>Game Journalists rated this a 10/10
Game Journalists rated this a 10/10
viglets i swtg
vigor check!
Yeah I remember the 4 kings arena in ER. Where the fuck are you OP?
What did you expect from an enemy literally telegraphing his bear hug?
Why do you have so little hp?
>even journalists didn't get this filtered
inb4 copes about vigor as if the player's stats somehow have anything to do with the problem
>no vigor
>didn't roll
skill issue, unironically
Die viglet
Why is your HP so low at that point of the game? I'm surprised. Do you just hear the advice about upgrading it because it makes sense and then choose to ignore it because that would make the game "too easy"? News flash: FromSoftware's titles are not hard. It's some stupid faggot marketing that a bunch of turds perpetuate. What's worse is, as much as I like them for a variety of reasons, they're a stop-gap between shallow action games. Onechanbara has more depth.
So did I
Imagine spending all fucking day on Yea Forums obsessively refreshing the catalogue to post an unfunny variation of this in every single thread. Get a life. dude.
Bruh, if you're going to get hit you have to be able to take more than one goddamn hit. You literally got one shot.
You can't miss this area, bro. You NEED to go this way to progress the game unless you speedrun ZIP right past it.
>m-muh low vigor made the boss glitch out!
lightspeed with the copes today anons
>no hp
>try to run past the enemy
>get caught
>reeeeee why do I have to learn how to run past it I just wanna evade all of them effortlessly
unironically would have survived with more vigor
you got one shot, you didn't roll. cope, seethe, dilate and trilate. you just walked back without doing anything
(You) didn't even attempt to dodge
and yet somehow i beat the game without ever needing to fight inside of a black hole.
Where the fuck are you? Stop modding the game and maybe you wont die to easy enemies.
user. You are sad. I genuinely bad for you.
Probably some/vg/ fag who doesn't realize posting the same shit over and over and over doesn't constitute content
It's on the way to Mountaintops, brainlet nigger
You just don't remember it because it's such a nothing boss you beat in 5 seconds
you didn't play the game, retard. they only guard the divine tower. it's optional.
I think he's trying to say that the game has problems because he managed to get himself cornered himself with the enemy. This has ALWAYS happened.
I'm neither those posters, but this is a fight which happens on the Divine Tower bridge in Leyndell the Royal Capital.
say whatever you want, it's optional. you may not like it but it's the truth.
They can't give it an 11...
>webm poster doing it wrong as a rule AGAIN
If you missed this fight you didn't beat the game.
>25 vigor
>20 vig
>attacks during a charge
discord threads always have the same types of posts from the discorders. Its pretty wild.
Skill issue and unironically git gud
>he said, being able to easily die to enemies in the first area while walking around in the second to last area
Even if the issue was low VIG, why the fuck is it considered a good thing that you have to level up VIG for enemies to not one-shot you?
This was never an issue in Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, you never really had to level up VIT unless you were struggling.
>run directly into a corner
>"wtf how did i get trapped in this corner?"
If he got gud would the boss not have glitched out and canceled his animation?
Its a good idea to not die in games where dying is a fail state. It just seems logical to me.
Holy fuck so many of you retards don't see the issue or don't care, both of which make you stupid
>corner yourself
>'dude why am i being cornered WTF?'
this is DSP levels of retard
You didn't watch the webm, clearly
Watch it again, except this time try not being a total drooling retard and maybe you cam identify the problem. Hint: it doesn't have to do with the corner or with him dying.
It's the opposite that is happening. Grapple animations cannot be canceled, so though the game has acknowledged you have broken their poise, that grab is still coming out.
Oh wow a glitch? I guess all the fun I had with the game just flew out the window.
What issue? I'm aware of webm posters posting stuff intentionally wrong so it looks wonky is there something more going on I'm not in on?
>The game glitched out, you should've known it was going to happen
skill issue 2bh
So they coded it to play the flinch animation even though no flinch happens? That's somehow even worse
had to watch it twice to notice the dude clearly staggers but then keeps his attack anyways. which is probably two more times than anyone else watched the video
that being said I don't get who has the confidence to ever attack a souls boss during their own attack windup in the first place, this shit always happens.
