Deva are afraid to give us, the players more racial options.
Most we might get is a red skin human with horns
Deva are afraid to give us, the players more racial options.
Most we might get is a red skin human with horns
the devs that finally let us make fat titty orc females and goblin shortstacks with any kind of half-decent not-explicitly-porn gameplay will become a titan of the age.
sex sells, and that's a fact.
Post more orc girls NOW
couldn't find an orc, here's two goblins. that should be about even
>Playable races are just a half dozen humans with different ears and a +1 to a stat or something
>No harpies, no centaurs, no faeries, no lizardmen, no cool fantasy races that are actually unique creatures with cool functional gameplay advantages and disadvantages
You post orc girls now
Yeah, but not-gamers associate everything with race and politics so no other races can exist cause triggermg thing
because 70+% gamers only play as human male warriors
so true
Bg3 will add half orcs eventually
So players would be unable to do certain things or go to certain places because of the race they chose to play as? Seems like a retarded idea.
Its easier for the devs if everyone shares the same skeleton and most studies show players prefer human or elf anyway so why bother?
players are gay, i dont care what they prefer. catering to players is why games are dogshit now.
>most studies show players prefer human or elf anywa
>Only 30% of players play Human/Elf
gee I wonder what the fuck the other 70% are playing
not-human and not-elf races
>instead of bing bing wahoo they make B movies that cost $70
>what is replayability
coffee. good for you?
ears coloured in as hair
because she's a dogbold
China has been disastrous for League.
>Viego inspired by conquistador era Spanish culture
There is so much wrong to this statement I don't even know where to begin
>uses a fucking Zweihander
He doesn't even hold it properly ffs.
people who are unable to use their imagination are literally less than human
>you're just going to be playing as a glorified human
elfags BTFO
big thick orc girl with lots of muscles is good.
but, big thick orc girl with lots of muscles and massive throbbing futa cock?
thats kino.
why the fuck would anyone play a ROLE PLAYING game if not to play fun roles?
Posts a greenskin human with tusks
god imagine being this boring and retarded
I may be a pathetic lonely loser but at least I can actually fucking IMAGINE things
what are his dreams? does he even have any?
are these the people that have no inside voice and can't imagine an apple?
While you are correct.
Rule of cool bud
>character creation should matter?
>sounds like a retarded idea
>Bwain hurty wen i thinky
Wouldnt this be like us farming and eating chimps
The devs are fags for bitching about people wanting to play a male human, but that guy is also a fag for not being able to roleplay as anything other than himself.
>He can't indulge in the power fantasy of being a flying, fire breathing monster
This saddens me
>play as an alien
>alienate normies
where's the con?
How do I shave without leaving those little hairs behind? Is it even possible with a cheap disposable shaver? I use gillete.
game won't sell, duh
Ok, but we need more black characters because black people can't relate to white characters
What would a dragon city look like. What would their tax policy be
Human shotas fuck that
>that scene at the end of Shadow of the Colossus makes no sense!
>how am I supposed to understand my motivations as a giant shadow beast who hath been bound for a thousand generations
Twitter subhumans shouldn't be allowed to vote or reproduce.
The point went right over your head, huh redditors?
dude, your asking what a city of neets would look like and what a neet tax policy would be
dragons are just neets with the power to bully anyone into giving them money and food
What's the point?
Wax, honestly tho shaving sucks either you gotta do it everyday or stuble is gonna suck. Ingrown hairs blow aswell.
>Ingrown hairs
Just cut it open with a razor and pull out the hair. Easy.
they the guy is so devoid of imagination he can't even comprehend how to roleplay the most basic races in a baby's first fantasy setting?
So you are telling me dragons could never form a cohesive civilization and society, now whos the person who cant use their imagination.
Guess I'll look into waxing, thanks. Fuck shaving, and fuck me for getting super dandruff on my face.
I have answers where you have only questions little man
Alright buffalow bill
its not possible with any razor
maybe some deep penetration cream
but you have to pluck/depilate/wax to get rid of it properly
its insanely painful and there will be blood, skin rashes, damage, ingrown hairs...
thankfully if you keep it up it grows back thinner
>game where you play as a zombie bug boy
>massive financial success with a cult following
>game where you play as a blue alien guy with a lightsabre
>massive success
>game where you play as a red-robed thing with no arms and climb a mountain
>massive success
>game where you play as an elf with a sword
>one of the single most famous video game IPs worldwide
Imagine actually thinking this. Go play Madden that seems to be more your speed.
>getting super dandruff on my face.
>that cape getting blown by the blasts of the bolter shells exploding
I will never forgive gw for fucking over every creator
the only good things to come from warhammer in past decade were fan works
now they either quit or work in the mines forever
So how that even works outside of being a fetish?
Didn't really seem like a reference to that to me but OK
>He doesn't know
Pigs are the literal definition of omnivorous. They don't care what's in front of them. If it smells good and gives enough they will eat it.
what a legend
>I can't relate to white characters because I'm not white
>I can't relate to elves because elves dont exist
your right, the latter seems far more reasonable
Its a fictional creature in a fantasy world, so our standards don't apply.
Never said either was reasonable, just the he didn't seem to be referencing that particular talking point. Just because one person is wrong that doesn't mean the other isn't.
I know, it fucking sucks. To be fair, I never really used anything on my face like I should.
If gold is the dragons main goal im thinking they would be underground dudes like dwarves just mining. Alternatively they could set themselves up as a trade republic like state, using their wings to dominate shipping in the region. However this would necessitate them to be able to work with other groups and races which might be unusual depending on the lore of the dragons as a race.
Either way due to their long lifespans and ability to survive and thrive on their own dragon society would constantly be a struggle for autonomy for the individual and whatever powerstructure held authority. I wouldnt be suprised if dragon feds would run around shaking down and killing rogue dragons for not paying their taxes. Prove me wrong.
shaved > unshaved >>> stubble
Unshaved > Stubble >>> Shaved
There, I fixed it for you.
unshaved > stubble > shaved
waxed/hairless >>> shaven >>> stubble >>>>>>>>>>>>>......>>>>>>>> shit .....>>>>>...>...... >>> unshaven disgusting pig
Overgrown so it extends to the inner thighs > unshaved >>> stubble == shaved
>t. normalfag
>t. shit piss and fart fetishist
your ignoring consumption rates
mining as a larger creature only increases the chance for not just cave ins but destroying ecosystems that the dragons need to live
>but humans do that too!
but dragons are smarter and have more to lose due to their massive life spans
Dragons aren't just hermit neets sleeping on gold all day just because they are, they are because of resource scarcity.
They themselves know that even two dragons too close to one another for too long means they both could starve and wipe out the whole ecology
Stop trying to view dragons as having human mindsets that seek out to form human cultures
>reverse image search
>gatcha ad
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined