And why all the people who still play it are RETARDED BRAINDEAD NOOBS THAT KEEP FOCUSING THE TANK?

This game is so much more creative and fun than LoL yet the community plays like shit and Blizzard completly abandoned it.

Attached: Anduin x Varian.png (1916x1080, 2.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>This game is so much more creative and fun than LoL
the bar is so so low

Idiot, if nobody else is in range, I'm gonna poke the tank. This is not "focusing the tank".
There's times to kill the tank too. Usually punishing their overextension.

Focusing the tank is the right play for most assassins. Forcing a shitty tank who exposes themselves to free damage out of a fight is extremely useful.

>want to try it
>100+ heroes
>1 hero is 1.000.000 fun points
>you get 10 fun points per match
yeah no thanks, dunno why the heroes are gatekeeped when the money come from skins and smurfs.


Or you see a fucking Sylvanas and Hanzo dealing a shitload of damage to your team and instead of killing them YOU FOCUS ON A 4K HEALTH DEATHWING?

>Focusing the tank is the right play for most assassins.

You have to be trolling. The whole point of assassins is that they ASSASSINATE. They need to use their skills, be it a dash, invisibility, etc to kill the weak glass canons on the backline. You go with Lunara to focus a Jaina, you don't keep hitting the Arthas healing himself with ultimate while enemy Jaina kills your whole team.

>Or you see a fucking Sylvanas and Hanzo dealing a shitload of damage to your team and instead of killing them YOU FOCUS ON A 4K HEALTH DEATHWING?
This is a hideously bad example. Yes, I'm going to slapbox the dragon with shitty ins and outs over trying to dive the two hypermobile assassins who can escape literally anything.

both this and LoL suck shit

>Yes, I'm going to slapbox the dragon with shitty ins and outs over trying to dive the two hypermobile assassins who can escape literally anything.

Enjoy losing then, noob. Have fun when Sylvanas and Hanzo kills your whole team and Deathwing just flies away.

>omg mocus forales
stay bronze sweaty

> noooo leave Morales alone! you need to hit the 999k HP Diablo!!!!! Just let Morales insta heal him back to full health!!

It's dead since Blizzard pulled all support for it. The last hero they put out was in 2020, and at that point they had only released 2 heroes in 2020 at all. They went from a hero every couple months to going 15 months without one.

Also Actiblizz is just a terrible company and I know even though I had hundreds of hours in HotS, I just got tired and uninstalled and have no desire to reinstall it.

Oh the irony. Please stay away from the game, for the sake of your teammates.

>just ignore the tank disrupting our entire team, attacking tanks is forbidden
stay bronze

If Deathwing's retreated, he's effectively "dead" because you're not seeing him again for another 40 seconds, just like any other dead hero. Cause he can't heal.
Meanwhile, now Hanzo and Sylvanas don't have room to safely poke and they got to scurry away too.
I've played more HotS than you. Deathwing is not a tank.

Tanks don't disrupt shit. They literally have zero damage.

That is the right play. Drathwing can deal absolutely devestating area damage but also can be forced to back off quickly since he can't be healed. Furthermore he has a difficult time re-engaging properly since every plater you remove makes him that much easier to kill.
Shredding a Deathwing who can wreck your lane if left alive is better than focusing two somewhat annoying assassins who will drag you out of the fight and displace you.

You've been 100-0'd by Muradin more times than you can count and you know it.


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user please.

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Post Alexstrasza already

anonymous user, i...

>OP still mocuses forales in 2022
Lmao. LoL, even
Anyways fuck all Nazniggers and Azmoniggers. "Bro just let me stack to 20 and then we win for sure!", fucking Alex does that better. Even TLV bring double the value and they aren't even present for fights until they get 13/16.

>Mah assassin's should focus other assassin's divine right into 5 enemies with theirs movement abilities and not dying because.... because I SAID SO.