The game is buggy and has issues all over the place, making the game a chore to play or unfun for some people
>doesn't research who developed the games she buys
Ah, that sounds fine. I'm sure the 3 people that are worried will effect the other 20 million playing. Thats definitely worth all these threads.
yeah souls games are fucking terrible and barely work, literally everyone but diehard fanboys and shitposters knows this.
That makes it even worse that a developer is known for making glitchy games that "add" to the "difficulty" of the game because their fans will defend it and accept it as normal
Does it? I bought it. You bought it. 12 million people bought it.
I don't think from software being janklords is really bothering anyone.
what was this fight even about? its so fucking random and does a 4 kings all black abyss, yet its random omen twins guarding a tower. why does this happen? what is the logic behind it?
this looks like a buffed version of that one ogre grab from ds2
after a female I know beat this game I can't take anyone complaining about the difficulty or cheapness seriously. literally git gud, in a
>can grasp basic mechanics in a video game
way, because that's all ER is. my coworker is too stupid to comprehend Pointer Arithmetic and she still beat this game. It's possible for drooling retards like yourself!
>they are always like this, stop stating the obvious haha lol
It also only applies to like five enemies in the entire game and is only an issue in the exact scenario OP posted. Otherwise this is a non-issue.
Wow a glitch in a video game.
I hope you're at least playing on NG+.
consider most people barely play past the intro in any given i'd say its less that it doesn't bother them and more that most of them don't even see the parts of the game that are fucked
I beat this boss on the first try
>it makes perfectly sense to increase Iframes in a game about dodging
The problem is the base isn't enough to make a fun experience.
The cancer of stat based rpg mechanics have ruined gaming.
>It only sometimes happens with a few enemies so it doesn't matter that the game wasn't polished lol get good
You really think millions r buying a game not to play it
Ironic coming from a fromdrone who refuses to use /vg/ for shilling this crap
ps4 cheevos show 70% of players beat the game there. You might be thinking of an imagined reality of your own making.
Yes. You're bitching over several days making the same thread over a fight that lasts five minutes maximum in a game that can take 100 hours.
most people even beat the
>waaaah impossible!!!
first boss people keep crying about on this board
This is a legit 80iq post
It's very stupid, yeah. I eventually learned to expect the instant roll cancel until he actually does the animation to end the roll. Not sure if it works every time though.
>stop complaining! you should only be praising this game and posting good vibes about your favorite moments haha :)
radahn is barely past 60% you lying faggot. the fucking erdtree burning that triggers the endgame sequence is just slightly over 50%
What exactly are you whining about? Your vig looks extraordinarily tiny. You video clip shows that there is no issue with the game itself. Your video clip shows an issue with your build and with your skill. Why did you back up when you saw the enemy run at you? Why didn't you dodge out of there? Why didn't you hit him in the face with your sword? Why didn't you throw a fire pot in his face? Why didn't you strafe around to the back of him? Why didn't you launch a jump-attack? What exactly was your plan after you decided to Flame of Redmane the enemy? It's obvious by your walking backwards that you had no plan. Skill issue. Not a game issue.
Complain all you want fag, expect people calling you a fag for doing it for days on end when its only your problem.
I did not even remotely say that.
So user can't do what 50% of NORMIES can do?
Big yikes.
>dying to fucking fell twins
It literally happens, zoomers buy games they never play all the time because some twitch streamer they like streamed it
Quality no longer correlates to sales, we have entered the reddit-ized meme era of gaming
Radahn is 50%? yeah, seems like most players didn't play past the tutorial, fag
It's what you effectively want by calling someone a faggot and trying to minimize their complaints about a glitch ridden video game
the majority of these games journalists didn't the game and only rated the first 20 hours or so that they played
I did not once call someone a faggot.
