Motivation to finish the game crumbles

>motivation to finish the game crumbles

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Zanzibart, forgive me

Wait until you get to crumbling faurm azula.

Making bread. Gonna get this at some point this year, tho

For me it was Farum Azula.

>erdtree avatar duo
>deathrite bird
>commander niall
I'm tired boss

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>commander niall

I've just reached this area myself. This boss sucked. The duo was cool, I wasn't expecting it to clone itself. Still rekt him, after fighting so many of them at this point.

You can quit but you got filtered

im not quiting, ill finish it later when i feel like falling asleep

imma be honest, I don't even try with Niall. I just go to that little roof area and snipe him with arrows outside his arena

That place was fun and awesome

Niall is one of the easiest bosses he has very low hp. You guys fucking suck

yeah, if it wasn't trash the place could be fun and awesome


>Let's make the fat old man from Caelid, but now he can do a bunch of cartoon flips with shockwaves that do over 1500 damage.
I spent a full day putting my sign down and effortlessly Azur Blasting open Niall's fat old asshole just so other people didn't have to deal with him.

>intfags having problems with mere easy boss
not surprised.

>Boss was easy, but I'm going to whine about it being easily beaten.
You're probably one of the ppl that summoned me.

>discoverd all the limgrave
>all caleid
>bit of Kermit castle (forgot his name)
>lvl 38 confessor, decent build
>heading to the south
>decide to delete everything and play again from the botom
>loose interest
help me Yea Forumsros

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>put any shield with parry in your left hand
there, he's a joke now.
and I never summon, especially intniggers.

>Got to this area
>Was relying heavily on frost/bleed/magic build.
>Everything is resistant to frost and magic.

Had to switch to fire/lighting

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Farum actually got me excited to play again. Until Maliketh, at least. Really cool area, not as cancer as Snowfield or Haligtree

You forgot the Zamor Village, which entirely consists of a dozen copies of an Evergaol boss you fought in the Limgrave/Mistwood area.

Commander Niall is one of the most honest "multiple enemy" bosses in the game.
>approaches slowly and passively when he summons 2 knights
>one Knight is aggressive and runs at you, other one approaches you slowly to give you time to take out the first
>Commander Niall starts fighting for real when he reaches a certain amount of HP

>Didn't expect weak foe...

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are you retarded?

That’s been decent again and got me motivated.

Honestly Niall 2 would probably an interesting fight if it happened earlier but at that point I just stopped giving a fuck and just summoned, especially since they put an elevator run back. Everything is so low effort. More dogs, crows and giants randomly placed everywhere with tanky hps for no reason. Don't forget the ice lake dragon too which will also frost stun lock / one shoot you if you're on horseback.

You sound retarded

Didn't ask, don't care.

>commander niall
You know you have summons too right?

I honestly thought he had a bunch of summons or something for how much hate he gets, but the measly 2 knights die seconds into the fight since they're not even stronger than normal.

Definitely retarded.

whats the problem?

Why is that zone so disliked anyways? I only found it to be a bit light on content compared to the rest.


Keep posting this ubicuck, maybe one day it will be funny

I liked ER but it's really time to move on.
The game isn't anything special and your recent experiences and encounters have already been experienced by 100s of thousands of other people.

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help me

What's killed me is that I only just started this area, and now I've found a portal to the kingdom of blood or whatever.

I'll always be impressed by just how massive the game is, but I feel like I've hit the point where I just want to finish an environment without stumbling onto an elevator that leads me to another dozen optional dungeons.

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It's lazy, empty and with only recycled enemies, devoid of any interesting designs or encounters combined with late game burn out

It's a snow area so it's automatically kino.

I didn't understand what was bad about the Giant Tops or Farum Azula, is it just because it recycles enemies/bosses? There are new enemies as well so I don't see how it differs from any other area in the game?

This but Luirna

Swamp, endless SWAMP. fuck off outdoor sewer level garbage

It's one of the largest zones in the game while also being very sparsely populated with content and comparatively uninteresting visually. I liked it but I can see why it'd be a drag on a lot of players.

Most people hit burnout phase by that point and everything just pisses you off when you're in that mood. And those zones are pretty big but don't offer that much new stuff. Best way to combat it is to take a break for some time.

Snow is my favorite style of atmosphere for a game, but I feel like it needs some level of actual comfort to offset it to make it appealing. Even if it's just a single snug log cabin with a fire lit.

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Yeah, that about sums it up for me. By that point you've already thought that you were close to the climax by reaching the Erdtree and finishing the most interesting sidequests, just to have a detour that takes you to another big area with optional caves and dungeons filled with enemies and boss types that you've already seen.

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I definitely wouldn't say it drags, being less dense also means it's shorter.
I guess it's just about expectations.

>user...please f-forgive me...

they fixed the skip there, even less reason to replay the game

Hot Take: ignoring Zamor Ruins, Mountaintops of the Giants is pretty good. You just gotta ignore the last section right before Fire Giant (with the hands and snow trolls and big birds). It's Consecrated Snowfield which is shit. That area is the only area that I find just so boring.

>Commander Neil
>He summoned, I summoned
>both summon dies only us two
>parry the shit out of him
Battling him is fun for me.

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there's worse zones by far

not even the worst deathbird, soldier...

Why are zoomers such dramatic babies

It's just very uninspired is all. The best parts of it are the initial beginning and the Albinauric town, ie: everything obscured in a blizzard filled with ambushes. As soon as you reach the flame priest bridge however, or veer off to the left, it's fucking empty as hell. The dungeons there are tedious as fuck, especially my favorite one where the watchcats become a regular, respawning enemy for no reason. Then you get to the actual giant part of the mountaintop of the giants, and there's really only 12 or so giants, and the rest are those dumbass crows and hand monsters, yet again, which have zero reason to be there. There is an entire madness ruin filled with giants afflicted with madness, yet the dungeon below is Astel-themed. Castle Sol was cool initially, but there's like 12 people in it, it's like it was a fucking zoo in the past with all the fucking animals in it for also zero reason, he should have been named Commander Barnum.

Why do newfags not lurk before posting anymore?

Honestly it's more that the final areas are lazily designed. Mountaintop is just throwing mini boss enemies like those Giant trolls, birds, hands, assassins, dogs whatever in large empty areas and calling it a day. It was pretty tedious so I just skipped through everything since it's no longer new or exciting.

You can instantly get to lvl 38 bro. Just teleport to caelid and cheese the black knight. Then go to iji, he sells somber stones so you can instantly upgrade you somber weapon to +4. At that point you are ready for anythig up to leyndell.

Another great question for both you and op


how the fuck are you getting filtered by commander niall
how fucking bad at videogames are you guys

zoo is a good way i never thought of for describing ds2 enemy placement

That's not the capital

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