

Attached: 1650839151861.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Kekda and Elden Flop are full of bugs and these are considered GOATs? Playstation would never have these bugs

Attached: 1650751382543.webm (853x480, 2.84M)

>Playstation would never have these bugs

Attached: 1622462971723.webm (640x360, 2.9M)

He was parrying

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>Playstation would never have these b-ACK!

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Attached: 1650751671364.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

>crime in progress

The combat in BotW is fucking dogshit


forced oral

Is this the daily seethe thread?

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oh fuck off

6 years and not a day goes by...

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Lol, i love this board

why are Elden Bug and Glitchda considered goat games again?

>crime in progress

its a childrens game for fucks sake

>troon cant kill based white man
you love to see it

I've never even understood what's supposed to be bad about this webm. Beyond the player sending the enemy flying over and over like a retard so that he has to chase him over and over, using nothing but the same attack over and over again inefficiently.

>ugly ass indie games
nice piss filter

What a low way to cope


Still seething about a 6 year old Wii U game.

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Attached: Flask Spin.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

>Enemy clearly blocking every attack
Looks to be working as intended, as shitty as it may look.

Stuff like this is generally why most games don't let you disarm enemies.

>Looks to be working as intended

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Are you new here?

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I don't see how these two videos are comparable. Maybe if I were to see the actual interaction that's meant to happen in that last of us webm it'd help.

>crime in progress
jesus christ

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skill issue

Are you new to video games? Neither is exceptionally glitchy, though one could argue the effect of their glitches are potentially dramatic. But only in a speedrunning sense.

I honestly don't understand the obsession. Is there any other game like BotW that has been a center of obsession for people? I don't like BotW at all, I actually dislike it to some extent but by lord almighty I'm not gonna obsess over it. I just play games I like instead.

Attached: 43399876_p8.jpg (978x973, 407.33K)

Most of BotW's issues are less glitches and more oversights. Probably due to a lack of extensive playtesting.

Its funny watching schizos trying to cope in 2022. The only thing they can cast up is weak limp out-of-context webms of nothingness.

The reality is that BotW has far more polish than anything running on highpowered hardware today.

Can you imagine how much of a broken unplayable fuckfest you would have if any modern AAA developer tried to make a game in the scope or complexity as Breath Of- oh wait.... in 6 years not one developer has even managed to come close. Damn Nintendo are just on a different planet.

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lol exposed.
breath of the shit

>Probably due to a lack of extensive playtesting.

Kek fuck off you retarded school boy. BotW was exhaustively playtested extensively for hundreds of thousands of hours by hundreds of staff members and volunteers over several years.

Because japanese. But to be fair botw is good, i expected it to be overrated shit but it ended up being overrated good time
elden ring maybe is good idk never played it

botw is good but their fans are annoying as fuck, i mean it’s to be expected, tendies are very annoying in general

All zoomers are mentally ill that's why.

>game gives you large windows to dodge
This is like the least offensive thing in a game filled with offensive things

I must defend my bing bing....

>Can you imagine how much of a broken unplayable fuckfest you would have if any modern AAA developer tried to make a game in the scope or complexity as Breath Of- oh wait.... in 6 years not one developer has even managed to come close. Damn Nintendo are just on a different planet.
wow almost as if making a game for just 1 platform, made by the same people who made the platform would result in less issues than mutli platform games who would've thought!

Just like how snoy games barely have any bugs, none at all - elden flop and kekda on the other hand are riddled with bugs, cope tendie.

>snoy games have no bugs

Attached: 1645193959955.webm (800x450, 2.98M)

Remember when people shat on DS2 for this shit?

Thanks for reminding me how terrible that game was, along with DS3

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Okay but, what if Zelda was a horse?

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That IS an efficient way of dealing with silvers. Unless you plan on doing Stasis into a backwards charged 2H spin or Savage Lynel Bow headshots into the thing you're doing something like that or risk taking 8+ hearts of damage. The point of that is to show how the AI pretty much shuts down entirely and how much of a damage sponge it is which silvers are.

It was good for what it is/was, and arguably better than their normal gameplay.

Attached: autism.webm (1200x675, 1.5M)

Elden Ring is up there right now, but I don't think it'll last 6 years

Movies don't have bugs like games do

>see this thread
>remember it's 2017+5

Attached: Breath otw.jpg (700x913, 78.73K)

Based Arthur poster

arthur WILL fall for these threads

I feel like you're comparing Apples to Carrots--it's not even within the same realm of mediums.

The funny part about these is that combat is literally the entire focus of Souls and they deflect from that by nitpicking sword swinging in an open world adventure game

Attached: 1647988103738.webm (960x540, 2.83M)

>just 1 platform
WiiU AND Switch, dishonest troglodyte.

>Some retard is seething so hard he keeps posting the same webms over and over again.

Here's what's going on:
Game runs on native hardware - > It glitches because Nintendo can't into performance
Game runs on emulator hardware - > It glitches because Nintendo code physics that aren't tied to FPS, so modders make it run outside of it's intended coding.

Anyway, CEMU makes BoTW better than it ever was, and seething buyers remorse kids are biased and can't acknowledge that emulation is the effect that was caused by imprisoning the game on inferior hardware.

OP is a fag, and the game is fun.
Everyone should just post more BoTW images and enjoy the webms and images that shows how fun the game is just to spite the faggot OP.

It's gonna be fun once BoTW(2) comes out and we can post this image but with the sequel added to it, because even when the sequel comes out people will cry about the first game just the same.

Attached: BoTW0007.jpg (2560x1440, 890.97K)