I seem to be an undead warrior and someone (i dont even know who) resurrects me and others and tells me to become elden lord. What qualifies me as an undead warrior to be Elden Lord? Fuck you and your questions, i specifically requested you to become elden lord. “Hey listen im gideon, im tough shit and I will only respect you if you go kill a demigod, which none of us have ever done before. ” Why do I need to kill any of these demigods? ” Anyway, Morgotts dead finally, but the door to the elden tree wont open.
But theyre not really looking or listening right now, so you do you, i dont gave a fuck, lol“ On a side note: Why does anyone think its wise to listen to literal fingers? Melina burns the elden tree. I dont know how and she still hasnt told me why she is doing any of this. Hm, i dont know. And whenever i dont know something, that usually means I just need to kill everyone.
Now lets go into the elden tree. Also, what does radagon have, that I dont?
I am the Elden Lord.
And yes, I played 100% of the game and did pretty much everything there is to do with the help of guides. I just focused on the main story for this post.
Elden Ring Lore
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you guys have a personality beyond your sexuality? Why all you can talk about is women and all you can post is porn?
>off model fanart
Rest in power GeneralButch
>What qualifies me as an undead warrior to be Elden Lord?
You're chock-full of grace.
>kill a demigod, which none of us have ever done before
Vyke got at least two
>Why do I need to kill any of these demigods?
Because it's time for them to go and a Tarnished to become Lord, just like how the gods took over after the dragons.
>Why does anyone think its wise to listen to literal fingers?
Because they perform miracles and are wise and verbose...at least they used to be, and Varre points out how they seem to be fucked up now.
You write like an ESL chimp and you think like one too.
I'm still very early on but I gather your compulsion to kill demigods is because of the grace your schizo ass is constantly seeing. You're one of the few people still being driven by grace so not only can you magically see where you need to go to gain power, it also just subconsciously drives you.
>You're chock-full of grace.
What qualifies me as an undead warrior to be Elden Lord? Any people integrated into the society that is supposed to be governed by that Elden Lord? Crazy right?) Who is Elden Lord now? Which society am I about to govern?
>Vyke got at least two
Why do I need to kill any of these demigods? No one tells me. Who is Vyke? I guess I am supposed to want morgotts job, but what is my beef with the other ones? Cryptic bullshit isn`t writing. Why do any of you think I can beat these demigods besides never having killed one yourself and clearly having no respect for me?
>Because it's time for them to go and a Tarnished to become Lord, just like how the gods took over after the dragons.
I dont know what it set out to do. This is was my first Fromsoft game and the marketing material was clearly trying to give the impression there is a story behind this
>Because they perform miracles and are wise and verbose...at least they used to be, and Varre points out how they seem to be fucked up now.
Sorry, but I cant follow that train of thought at all.
>You write like an ESL chimp and you think like one too.
I have read from many people who wish for better storytelling.
No they can't, on every thread retards will find a way to make it about women and sex, that's the coomer curse
fucking neck yourself, farquaadfag
you do the exact same shit, you're just mad you get banned for it
It's the internet and it's Yea Forums do you not realize how depraved people are? This board and forum as a whole is an excellent case study on what happens when you give humans an anonymous platform. They show how sick and depraved they really are as well as the notion that men only want one thing and it's to fuck a hole. Becuase in nature animals are the same way.
whats the point of maidens if fake maidens can burn erdtree or you can just burn it yourself?
>with the help of guides
if you actually paid attention you wouldn't need a guide and you'd understand the story retard
how can anyone care about this rehashed shit
Jokes on you, this is the only From game I've played aside from Sekiro so it's all new to me.
All Tarnished (who can still see Grace) are by definition qualified to become Elden Lord. That's why they're Tarnished. The Greater Will (or Marika?) recalled them to the Lands Between and gave them the guidance of Grace, hoping at least one would fight their way to become Elden Lord.
Rewatch the opening cutscene knowing this; it'll make more sense.
Also, you aren't in the first generation of Tarnished to reach the Lands Between. Most Tarnished have already given up hope (and lost Grace), and so are purposeless, or turn to different goals, like Rogier, Varre, Gideon, Bernahl, and Vyke.
I cannot get even close to beating these rock hard ladies but getting beaten by them is turning me on a great deal.
>the elden ring
>give it to me, tarnished
>turned on by rock hard ladies
low T beta male that never truly experienced puberty detected
I just like tough women. I'll never understand why some dudes are attracted to wide-faced asian women squealing like chipmunks.
>using an axe vs crystal enemies
moron. just equip a lvl 1 club and jump attack them to death.
See your really good at killing everyone.
So good that anyone who refuses to call you elden lord gets killed.
Hell even the people who call you lord die anyways cause you want their shirt.
Elden lord murderhobo.
That's not my screenshot, I use reduvia and catch fire. I don't think I have a blunt weapon I can actually equip.
What happened? Did he die?
Why do retards think everyone is undead? If you were D would murder you on the spot and you'd never be able to equip/use a whole school of magic.
u literally get resurrected at the start of the game, of course ur undead
An Elden Chad got tired of that subhuman and his mob of animals spamming Yea Forums with shitted pictures so he doxed the Indian faggot. Making him go into hiding to avoid getting tossed in jail since making pornography is a crime in his area.