>the boss cancelling his stun animation isn't a game issue
I'm going full moonveil + red meat + jellyfish shield boost + tiche now. This piece of shit turns into an absurd animu wankfest with spastic mobs swinging nonstop and doing massive damage when you reach the middle of the game. This garbage game deserves to be cheesed.
Fuck Myazaki.
My bad
I don't think it is. I trust you'll dodge whatever happens afterwards.
Actual skill issue, get good you dumb faggots
>man runs into corner
>gets trapped
seems straightforward to me senpai. whatever bigbrain nonsense you're seeing beyond that is just mad cuz bad.
>that hp pool at that point in the game
Posting more webms of Yea Forumstards getting shit on. Cry more, go back to Horizon if you cant handle difficulty you shitters
The black pill is that they literally built the game from the ground up under the assumption that you would cheese it and summon. When you win with cheap tactics, you're literally playing as intended, they outright said so themselves.
>that amount of vigor even with godrick's rune active and a soreseal
Is it you, random host at Radahn with 300 health?
First off, you initiated an attack in nuetral. Second, he was staggered but then he bugged out. Bugs happen, get over it.
Yes and I bought it and will continue to pirate Nintendo games because they don't deserve a cent from me.
your poor reaction time is not the games fault.
he flinched mid animation then continued, ok. you should have dodged
literally git gud faggot
If you've got the finger shield with a spear, why risk the heal when you could shield poke twice and finish them off?
>nooooo, no enemy should be capable of breaking stun locks
>it's not fair that this game has no easy mode
Oh, I see now. You just want the game to be easier for little babby,
Katana faggot. Go back to Sekiro
You didn't watch the webm, clearly.
Watch it again, except this time try not being a total drooling retard and maybe you can identify the problem. Hint: it doesn't have to do with the corner itself or with him dying
As a certified retard, webm related, I can tell you with absolute certainty that you are the problem.
I noticed this the other day, that IS fucking retarded and obviously an oversight on the devs' part
>its another ds2 sister and her "safe" challenge episodes
>the boss glitching out and cancelling his stun isnt a game issue
>radahn is barely past 60% you lying faggot.
Radahn is an optional boss, ya fag.
another case of 16 vigor? also, why can't you dodge damn!?
Wooow, so great to make the game in a way that forces you to not have fun by spamming the most OP moves and items instead of being creative/playing normally. What a fucking disgrace after a perfect game like Sekiro. Open world is the cancer of the entire industry.
Was this shit made by B team?
>bro, just dumb 50 points into vigor so 1 shots become 2!
Fromsoft fans, I swear.
I think you're based and cute user, keep spamming. I love you.
Its not. You failing to beat the boss is the only game issue. Games are meant to be beaten. The devs designed them to be beaten and people beat them daily.
If you can't beat it you are the problem and the game failed in its purpose.
I'm okay with that.
50 points in vigor would do a while lot more than that.
What exactly is the problem here? Obviously you didn't kill the enemy. You chose to stop fighting right in the face of a live enemy. Skill issue, not game issue.
>fromdrone thinks he's funny
Are you being deliberately stupid because you think it's funny? If you are legitimately too stupid to see the problem right in front of your face (protip: hitboxes) then I can't help you, I'm sorry.
>go back to a game that's superior in every way
>bugs and glitches are not a game issue
There are 157,553 people currently playing Elden Ring on steam, on a Monday afternoon more than 2 months after its release.
If calling people names on the internet is what helps you git gud then by all means, you do you senpai.
If you're talking about how the jump slam can't be rolled under, then you're an idiot.
Not at all.
There are 2 tiers of flinch animations, one plays where the enemy just shakes a bit but are still in the attack/grab animation like in the webm, then a big one where he gets completely stunned for a few seconds.
Small attacks like the flame only cause minor flinch and they will only completely stun when the boss is idle or in the begining of a wind up.
Once the wind up is done and he's in an attack, he has hyperarmor and any small attacks just cause the minor flinch.
Shit numbers compared to real games like Fortnite, GTA, LOL etc etc.