't write a proper story with its conclusion because it's a gacha and people want to get invested so it has to last years
The entire story of the game so far has a set endpoint. Once it's over they'll probably just start a new story if the game is still popular by then

I have when cdmg isn't at its highest base state, just feels like a waste when it rolls into them.

>the plot is progressing at an extremely controlled intentional pace.
Of course it is, but I don't know what that has to do with any of what I said.

Always worth a shot. This one ended up pretty decent, but I doubt I'll ever get a better feather for Ganyu
Locked for future use

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meanwhile this was just a special "fuck you"

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The Irodori event literally just ended, so there's no rush for anything.

No, I find it fucking laughable that retards NEED a reward for exploring, like you Genshinfags. It's not like they're even GOOD rewards either, its typically just a chest.

You don't get me, the story is made around the gacha (with it's limitations in mind), that's what I'm saying, I thought it was pretty obvious, I'm not saying anything weird.

You have no clue how Mihoyo does things

Not it didn't, stop this renewed shilling effort.

No clue what you mean
The story releases regularly and has nothing to do with the gacha besides maybe shilling future characters to you since you talk to said characters but that would happen regardless

You don't need to, they planned to do a new gacha and they built a story around it.

That doesn't make sense at all. The story is being told in really adept fashion, you have to complete and red everything. None of that is built around gacha or requires any money.

I still live genshin, OP. It's exploration is very fun and top notch. I paid a lot more for Elden Ring and found genshin to be the superior of the two.

Imagine being a lorelet who doesn't fucking read.

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