>Sweet Tarnished…
>Dearest companion…
>Did you not heed my warning?
>Your greed knows no end.
>You would steal the last drop of warmth from his empty frame?
>After all you’ve taken, you still want more?
>Then you will have to kill me.
>I am Malenia, Sword of Miquella.
>And I have never known defeat.
Sweet Tarnished…
Shit boss.
Shit character.
Shit thread.
This post was made by the LOATHSOME DUNG EATER gang
>t. Filtered
Summon me and I'll help you
Cringe, fuck off back to plebbit.
Beat her pre-nerf, shitty meme boss. YWNBAW.
God I want to drink Miquella's last drops of warmth right from the tap
A local transgender man be seething unironically and shitposting! You love to see it!
>beat her pre-nerf, shitty meme boss. YWNBAW
>beat her with pre-nerf Hoarfrost, pre-nerf mimic, bleed bug and a myriad of busted other shit still in the game
I see, user.
Morgott is a better character and boss, and I'm not even one of his fanboys. I'd argue even his voice actor did a better job than Malenia's even though it might be because he had way more lines to work with. Everything about Malenia including the letmesoloher faggotry just feels so forced, much like how in the fight itself you basically only need to worry about 2 moves, one for each phase, because without those she's very much a pushover. And even then if you have the right builds you can just bleed her to death before she even gets to use them.
1.04 seems to have stealth buffed her, she now doesn't stagger as much and can do her "get off me you cunt" twirl much sooner during your attack chain than before, people also said that she now also heals from hitting thin air but I don't think I experienced it during my last NG+ fight against her.
>Morgottfag jumps in Malenia's thread just to seethe
>she now doesn't stagger as much and can do her "get off me you cunt" twirl much sooner during your attack chain than before
She did that before 1.04. Welcome to why she's a shit boss, whether she chains together 5 combo strings with 0 down time and infinite poise or whether she gets stagger locked or whether she hard skill checks you with waterfowl 4 times in one phase is all RNG.
>Shit character
Pretty much this, for all that pre-release footage, all we get is a retarded shotabrocon. Atleast Millicent is cool and even she shit-talks Malenia
Radahnfag please, she's highly sympathetic to Malenia and her entire quest (before she randomly dies) is to meet her and restore her to the person she used to be
Why would I care about some overgrown simp for another man
>The dignity, the sense of self, that allowed her to resist the call of the scarlet rot. The pride she abandoned, to meet Radahn's measure
>That if I am to flower into something other than myself, I would rather rot into nothingness as I am.
Literally just better Malenia
Radahn was a dumb faggot manbaby, and Malenia still needed to bitch out and scarlet nuke the place to not get slapped by him. She's also as dead as he is in my world. Deal with it simp.
Did you miss the line before that saying how she wishes to return that pride? I don't really see how this is shit-talking, the needle you get reiterates Millicent's desire to restore Malenia back to her original self.
Isn’t that millicents cut content lines?
She doesn't have anyone to care about. No little bro Jesus who's arguably the most "good" character in ER. Ofc it's easy for her to
>lmao I guess I'll just die (which is ofc poorly written due to cut content)
Her scarlet rot isn't that bad. She doesn't even know what she is. She is also probably realizing that Gowry is manipulating her. Millicent is bae but her situation is very different.
>Did you miss the line before that saying how she wishes to return that pride?
You mean the thing she doesn't do? And the shit talk is in the second line I quoted where she would rather rot and die than flower like Malenia did
>>I am Malenia, Sword of Miquella.
True. Rotussies be tragic fr fr
We must protect rotussies at all cost
>She doesn't have anyone to care about
Considering she cares enough about (You) to not want to see her wither and die she obviously does.
>little bro Jesus
This is where you cite cut content and try to act like it's canon
But Malenia still maintains some degree of sense of self even after her phase change, what Gowry planned to do would change her into a literal monster
Yeah at the very end of your quest together. She cares about random stranger who did 95% of the work for her, brought the needle, new arm, killed her sisters.
It's not the same.
>Miquella's whole Haligtree plan about saving different races, telling outer gods to fuck off and cure Malenia scarlet rot is cut content and or not canon
Ok. There is nothing to talk about I guess.