Yes I do love playing my game of stacking numbers in quest and simultaneously pushing lane, how could you tell?

former Rank 1/Master here
because the matchmaking was complete dogshit
>here you go Mr. Master, take these three bronze guys and this diamond player
>vs a team of platinum players
>you balance out the three bronzies XD
frustrating for everyone involved except the enemy team enjoying an easy win.
Then Blizzard abandoned the game anyways so fuck them. I'd rather die than reinstall the Blizz launcher for any reason. Fuck that SJW shithole company.

Azmodaniel is fine though, he can stack in the middle of a fight while his lieutenant sips some XP in a forgotten lane. Admittedly, you absolutely have to take the AoE+stacks on E talent to make that work, but it's a decent talent anyway.
Nazeebo has no excuse though, unless he is literally psychic with his walls.

Sleep now.


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By having to carry your ass throughout the first 19lvls just for you to get caught out and nuked

That's probably because there were no players to match you with anymore.
I played this years ago before the big changes to progression and lootboxes and it was fine, tried to see what the game was like a few months ago and the matchmaking felt completely fucked.

Why are all straight men pedophiles?

>“Why is anything made by Blizzard dead?“
To put it simply: None of the people that made any of the good games from Blizzard still work there.
Why anyone actually expects good things from them at this point is honestly fucking baffling.

Play Dota.

well said user

there was still Grandmaster above me, but I guess that was only 100 people or whatever.
Shit was miserable, and I know a lot of people quit over the matchmaking.

>Or you see a fucking Sylvanas and Hanzo dealing a shitload of damage to your team and instead of killing them YOU FOCUS ON A 4K HEALTH DEATHWING?
Why is a single teammate getting in a 3v1 fight?
If I can target the deathwing and get them to back off or retreat, I will. Deathwing specifically doesn't gain anything from the anduin.


Dropped when they fucked invicibility

>Used to main Illidan
>Got nerfed into the ground then nerfed again 6 feet under
>They add overpowered hero(s)
>Main Diablo
>Get nerfed into the ground
>They add overpowered hero(s)
>Main Raynor
>Get nerfed into the ground
>They add overpowered hero(s)
Uninstalled and never looked back.

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HOTS is only still somewhat fun because it hasn't been touched for so long by the dregs that are left at Blizzard, if for some reason they ever get handsy with it again it'll get worse.

Stop playing overpowered heroes you crutchshitter.

Even a casual player like me can spot Novas on the run and gank them now, but RIP Valeera.

Just play vs the AI to pass the time.

because they literally pulled the plug on it at a blizzcon right after their little tournament. not just the esports got gutted, but so did the dev team, all shuffled off to shitty diablo projects which made them quit. how fucking embarrassing.

I didn't, that's the problem. Everytime they nerfed the hero I wanted to play as they would also added a new overpowered hero. I got tired of it.

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>Level 100
That means that you, at most, have played a maximum of 25 heroes and probably 200-300 games. And you still can't understand basic mechanics because you insist on playing it like DotA/LoL.

Keep this in mind when playing HotS. A bad idea executed by entire team will almost always have a better outcome than a good idea executed by just yourself.

Get yourself a team that you can talk to via voice. Most of the frustration goes away.

I do agree that most of the people who are still playing are fucking mouth breathers. I quit when they gave up on eSports and basically told players to get fucked.

My main used to be Abathur. He's still my most played hero (>150 games) even though I haven't played him since like 2019. They changed his playstyle to suit shitters who haven't touched an RTS ever.

It's a shit game that's a copy of a copy of a game they let slip through their fingers.
No weight to characters' movement, like playing Mario on ice levels every game.
Characters built around PvP, meanwhile every map built around PvE objective control.
Both sides of fight have a healer? Guess we'll just keep going until one of the healers misclicks.
New heroes are a gorillian ebuckz, bullshit random loot system turns game in daily chores.
>people who still play it
See how you answered your own question?

