Best bosses? Worst bosses?

Best bosses? Worst bosses?

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Other urls found in this thread: liked ER but it's really time to move on. /

My favourite is definitely Maliketh. I think it's the only boss fight where I actually had fun with learning his moveset.
I despise Rykard's fight, because I hate gimmick fights in general, but Malenia's waterfowl makes her a hard contender for my most disliked bossfight.

>Royal Knight Loretta
>Tibia Mariner

>Great Wyrm Theodorix
>Any Dragon
>Putrid Crystal Trio
>Any Morgott
>Full Grown Falling Star beast

Margit and Morgott were two of my favorites overall. My least favorites are those stupid death rite birds.

Why do people dislike FGFS so much?

Death Rite Bird, Malenia, any Tree Spirit, Valiant Gargoyles and Elden Beast were all dogshit.

Mohg, Margit, Godfrey and Godrick were the best.

I liked Godskin Noble and Radahn. Worst for me so far was Red wolf of Radagon. I didn't enjoy that fight.

He's a cocksucker

Ah, that's fair.

Radahn (actually fighting him, not being a hiding cuck)
All duo bosses (Godskin, crucible, gargoyles, gitgud faggot)

Ulcerated tree spirits
ALL dragons
Fire Giant ( easy, just long and tedious)
Those dumbass deer in Siofra

t. 5 finished playthroughs.

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>Godfrey/hoara loux
>tree sentinels
>maliketh decent
Everything else.

All of them don't leave the same impression as the guardian ape

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All of them
In another game.

Sekiro is just build different and is all better for that.

*causes unimaginable levels of seethe*

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Wouldn't have been so bad if you could use the god damn horse

>Tibia Mariner
The fuck?

Best is radahn, morgott, maliketh, placidusax

>Those dumbass deer in Siofra
He had kino design and soundtrack but the fight itself was underwhelming af

so glad i didn't get spoiled for the guardian ape, now it's one of my favorite gaming memories


>Best boss
The huge 100ft one who does that sick sword flurry combo of wide arc followed by stab followed by twirl followed by overhead strike with the cheeky little stomp thrown in
>Worst boss
The 30ft one who only took 10 tries to beat.

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Agreed, I've done all melee (With blasphemous blade being extended melee I guess) playthroughs but my last build of bleed/frost claws really made me hate their jumping moveset and stupid skinny fucking legs.

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Tree Sentinal

Valiant faggots
Foreskin duo
Crystal duo/trio
Bell Bearing Hunter
Beast Clergyman/Malekith
Elden Beast

My problem with big deer is how it's designed to simply keep you from ever getting close. It's either up in the air or protecting itself with blue mist. An absolute nightmare for anyone who isn't using ranged.

There is nothing wrong with Deathrite Bird.

>Godfrey/Hoarah Loux
>Bell Bearing Hunter/Elemer of the Briar (I like the concept of a Pursuer done right)
>Margit (Not so much Morgott as he was too easy by that point)

>All the Great Wyrms
>Most Basic Dragons (Its more of a torrent issue than anything, torrent fucking sucks)
>Lichdragon Fortissax
>Every single ulcerated tree spirit encounter, every single one



Use Torrent, noob.


Putrid Avatar
Black Knives
Red Wolf of Radagon

Hoarah Loux is the best damn boss in the game, there's not even a close contender other than maybe Maliketh and Loretta.

>All the fights designed for Torrent are considered the worst.

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id argue the majority of bosses, outside of most of the the "real" bosses (real meaning demigods, story-related bosses, etc) are total trash. Which is funny since people shat on DaS2 for having so many bad bosses while ER has 10x as many shit bosses.

People shat on DaS II bosses because they were extremly easy and under-tuned.

Like, you'd never appreciate Flexile Sentries distinct AI or the flooding timer because he has such little health.

I liked ER but it's really time to move on.
The game isn't anything special and your recent experiences and encounters have already been experienced by 100's of thousands of other people.

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All the main (Rememberance) bosses + O'Neal and Loretta are great. Radagon in particular as a straight fight and Radhan as a gimmick are my absolute favorites. I guess the Lich Dragon would be the worst since he literally just an Ancient Dragon on steroids so he's the laziest but I still find him to be a lot of fun.

Amongst the midbosses I really love the Fallingstar Beast, Watchdogs, Mariners, Godskins, Death Rite Birs and the Black Knives. Worst is probably Red Wolves, I always found Sif to be hugely overrated and I don't like a single one of his Clones throughout the series.