And how many of those did he succeed at?
>moving goalposts this blatantly
Cool. You can stop your lorelet shitposting now, clown, last (You).
You're just going to have wait for the dlcs fags
They completely gutted 5 miquella and malenia related questlines right before release and doubt that was unintentional.
I like Malenia's fight and lore but with how they handled her I ended up liking Millicent more as a character and it's a shame because they really should have been the same character.
I had to dig very hard into the lore to find out they weren't hitler and its also a shame that Radahns lore Is nigh non-existant as he is very cool. Oh. I also hate Ranni.
This is now a Melina thread.
Honestly a shit character
Why are normalfags hyping her up?
Is it muh difficultee meme?
>people STILL confuse Malenia and Melina
Why the fuck does she attack you?
who has the best feet in elden ring?
You've killed everyone. You must be stopped.
>Oh. I also hate Ranni.
Based lol.
user, that was in relation to the Jesus analogy. I'm sure if you said Jesus failed in all his goals you'd be wrong
I don't have a picture but ELDEN BEAST is a very serious contender.
i thought this was a morrowind argonian for a second
>no Miquella necklace
Why even live...
Read OP:
>ywn hug Miquella
>has eyes
>has both legs
>face isn't fucked up by rot yet
How did the rot get so bad?
You're a tarnished
and everyone knows tarnished sole purpose in life is to become elden lord
to become elden lord you must collect the pieces of the elden ring
which she has
so she assumes you have come to take her shit and kill her
Time. A lot of time.
Also blooming only accelerates the process.
>First bloom is against Radhann
>Third bloom is against a Tarnished that is becoming Elden Lots
>Second Bloom is in a random room for no apparent reason
Did I miss something?
I liked Morgott a lot too. His first and third encounter are probably my favourite boss fights and he was also one of the most vocal characters. I kinda of felt this game was really super easy and I didn't even use cheese items.
I am convinced that the reason people hate the Malenia fight and maybe her character is simply because they are just flat out shit at the game.
>whether she chains together 5 combo string
She is one of the fairest and most punishable bosses outside of waterfowl, healing mechanic balances that out and forces you to actually learn her fight.
>with 0 down time and infinite poise
Just wrong
Can be dodged pointblank if you don't have a learning disability or relied on summons to tank the bosses fro you the whole game.
She's one of the few good bosses that made i through in this nerfed-for-openworld-normalfags souls game, half the bosses felt like cinematics.
cut content
cunny Malenia...
hold me...
I'm about to commit Cardinal Sin...
Clown feet
>so she assumes you have come to take her shit and kill her
Why didn't the Tarnished just say "I'm trying to save Miquella, and I have no interest in taking your Rune."
Your asshole! It's blossoming open, like an aeonian lily in full bloom!
because they stopped worrying about establishing clear context for boss fights after dark souls 1 lol
>red hair
What's next on the list of Miyazaki's fetishes?
True true that's pretty true
Second Bloom in a side room could be hers. Because she transforms into a "Goddess of Rot" (boss name changes) in her 2nd phase against Tarnished.
And according to Scarlet Aeonia spell
>Each time the scarlet flower blooms, Malenia's rot advances.
>It has bloomed twice already.
>With the third bloom, she will become a
true goddess.
You only get this spell AFTER defeating Malenia. Description says she WILL become a true goddess.
Also if she became a rot goddess why the fuck one more giant scarlet rot flower would appear after her fight?
Also near the "second" random bloom you find Traveler's Clothes.
>Light yet sturdy clothes.
>Worn by young women who set off into the world to confront their fate.
Worn by Melina and Millicent. And it's highly likely not Malenia's. Why would she even wear that?
But seriously we don't know shit for certain.
I hope lolis.
She was wearing the same flower crown with Marika hugging the twins in Loretta boss room statue.
So that's why her remembrance said her rune would have been the most sacred, Marika intended to give Malenia the throne?
Didn't realize it was a full on embrace, that's kinda sweet. Don't see why the twins would build this statue if they didn't have a good relationship with Marika, she probably genuinely loved them despite their respective flaws.
How did the Rot God even "get inside" Malenia? Was it basically just random?