Apart from MGS3 can Yea Forums give me an example of games where an enemy is eventually crushed beneath the boots of...

Apart from MGS3 can Yea Forums give me an example of games where an enemy is eventually crushed beneath the boots of time?

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Imagine being a kid and you visit your friend's house and his mom looked like this and she started flirting with you until you accepted a blowjob from her.

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White woman age like milk

Crusader Kings series.

Bonnie Wright was always ugly.
She actually looks better now, despite still being ugly.

In a perfect world...

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Does ginny dyes her hair now?

She must have some illness of some sort. Emma looks like your regular fucked up 30yo but this bitch looks simply 60. What the fuck.

Malfoy aged the worst desu

That's how redheads age.

These are edits, retards.

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Bri*ish "people"

Post the originals if you're so great

this can't be real

You tried to censor british but that just reads as bri'ish and in fact that is how those degenerates say it.
God I fucking hate them.

I'm a redheaded 30 year old and I don't look nearly this old. She def has a condition, or took extremely poor care of her skin.

He looks like your typical balding homo, which looks way better than whatever happened to the women on the OP

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>These are edits, retards.

No they aren't:

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>ginny is only 31 but looks 50
wtf the wall is fucking hard

>31 years old
what went wrong?

That's cool, thanks actual question answerer.

Old Age

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Jesus, what did that fat Jew do to her?

No way that is real

what causes the british to age so badly?

Women age significantly faster than men because they have far less collegen in their skin compared to men's skin.

Britbong genetics

Reminds me of Trey Parker from South Park.

This is what happens when you pollute your face with chemicals called makeup and drown your skin in the suns radiation all day just to look darker.

Do you get to see Vivienne slowly turn into an oriole too?

now this is some depressing shit

Every woman hits the wall somewhere between 25 and 30 years old.
Some of them hit it hard and some of them soft if they have taken care of themselves.
Most interesting fact is that your averqge woman can recover from the wall, it won't be the same, but it's doable.

Veganism. Not even once.

it's "collagen"

Who are these grandmas?

to my brothers, one day you will be looking into the eyes of a woman who may look similar to these. Just hope its the one on the right.

Estrogen also plays a large role. Estrogen ages you lightning fast.

Top kek but damn Witcher 3 was an amazing game imo. Best ending was to give the curse to the guy because he doesn't die, so its the happiest ending.

Is that why trannies always end up looking like old lesbians?

So why do asian women age so much better, when they have plenty of estrogen and less test than other races?

>So why do asian women age so much better,
HAhahahha, man they hit they wall even worst.

Asian people have better skin care regimen than westerners. Take away the skin care regimen and all women age like shit.

I bet it makes women seethe that the men will age better than them due to male skin being thicker and having more collagen and men not having estrogen aging the shit out of them. Women can do all sorts of skin care reigmens but men who do nothing will age better.

I used to have a crush on ginny as a kid, wtf happened?

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Have you ever seen what an old asian lady looks like?

>Oh no I caught one unflattering frame, it's over emmabros!


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Asian girls avoid the sun.

The stage is full of lights to hide your wrinkles.

You have a hairline like that and you draw attention to it? The bravery

Do you think the closeup photo might be more revealing than the one taken via zoom lens? Bend every fibre of your intellect to solving this cosmic riddle.

>one unflattering frame

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>double their age

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Emmabros... What happened?

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this makes no sense and is wrong, you even notice how incels age terribly? its because chad has bones for his collagen-losing skin to be tented across instead of just hanging off

This is why woman wear make up. I legit got bullied because I gone outside without make up before.

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>white people

>I legit got bullied because I gone outside without make up before.
Who bullied you? The mailman?

No, small indie studio, please understand.

that's because you're not a real woman

it's because she's bri*ish

>bri'ish jeans

Veganism is a bitch

Oh no, she lifted her eyebrows up showing emotion! What an old hag!

Jesus, dude. Just shave your fucking head already. You lost that fight a decade ago.


Didn't get their adrenochrome supply or use their foreskin facial cream. What a shame.

That's just how female britbongs age

even bald he would look like shit with that wide forehead. But yeah, better than what he has going on now.

Man going bald must absolutely fucking suck lol

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You know they touch those picture up, right? They don't automatically post them online

>Hey I'm Steve-O and welcome to Jackass!

this. brits sold their soul to satan to rule the world and now he's taking them to an early grave. in 200 years there will be no such thing as a british person

that's a man

She's literally richer than all of them combined.

did anyone aged well?

>Every woman hits the wall somewhere between 25 and 30 years old.
this is cope. single women in their 30s are still effortlessly riding the cock carousel and rejecting "less attractive" men for the tiniest perceived flaw. its a bit easier me to get laid at 37 than it was at like 24, but if you're an incel now, you'll probably still be an incel in 10 years

She will always be a woman

fuck no run

I'd fuck and suck

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still would desu senpai

Will Hogwarts Legacy feature Harry Potter voice acting cameos?

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i could've saved her

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Women? Many but most of them are either asian, east european or latino with lucky genes. Murrican and bong women age like shit
Men? Anyone who isn't fat or bong


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Ugly dudes age the best because when you’re already ugly as sin you can’t possibly get worse. Its the Steve Buscemi Effect.

Maybe she thought about being a witch so much she is starting to become one.
I mean, picture that face in front of a steaming cauldron.

this is a blue board user

this made me think emma was 45

shes only 32