Are Japanese games too political for western audiences?

Are Japanese games too political for western audiences?

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*pick pettan

now post the shoe webm

Neither, but I fucking love fringe hairstyle (hair covering the forehead).

they’re called bangs

Anyone got anymore?

I've always hated how Disgaea excludes previous classes from newer games while others get added in every installment, feels like pokemon sometimes where Charizard will end up in every game but maybe Dunsparce will be in the next one if you're lucky

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They're only too political when its message is against my politics.
When it in support of my opinion, its based.

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Who’s making these retarded gigachad edits?

What Disgaea?

sad they censored the trap joke, forced me to refund it.

Most if not all classes are available in 4 and 5. 6 is the worst offender of dropping A LOT of favorites for no good reason.
NISA was never funny with their own jokes rather than keeping the original jokes.

Are you going into every thread?

It's either 3 or 4, that's all I know

What's the original joke?

6 had potential with the 3d models, too bad NIS thought that it was enough to skimp in other areas. I especially fucking hate that EVERY special attack has a cutscene now, that shit was wholly unneccessary

I want a flat gf so bad bros

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Horse weiner

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why is the left making everything political? what is their endgame?


is that referencing this: ?

4. If only 3 had a version with HD sprites.


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Pretty much this.

I guess I'm a demoflat.
Flatties are future proof, no sagging

Yes, that's exactly what it's referencing

Could be misremembering but not even a joke but just a simple question if you are team pettan or team oppai. My point was just that NISA isn't funny.
3D models could work if they didn't halfass it and the game didn't run like complete ass on the Switch. Instead the only really good thing that came out of 6 was juice bar, rest is forgettable and irredeemable.

Depends. I love reading Akumetsu, and I know nothing about Jap politics.
Depends on execution of the idea, I suppose.


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Akumetsu was terrible. Just a pathetic hyper-political author writing about his politican-killing fetish fanfic. Like seriously, he made politicians such strawmen and then basically made an entire manga just complaining about them.

A fair number of classes tend to be redundant and what generics end up representing what builds seems to be entirely based on arbitrary whims. In most series with recurring generic units, those units tend to be rotated around between games, with specific units being added or removed without much fanfare. For instance, there has never been a Shin Megami Tensei game in which every single demon from a previous game was available.

Stupid rebooblican sheep

sorry but what kind of fucked up person complains about this


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Based... and flatpilled

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>the A stands for America
There's your answer

Isn't the one on Vita in HD? 720p?

Err, the Vita's display is 960x540.

Demoflats are mentally ill.

It uses the old sprites, and only runs at 544p for that matter.

more of a lolibertarian myself

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As a flatfag I refuse to consume any media where a flat girl is envious of big breasts or is ridiculed for her flat chest.

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Pedophilia is illegal.

No it isn't.


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>Make a shitty joke about democrats and republicans that doesn't say anything about policy or w/e
>"Why is THE LEFT making everything so POLITICAL???"
2000s video games would've given you an aneurysm

I'm a CommunASSt

But that's media that teaches girls that they should accept themselves as they are and be wholly content with what makes them different. It's media that enforces the idea they need change that should be demonized!!

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Yes it is.

No actually. Child molestation is illegal. Pedophilia is just frowned upon.

So what you're saying is, Video games are political and you should stop complaining and bitching when people talk about politics on Yea Forums since they're 100% relevant and okay?

I'm the exact opposite. Broke up with 4'9" gf recently, she had tits as big as my fucking head and I miss them almost every night

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It's the same fucking thing faggot and you can only do the first if you're the latter.

No, I'm saying it doesn't matter what the actual video games are about, you're so obsessed with politics you'll get triggered and blame leftists anyway. And you just proved my point.


You can also be the later while never even attempting the first.

Priests who molest are often not pedos, but desperate and sexually repressed due to forced abstinence which is completely unnatural.

Sex is a need, like food and water, it's why people who wind up perma virgins become schizos. They are damaged from their lack of sex.

I wasn't.

You're posting here. Of course you were.

>People who fuck children aren't Pedos you guys
Psychology is a fucking joke pseudo science field and the fact that it is given the same weight as medical science is just one more indication of how broken our society is.

No, lots of literature on non-pedophiles who abuse children for plenty of different reasons. Sadists like hurting the weak, children happen to be weak. If you want to rape someone, children are easier targets. Sometimes it's just what's the most easily available to a rapist.

Big words hurt grugs head, must all be lies because grug know he special, grug mommy told him so.

Politics in games is fine as long as they aren't preachy and telling me what to do. Like, a story about ecoterrorist is cool but as soon as the game starts preaching to me how I should recycle and reduce my personal consumption of fossil fuels they can fuck off. Guess which camp most modern games fall in?

The word "pedophile" was invented by a psychiatrist you fucking retard, I think he knew the definition better than you do.

Don't you know user? My definition of what a pedophile is is far more valuable and valid because I use Twitter.

>The word "pedophile" was invented by a psychiatrist you fucking retard
You mean a jew?

>child rapists aren't pedos
You heard it here first folks.


No, I heard it before elsewhere. It's a often cited thing.

>Nuance is dead.
Same shit at 11

For me? It's Oliet Bangs

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Pedophilia is a mental illness. Like psychopathy. You could say someone murdered someone else because he was a psychopath. But you would be wrong if you said all murderers are psychopaths.

Pedophiles have lower IQ on average than non pedophiles

for me, it's magic knight
or etna
I'm saying I like flatties and big fat tits. I vote both ways.

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I heard it first on reddit

This is not provable. The only data you have are from the ones who committed a crime and got caught, which obviously skews the data certain way.
If pedophiles were all low IQ, you wouldn't be paying taxes to them.