Its finally time!
Its finally time!
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Peggle 3?
>midwits have no idea what art design is and based Zullie has to put them in their place
Pretty based for a mentally ill tranny.
>no source
this looks like something a Yea Forumstard would edit to make their point
link this
That's the main fanbase for bloodborne
Who do you think made the pixel bloodborne game and is making bloodborne kart
Dumb niggers really need sources for tweets these days, huh?
does anyone even know who zullie is irl or is it just a tranny because they use a female avatar?
>no link to the specified comment
Based zullie
>porting it to PC would be ideal
lol, never ever (literal) tranny
It has been communally agreed to be a tranny. It's her fault doe for dodging every single question about that like a post-covid politician
good job
now stop using twitter normalfag
Why cant he just be a normal guy who uses a female avatar? did he even call himself she before?
>happy that Fromsoftware got a big win with their last release
>Sad that we'll probably never see Bloodborne 2 now that Elden Ring made more money than God
Well to do something like that you need to be really autistic so makes sense xhe is a tranny
is that gascoin
>it's got higher graphical fidelity so it looks better
These are the "people" that modern games are marketed towards and people wonder why they're shit.
What about bloodborne 2 in the style of elden ring? Being able to actually explore the chalice dungeons instead of teleporting there would be pretty cool.
it would suck to finally get BB on pc just for it to be a dark souls tier remastering or demon's souls tier remaking
You ever wonder if there were any normal hobbies in Yharnam that didn't have to do with blood research or cosmic horror?
The statues alone make me think that it was always a creepy place to live.
it would be a dark souls tier remastering if anything, they'll probably just make another BB ish game or BB 2 instead of a remake
>_____ in the style of elden ring
No thanks
As someone who personally wasn't a huge fan of Chalice dungeons I'd hope that they'd do something a little more creative with the setting than just adding a hundred extra caves to explore.
Let us get on a boat and explore the horrors of the ocean or something.
What a pathetic response. Ignored what he said just to get upset at elden ring
wtf I love trannies now?
>13k tweets
>for a game that only sold 2 million in some change
A friendly reminder that this is actually how the average person thinks. We are in the era of all style and zero substance. These are the people to blame for the current state of modern media.
>I want chalices to be even worse!
Yeah that is a terrible idea.
>explore the horrors of the ocean
pretty sure ever jap dev would rather keep as far away as possible from water with its track record
>being illiterate
>in the style of elden ring
>not wanting 10 more years of pkeks crying
The good thing about this is that if Bluepoint remastered the game, usually they keep the games looking the same in their remasters like with Uncharted. Their remakes are what fuck stuff up. Though the SotC and MGS remasters have technical issues of their own.
>Even with this based take, fags in Yea Forums will still shit on based zullie.
>All because fags here think Zullie is a tranny WITHOUT any tangible proof
>defends bloodborne
>anything but a tranny
The rope, tranny.
Damn, is that new for Yea Forums?
Didn't know liking Bloodborne makes you a tranny now.
>not wanting Bloodborne sequel in the style of Wind Waker
it's not that i don't want it, it's that japanese games featuring water always get shit on
I respect the tranny's datamine work and ACTUALLY defending a the wrongs of that shitty demake, but he also says a lot of stupid shit like "she" is some shill for scamco.
FFX did alright. That was wet.
Actually based. I thought he'd share the reddit opinion that it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Bloodborne is peak trannycore along with hating DaS2
Nightmare creatures 3?
Holy based Zullie
I want to pound xer bussy so bad bros
it's literally a dude who used to post on /vg/
>thing I don't like?
>tranny tranny it's tranny you're tranny
mentally bankrupt
you have to go back
trannies love DS2 though
>we all agreed that tranny tranny tranny traannnyyyyyy TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY
>moot agrees don't bother him about it
are those people who agree with you in the room with us right now?
It doesn't even have a gender change coffin so that's definitely not the case.
>everyone who disagrees is a tranny
Wow DaS2 fans become more subhuman every year
what a shitty thread but i'm glad i waded through it for this gem
>It's her fault doe for dodging every single question about that like a post-covid politician
Or maybe because it's not that important to know the gender of an internet person that makes souls content?
>t. someone who saved this image on his hard drive
Holy fuck can you not see the difference between me, who gives no fucks about your gender war politics, and yourself, a faggot obsessed with men who cut their dicks off? How many of these fucking images do you have saved? How many do you intend to spam ITT?
A tranny is you, faggot. It's clear as day the reason you're so obsessed. Go get your fucking hormone supplements already and stop making us all victims of your gender dysphoria.
The difference is that you are a tranny lmao. Dilate.
>d-dilate tr-tranny
like I said, mentally bankrupt
go back to your pissboard /pol/fag
He fell for the latest psyop
imagine being this much of a degenerate