It was a 4th rate game that refused to deliver on it's one gimmick (Blizz IP PvP) in a reasonable fashion. Nobody wanted to play poorly-designed C-lister PvE.

still better than LoL and Dota

I miss playing Garrosh. Played pretty much everyone for a while but there's nothing like fucking shit up with Garrosh. I mostly played him as an ambush/counter-ambush bruiser roaming a little bit away from the main force though if we had someone else to tank and protect frail niggas. Second place is probably Medivh because it's fun to fuck with the enemy team and then flying away when they lose you while giving yours great survival and mobility(and time stop for get out of jail free card if fight goes bad or to cap something).


There really is no middleground with medivh. You either get a galaxy brain portal master or a brainlet pidgeon.

Abathur and everyone who mains him should be killed and have their seed wiped from the earth.

Malganis is one of the easiest tanks to kill. Only easier one to kill is Arthas. Example, if you have Garrosh and Stukov, Garrosh can chuck Malg into a Stukov puddle, Garrosh uses decimate to slow him and Malganis has 4+ seconds where he can't escape and is now in the middle of the enemy team.

Funnily enough, they keep reworking old heroes to not be shit. Rehgar went from underpowered and useless to overpowered as fuck to "good." It effectively added another hero to the pool without making a new one.

Bullshit. I quit HoTS and played DoTA. I am having way more fun in Dotes because the majority of the time the players are competent and it's possible to make up for any lack of effort or skill from a teammate. I climbed from herald to Legend 2 and hopefully will continue to climb.

HoTS is fucking garbage. Oh my god, the playerbase is the most awful low-skill trash I have ever witnessed in any game and in each match it forces you to depend on your teammates completely to the point that carrying is all but impossible.

So you're upset that a team based game is having you play with a team to proceed?

Overwatch heroes killed the game by being far too mobile and gank focused. It eliminated all form of strategy.

>no mention of actual gameplay differences

I do sometimes wonder if Blizzard regretted putting in Morales, when Mercy would have been more popular, and Nova instead of Widowmaker.
>nova has a widowmaker skin
I know, and its not that great

Oh and honorable mention to storm hammer Murdain to nuke shit while being impossible to kill.

For me it was the annoyance factor. I still used portals a lot even just to get people around faster but wouldn't say I was a galaxy brain portal master. My Medivh cocaine was running away, coming back to shoot that Q, running away again and just wasting time and maybe even killing somebody like that. The best feeling was with enemies diving you ignoring everything else while their team is getting raped and just NOPEing out of there anyway. Well that and getting those perfect shields to block everything.

Focusing a tank isn't a problem really. Usually people attacking someone who is in a safe range. This is bad positioning.

Morales and Nova both have skins in Starcraft 2. Its an easy port.

He used to be much more useful before the revamp.

Dotes and LoL are also team-based games. Why aren't I upset at them?
HoTS has fun heroes but the system of its play and the lack of any way to educate the playerbase made it an awful experience.

Dotes has fun heroes and a classic fun gameplay.

Been awhile since I played, but I believe you get a bunch of shit for leveling up, plus leveling characters, plus daily shit. Wasn't too bad for the first handful of characters. Tedious if you want all characters all the time.

>Why aren't I upset at them?
Because you have an easier time of convincing yourself that it wasn't your fault you lost.

>Only easier one to kill is Arthas.
Only if you're magic. If you're physical, you're not killing shit.

HotS is dead because they nerfed sylv and zagaara

Dotes and LoL you can carry as a singular individual more due to scaling as an individual vs scaling as a team.

Recently-ish, like last year, they introduced a hero bundle which is like 30 heroes or something for 100 gems(real life money). You get more than that getting to level 10.

Except when I lose in DoTA I recognize my faults and try to improve. Stop projecting.
HoTs is garbage.

HotS economy was fair and generous when you got a bunch of them at the end of every season. I got every hero for free and still have enough to spare for at least two (helped by hero development no longer being a thing lmao).
Once they changed season rewards to these tiers based on wins alone, your potential gold plummeted. I wouldn’t want to be a new F2P player today.

Naw, Arthas gets destroyed by ranged. Doesn't matter if its ranged or physical. He has little to no self sustain vs ranged or blinds. Any amount of focus will kill him as he either has no armor or shitty armor and no temp HP as well as no escape.