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i hate french

muslim country within the decade

Mad how the frog don't care about being replaced by low IQ barbarians.

>i hate french

2 more weeks

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French citizens are legit dumber than US citizens. Macron has spend the last 5 years ruining their lives and they still elected him again. Meanwhile americans were smart enough to kick out Trump from the White House after 4 years.

damn so just 2 more years till we get Dota international? cool

Today I will remind them

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>i hate french
>muslim country within the decade
>Mad how the frog don't care about being replaced by low IQ barbarians.
>French citizens are legit dumber than US citizens. Macron has spend the last 5 years ruining their lives and they still elected him again. Meanwhile americans were smart enough to kick out Trump from the White House after 4 years.

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>Meanwhile americans were smart enough to kick out Trump from the White House after 4 years.
look how that turned out

I was under the impression that penn was just the french version of trump, russian insider shit included.


do muslim people even play video games? i think they are too busy raping white woman and bombing places

The frogs really reelected this shitter, even after how disgustingly weak he's been with Putin

arent you brown

the meltdown when the repubs lose again in 2024 is going to be amazing.

Lol yuromutt

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guarantee you that twitter account is run by an incel lol

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hello fellow goys

Im happy, the sooner europe falls to islam and sharia the sooner the rest of the world wakes up

>the child is the only one that doesnt look like an inbred freak

>he only needed several hundred thousand illegal immigrant votes to win

Really makes you think.....

Hope he nukes himself

you gonna storm the capitol again?

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I legit think all of these right wing posters are either brain damaged or just false flags made to LOOK brain damaged to put people off from thinking outside of prescribed opinions. I struggle to comprehend that there can be people that stupid.

literally 9/11. I was crying when i saw the terrorist storm the capital

>le Yea Forums activist

How they are gonna lose? because the dem candidate will be someone like Buttgay? Kamalah? Creepy joey again?

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>rightwinger is a stalker
lol figures.

That's just being pure blooded bong.

>t. will get drafted next month and die for his leader in some shithole
kek keep seething vatnik


Who's gonna tell him?

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Dems are sure gonna do it after Musk buys Twitter and brings Trump back, so the SJWs will beg daddy joey to stop that.

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outbreeding depression

if they let trump back on twitter, it'll make him look like a little bitch who needed daddy musk to save him lmao

Actually i feel that the russian troops will take the country to save it from the sandnigger hordes

>french anons waking up and realizing they have to side with bunkerchan trannies for the next five years

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>fight there by your own decision
>probably get paid 10-20k a month

>be russian
>have to fight
>get 100$ a month
>if you die people will just leave you there
holy kek

if your leftist im sorry but your retarded

don't alt right niggers hate trump because he is pro vaccine?

shalom fellow magachad

I'm uneducated in politics, is this really the reason why he won? Because he's soft on immigrants so they all vote for him to benefit themselves?

hes anti mandate

>die in ukraine
>your family gets $300 and a bag of potatoes

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>bunkerchan tranny stopped posting images because of the archive

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no. it was vote for him or the pro-russian crazy old woman.

it's funny because you cry over trannies that only exist in your head lol

he pretty much had done the same shit that he acussed le pen of planning to do, minus protecting french people ofc from the goatfuckers

>macuck wins
>the EU immediately cucks out and agrees to pay russian gas in rubles
Really makes you think

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You're posting here though?

French are fucking fags. Macaron literally fucked over the poors with taxes and nigger migrants; then proceeded to say he wanted to torture the unvaxxed. Gets voted back in. Burn frogs.

and yet the amerigoylems keep sending them money lmao

>durrr nazis good wrong people won ww2 because PoC exist in europe
bro if axis won nazis would take over the world and slaughter everyone that's not a pure german and when the only humans left on earth are pure germans they'd inbred until the entire planet was nothing but blonde hair blue eyed "pure" germans that's a lot worse than your country being browner or having some muslims instead of being extinct and murdered.

>>the EU immediately cucks out and agrees to pay russian gas in rubles
any source on that, that isn't from pol, oh wait.

why bring up nazis (who were leftoids) for no reason?

No? Are you retarded? Persians were allied with Germany.

their cities will get the denazification treatment and their daugthers and mothers will be raped by the BIG RVSSIAN COCK.
screencap this

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Thats not how genetics work.

>then proceeded to say he wanted to torture the unvaxxed
what's the problem with this?

How is he going to stop dotards from lynching niggers during downtimes

> 24th of April
> Go to the polling place
> Patiently wait in line
> Give my voter registration card and my ID Card
> Vote N°2
> Sign and take my cards
> Very cordial with the hosts
> Walks out
> Stop at the door
> Turn back and yell at the entire room "J'ai voté Marine Le Pen et je vous emmerde !"
We're going to spend five more years with that fils de pute only good at getting his cock sucked by boomers, but at least I'll be able to laugh about that day.

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>does it on the way out
lmao what a pussy. no wonder your country lost every war it's been in.

Massive cope, for a massive pussy.
It fits, I imagine.

r*ssians can't even take a random city in Ukraine

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Unironically Macron seems more hardline on that shit than Le Pen does
Didn't he also ban American tranny propaganda too?
He's still a complete homo EU cocksucker, but Le Pen is totally compromised anyway

Leftists voted Macron.
Lepen was an infinitely better choice, because her economic program was closer to theirs, and it would have been waaaay easier to counter her bullshit.
They valued muslims feelings above their own future.
They deserve Macron at full power, they made him elected. They're presenting themselves as the biggest opposition...to the guy they elected.
Leftists are traitors and the biggest enemies of the country and its people.

yeah, it's a shame Macron's a bulletproof immortal

that makes me wonder, why she run again in the next election and she will be finally able to win or we should start looking forward for Zemmour instead.

>/g/ and Yea Forums

thx phone.

You're retarded, no wonder you're a Muslim cocksucker

She said that would be her last election.

I have a theory where she doesn't want to be a president at all actually, and as the time passes, I think I'm close to the truth.

>bro if axis won nazis would take over the world and slaughter everyone that's not a pure german

don't believe what you read about politics on fucking Yea Forums you dumb fuck

So, Zemmour then, since she appealing to commies and getting softer didnt worked

Not the same filename retard

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Zemmour did 7 percent, and the dude has only a fraction of the credibility of Le Pen, which she doesn't have much to begin with.
That party is done.