What went wrong with Tales series?

What went wrong with Tales series?

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i have zestria and beseria on steam
are these games good?


Not enough hebes

Why is Rinwell bathing with the girls when he's a guy

the one in the middle has a really pretty face but from the dark haired one i can see that their side profiles look ugly and too kawaii uguu

Stop pretending they are not all the fucking same, sure zestiria and berseria kinda lack in the art department, but arise was fine.

Every time they perfect the combat they throw it away for something vastly inferior

Zesteria is complete garbage while Beseria is VERY divisive it improves on many of Zesteria's worst aspects while keeping others, it does have better characters though

Which one has the best combat? I just started playing Berseria and i'm really enjoying it so far, but it's also my first Tales game

>arise was fine
No it wasn't the perpetual iron stance ruined the combat it makes big bosses are annoying and human sized ones a slog to fight not to mention having to rely on the break attacks so they threw fucking QTEs in. I'm emulating Abyss right now and it's refreshing to be able to stagger bosses more often than not

the characters are boring and partly because of this the skits a waste of time

didn't the new one sell a gorillion copies
what do you mean what went wrong

its mostly due to marketing, the game itself isnt even that good

Destiny DC, Vesperia, Xillia 2 and Graces f are the top

Xillia 2 in my opinion Luger is a complete beast and has so many options available at one time that it can be overwhelming but immensely rewarding

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Breaking IS staggering. I'm not sure where this no stagger meme is coming from.
It's the best one.

Why are you posting "-bart, forgive me" in every thread?

I'll throw those into the backlog and check them out later then, thanks. So far Berseria's combat is actually quite enjoyable, just had to switch from the default semi-auto mode to manual, but i think the biggest thing going for this game are the characters. Is the rest of the series also enjoyable in that aspect?

>beat Xillia
>never beat Xillia 2

I should get back to it.

any sony console exclusive Tales game suck
Symphonia and Vesperia weren't originally sony exclusive and they turned out great

>Breaking IS staggering
So now I can only stagger a boss by using Alphen and a specific character's slowly charging special move to break their guard like maybe three times in a battle when in old games if you went hard you could stager a boss with a few heavy attacks. Breaking fucking sucks

Do it. Yeah the recycled assets is shit and initially I thought that the new protagonist was shitty and the debt system was a bad way of making you do hunts, but the gameplay is the best in the series.

>Is the rest of the series also enjoyable in that aspect
Depends on the game, Zesteria has shit characters and well shit everything while the other games can vary wildly even within the same game , sometimes even with the same character

Not enough emphasis on arse

>No 11/10 impossibly beautiful women
that happened

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>no more flats
western interests killed tales

>oh hello would you like to be indebted to me, a piece of shit?

the idea that you can't just immediately stab the guy after he threatens to sell the kid as collateral was my first major gripe, yeah.

>but he kind of starts acting like a good guy once you start paying him!

he'd act like a better guy if he was fucking dead.

>Good guy
He's one of if not the biggest piece of shit in the entire fucking game

Definitive bundle of Xillia 1 & 2 with all the DLC thrown in when?

the left ruined it

>the "left"
Cry more politisperg

>No flats
>No lolis
>0 yuri innuendos
Have those guys even played a tales before doing this?

are you denying that the left is everything wrong with modern gaming?

Talk Tales or fuck off faggot

classic leftist bullshit immediately trying to deflect. you people are so disingenuous it would be funny if it werent so sad.

not that guy but fuck off retard, you're not welcome here

Playing Abyss right now, is there sidequest bullshit like in Vesperia or are the time limits reasonable. Also how is Legidia

Should I get the Knight edition of Graces F with the DLC? Is DLC that isn't costumes ever worth it in Tales? I say this being new to the franchise so I don't know if having access to what I'm assuming are NG+ grade shop perks like 2x exp will break the game

They kept fucking with the battle system they almost perfected in x2.

So how was the recent tales of game? Was it good?

>Is DLC that isn't costumes ever worth it in Tales?
Isn't the rest of the DLC just game breaking level ups, money and items, I wouldn't Graces endgame and post game's endgame isn't that hard

IIRC The Knight edition is just small bonuses that aren't particularly noteworthy, if anything the 3 extra CC could be a good extra to start out with, get a somewhat less annoying childhood arc, but I don't know if long term will you get that +3 on top of the +3 from the Grade Shop or if it's early access to those bonuses.
Are you buying it, emulating?

>>but he kind of starts acting like a good guy once you start paying him!
Lol wut?
He tries to sell your daughter's body.

>Was it good?
Hit or miss IMO, theres a lot of good and a lot of bad, wait for a sale

Abyss does have bullshit sidequests like Vesperia. There's one that fairly extensive that's VERY easy to miss, the antlon man

I completely missed the contamination sidequest myself because the window to trigger it is absurdly small

>the antlon man
>TFW I met him but didn't start the quest fifteen hours ago
NG+ it is then

The sidequests in abyss are still timed but mostly more lenient than vesperia. The most restrictive one is guy's jewel of gardios questline. There's a spoiler free side quest guide on gamefaqs.

Very lineal games.

Beautiful game that ruins the combat and turns every normal fight into a QTE mess and every boss fight into dark souls hit and roll. Worst combat. Even zestiria was better.

i liked arise, i thought it had good characters. vesperia is still my favourite, but i think arise gets a bit too much hate.

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Fans willingly putting up with shit game design because they like their anime friends.
Even for Zesteria, which is one of the worst designed jrpgs I've ever tried, most of the complaints were about how much everyone hated Rose. It's like game design is an afterthought to most of the fanbase so the current state of the franchise is what you get.

Arise and Vesperia are the best in the series. Symphonia is great but overrated like FF7. Hearts is underrated, Graces is shit, Abyss is overrated.

Arise is good it's just missing like 10-15 hours of game after going to Lenegis

They stopped playing like fighting games. Xillia 2 was the last good one gameplay-wise.

yuri innuendos

I dropped the game before we got there, I paid him like two times and he stopped explicitly being a piece of shit for like one scene, making me go "They are not trying to make me like this fucking fag are they?"

It was part of the reason I stopped playing.

how is the new one? I could use an rpg to play post Elden Ring. I started one Tales game and liked the combat but never finished it

Started pandering to yumes.

except vesperia has the second worst story after arise

>not Xillia 2 or Graces f

You could watch the anime they pulled a Legend of Korra and turned Rose and Alicia gay for each other as a last hail Marry for attention for the flopping anime

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Is that Asbel's formal costume she's wearing?

Wait, I haven't been keeping track, but wasn't everyone praising the anime for saving Zestiria at first? What happened?

Great presentation, combat is fun and intuitive but a bit simpler than some of the older games, some obvious budget crunch in the back third of the game. First decent-budget game I've played in decades that has a good love story, if that's your thing.