So you D killed you on sight and never spoke to you? Weird, didn't happen in my game.
>So you D
based esl retard
I still don't understand how anybody in any of the souls games can be undead and they can infinitely respawn but the bosses don't.
It was always just a dumb cope to justify this shitty checkpoint system imo.
>ESL doesn't know what a typo is
Like pottery
That's funny but it also sucks. I like his stuff.
Hopefully he'll be able to move to a degenerate country like America.
>It was always just a dumb cope to justify this shitty checkpoint system imo.
Yes, but at least they try I suppose. Most games don't try, other shitty games retcon it later (WoW), the Souls series has always owned it
Here is something completely new.
I don't see what similarities the Fell God has to Jupiter/Zeus though.
It wouldn't have taken much more effort to give an official explaination, if they went this far already.
Like the bosses are special sinners who aren't able to resurrect or something like that, I don't know. I hate this lazy mysterious nonsense. Mystery is always a suretell sign of bad writing.
Why does everyone know who he was
>What qualifies me as an undead warrior to be Elden Lord?
Godfrey became Elden Lord by punching things really hard and power-bombing dragons. It's not a role requiring great nuanced understanding of geo-politics or whatever. A crown is warranted with strength.
>Why do I need to kill any of these demigods?
They're in your way and have the runes you need.
>Why does anyone think its wise to listen to literal fingers?
It unironically worked out very well for those who did listen, they got to be immortal gods of the golden age.
>what does Radagon have, that I don't?
He's Marika.
>generalbutch makes elden ring BLACKED shit
>instantly gets doxxed, deletes everything and vanishes from the face of the earth
FROMchads i kneel
wherz can i found blacked jutcher xhad deleted videos?
It's the underage hormones and no pussy.
this big chad right there. Please fuck our waifus I beg you AAAIIIEEEEE
There's a torrent floating around with all his shit sans the elden ring stuff.
Refrain from posting this awful "art" of my wife next time. Goes for the cuckshit spammer too, no one cared about him and he's gone.
your mission: found it for me!!!
Find it yourself. Search the /trash/ archives or some shit.
While GeneralButch did have some decent stuff, I will say he kinda had it coming since apparently in prior years, he was sending his own followers to harass other artists for not making blacked porn.
I get where he's coming from, but what comes around goes around
I honestly didn't find most of shit shit that interesting, he constantly went completely off model at which point why ever use established characters? And a lot of his scenes were kinda dull.
I don't know about any of that, I just like fat vidya bitches getting railed.
This. 90% of Yea Forums's catalog is fucking porn and pornbait these days. All you stupid fucks talk about is flavor of the month waifus and post porn of them. It's fucking annoying. Like holy fuck, just jerk your dick and get it over with. The worst part is that you guys don't even post good art, it's the most bottom of the barrel garbage you can find and it's indicative of how fucking shitty OPs taste is. Like look at this shit It's literally fucking shit. The face looks terrible, the model is poorly rigged, and the pose is stiff as fuck. This shit isn't even worth fucking saving.
It's mostly the fault of the website's shit as fuck moderation team though. Moot wouldn't have put up with this garbage, and hiroshima doesn't give a single fuck about this community at all as long as he gets his stupid fucking ad money. I see good threads taken down constantly, and see shitty threads like this one with an OP picture of a shittily drawn ass stay up all day/night.
The massive success of NieR Automata has been a fucking disaster because it proved to larger companies that games with mediocre gameplay can sell like crazy just because it's fapbait.
There used to be a time when I genuinely agreed that r*ddit was a worthless fucking website that stifled conversation, but now you can unironically find better threads and discussions on there because if you try and genuinely talk on Yea Forums, it's drowned out by people killing threads with porn, or threads being flooded with porn. Or people refusing to reply to you because they're too busy going "SAUCE" or "MOAR" to porn posts.
Fuck all of you and fuck this gay ass website.
God, there's not even a good Yea Forums alternative anymore. 8ch*n was fucking ruined by the schizos on their piece of shit /pol/ board.
Speaking of shit, this garbage website isn't letting me post this because it thinks its "spam"
>it's the most bottom of the barrel garbage you can find and it's indicative of how fucking shitty OPs taste is. Like look at this shit (You)(OP)
>It's literally fucking shit. The face looks terrible, the model is poorly rigged, and the pose is stiff as fuck. This shit isn't even worth fucking saving.
OP here, it is purposefully like that as to still serve it's purpose to get the click (because otherwise threads will die instantly) but not getting overrun with porndumps because it's not actually a good image. It's the most effective way of having a discussion on here.
who gives a fuck. If it makes the normalfags/tourists/redditdiscordtrannies/safespacenicheggers leaves. then it's good long live coomers
>these days
Zanzibart, I...
>dominos pizza with pepperoni
The only people the mods need to get rid of are the cuckshit spammers like 596906287, 596895342, etc. They're worthless lowlifes that ruin threads e
with their off topic spam.
it started in 2015
>wasn’t even blacked the guy was just black and the seethed
Post your work tranny
Nigger If I wanted to do shit for free I'd become a janny
I can give you a reward...
If you are leveling DEX for that, then try the flail. It's 10 STR and 18 DEX.