Crucible knight
Any Tree sentinel variant

Elden beast
Fire giant
Foreskin duo
Fia's Champions
Every dragon after the first one
Soldier of Godrick liked ER but it's really time to move on. /

sure, but those bosses are literally still better than 90% of the trash filler bosses in elden ring.

The worst ER bosses are still miles better than DS2 bosses.

because torrent sucks ass and getting hit on him is a death sentence in any bossfight

I think he's neat

That may be but those who know how to use Torrent will find fights like Dragons not that bad. The biggest downside to Torrent falls to how bad your weapons move set is on him.

I'm enjoying Malenia but haven't beaten her yet. Godskin Acolyte at the village has been kino due to location and OST

Didn't like the dragons mostly, they're too easyz only differentiate by breath element and it feels stupid to kill something by hitting them at the ankles

>start ng+
>alt f4 when hitting roundtable hold
ng+ is only fun if you only explored like 50% of the map on your first run. i think most people, me included, tried to discover as much as they could the first time around, so ng+ is just a boss rush with a lot of boring riding in between
my first save was 130 hours, im done with it for a year or two

The main fight is awesome, I love how he kills himself to teleport and the life drain kills all the spirit animals to restore his life.

just level dex bro it's not hard lmao

>so ng+ is just a boss rush with a lot of boring riding in between
i'm surprised that anyone would envision subsequent playthroughs any other way. there is literally no reason to replay any of the shitty copy paste dungeons ever again unless you specifically want some piece of gear/ashes.

Name one. All the bosses "designed" for torrent are perfectly doable while dismounted. At most you'll need to ride him to chase a dragon or something

Agheel type dragons are big aoe fuck you attacks that are better suited for mounted combat. Sure you can dodge through them and hide under legs and shit but where is the fun in that?

Conceptually cool as shit, but annoying as fuck to fight unless you spam ranged attacks.

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your "opinion" is wrong, virtually every boss at the end of those shit dungeons is total uninteresting trash


Elden Beast
Dragon fights other than placideuax
Cemtery shade
ulcerated tree spirit

>Meh (not bad or good)
Red Wolf
Tree Avatar
Tree Sentinel

Basically everything else

Name a single thing wrong with Watchdogs other than their abundance.

Worst: Rennala 1

Best: Rennala 2

I think Rykard is not just one of the best bosses, he is S+ tier boss of the whole Fromsoft games

On par with the best bosses of all time.

Truly a spectacle gimmick done right, done to perfection.

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I haven't gotten very far at all, but Godrick was pretty fun once I figured him out. Even lost on purpose twice. Can't gauge too much who is bad since it could just be I'm garbage, but the Dragonkin of Nostella in the underground could have been fun if it wasn't so huge it was almost impossible to see what it was about to do at times when you were all up in his crotch to do damage. Even then he was so big and lanky I found myself missing a lot of hits even when I was dangerously close

Dragonkin has really bad collision boxes, you can't hit him at all with daggers.

Lol OK fag. Ulcerated Tree Spirit still has a huge unique moveset, properties and interesting encounters. Compared to shit like the Dragon Riders, of the skeleton lords, flexible sentries or even actual unique DS2 bosses like demon of song and the Giant Lord, Ulcerated Tree Spirit utterly mogs them. And this is one of the enemies people consider bad in these threads.

Deactivate your lock-on my dude

shame is a secret boss and most people missed him

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>gets stunlocked by common zombie with a torch
Fuck the horse

My favorites were probably malenia and rykards
Worst goes for godskin dip thanks to how godawfully uninspiring it was, and malikeeth for how shit lock on is with him. The amount of times I'd loose lock on cause he'd jump on a pillar at just the right angle, or how he'd sperg out the camera was absurd. He's also another example of a boss with few good openings to attack.

What the fuck? How do you trigger that fight?

I've seen people complain about the MotG death rite bird, I beat him at like level 60something with a +5 magic infused greatsword. Literally nothing that boss can do is bad

>Tibia Mariner
Absolutely based. I'm genuinely curious what the discussion was like that led to them. Discovering the first one was one of the most fantastic (in the literal sense) parts of my first run.

He doots, he toots, and he's a nice break from all the other world bosses, who are generally poorly balanced garbage or DRAGONS.

He's a cool boss with a cool move set, not sure why people hate him.

>Dragonlord Placdiseajcbakex
>Stonedigger Troll
>Tibia Mariner
>Night's Cavalry

>Foreskin Noble/Apostle/Duo
>Any Dragon
>Astel, of the Many Grabs
>Ulcerated Tree Spirit
>Tree Sentinels of any kind
>Tree Avatar

All the others were just "meh".