Castle Dimitrescu... home...
Castle Dimitrescu... home
>He is needed for the ceremony so treat him well
>you will allow Ethan Winters to sleep in any room he wants in the castle
>he must ingest a bottle of your most prized wine before I arrive
>no your daughters may not "have some fun with him"
>if I find out any one of them has touched him there will be dire consequences
>see you soon, and remember from whence you came
>remember from whence you came
Unironically. All mold enjoyers should pay tribute to mother Miranda
>saves the Lords from the brink of death
>lets them be immortal for 70+ years
>they are treated as gods by the local villagers
>they still act bitter all the time
Ungrateful wretches.
Begone Diaperfag. I like Chainsawman and would rather you not ruin it for other people.
For like an hour, lol.
>Hotel Transylvania but its Hotel Dimitrescu instead
Lady D would obviously be Dracula but who plays Mavis?
>he didn't stand still for ten minutes in every room of the castle to take in the ambience and study every detail
You didn't play the section properly.
csm will destroy RE
>he didn't get the alternate ending where you willingly becoming the house pet
Did you even play the game bro?
>it's the middle of July
>you wake up from the sound of the waterfall nearby, the sun is warm, the mansion isn't moist any more as it used to be during winter
>you can smell something from the stairs, Donna might be cooking pastries, she does it very well
>you go down and see her, without that black garb covering her face, it looks sweet and peaceful in the hot lights of the sun
>she notices you and welcomes with an even hotter kiss, accidentally smudging your face with cooking powder form her hands
>it's almost done, you decide to open up a bottle of red wine, penne carbonara is already on the table, you already know it's delicious, as always, maybe you will have some tea later
>in the afternoon you will have some work fixing that old part of the house, it's almost finished
>then the sun slowly goes down, it's Donna's favorite time, because you both enjoy spending a chill evening together on the terrace on the comfy bench you made during spring, with Donna and Angie sleeping beside under a soft blanket that covers all three of you
>the sky is dark and the stars are so bright
>one is falling, it's time to make a wish, but your eyes are closed, you didn't catch it, neither did she
>you don't need a wish
>you are already happy
>stay on the hooks
>Lady D comes back and lets (You) down
>apologizes and says Mother Miranda wants you to be treated as a guest
>she gives you a grand tour of the castle
>has dinner with you with her daughters acting as waitresses
>shows you the baby flask and says only Miranda can put Rose back together
>overall have good time
Man, CAPCOM really copied Far Cry 4 with that secret ending.
So, now that the Ethan card can't be played anymore, what is Chris' next plan to secure the future of the Redfield bloodline?
You have to fix her first to have all that, and Donna might be too broken to be saved.. how will you do it?
>I'll be an uncle even if i must become a father to do so.
>donnfag skips her best features
>she's a literal schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder that has hallucination powers
>one of those personalities is brat and a prankster
>imagine getting pranked by her then her softer personality begs to be spanked out of guilt
>personality switching during sex or just eating dinner
No, just turn her into a generic timid anime waifu.
She only needs to know she is loved
>Miranda arrives at the castle up
>she says she was trying to get pregnant before fucking Redfield showed up and shot her seven times in the womb
>wants to try again and offers to spare wife and child
>agree or fight?
Man, what a decision to make. It was cool of CAPCOM to bring back the choice system from RE7 in a neat way.
Donna is better when she's a nutjob with the power to drive people crazy. That way loving her will always be exciting since she makes you earn it by fighting nightmare visions she beams straight into your head.
How would you deal with her schizophrenia?
Have sex, chaincel.
This is what happens when Donnafags fall in love with a fucking painting and not the actual character.
Aquire maturity
Donna is a sad sad character, you can't help but feel bad for her
Why doesnt she just fuck Redfield? She could even morph into Jill to get him going
Anyone seen signed print user lately?
Reading that gave me second hand embarrassment
Has the artist done more?
Nowhere to be found
>game's fanbase is comprised of mommyfags
She's FUCKIN CRAZY. You basically have to spend years being her friend and psychiatrist before romance and sex is viable. Try to force things too early and she'll end maiming or killing you same as she did that gardner who made her horny.
My wife Alcina is so cute
At least it was, until i spanked Lady Dimitrescu in the ass with a flyswatter.
Cute Dani, haven't seen that one before.
I miss his rants. Chaincel is a pretty poor substitute.
Donna and Angie
Only a Mold Man can impregnate a Mold Woman. Ethan broke the rules somehow by having a baby with Mia which is why Miranda stayed with him for a few days instead of grabbing Rose and running within 24 hours. It's interesting how Chris specifically shot Miaranda in the womb only. Also right after that Miranda went insane and had everyone killed under her.
>I shall not contribute to thread
>instead I'll complain the whole time
Lazy faggot.
oh well.
The daughters?
you got three mavis...triple the fun!
you just know
>shut-in who is super anti-social = Mavis
>Not Dani who's actually looking for love
>Not Bela who's chatty and smart enough to know she's wasting her talents rotting away in the castle
Nice try, Donnafag.
>Caring about Bloodlines
>When the Moldlines is the next step
Cant wait for RE9 be about Rose and his partner Luong Kennedy,Leon and Ada son
What would be the point? she wants a mold child and Ethan is literally a mold man
Plus Redfield's dick don't work no more due to steroids abuse.
Nice new pics of best couple...this thread is promising
>Ethan broke the rules somehow by having a baby with Mia
Mia is also made of mold, she died in RE7 too. Ethan killed her during her boss fight. Why does everyone forget that?
>if Rose doenst have accelerated aging she could partner up with Sherry Birkin's son
>Claire Redfield had a son with some rando during the events of RE7+RE8
>Redfield and Moldline combine
Make it happen, CAPCOM
>based daughterchad MOGGING a fan of a lesser waifu
The weak must fear the strong.
Mia was infected when alive, never died only got downed everytime Ethan fought her, and then got fully cured later. Ethan got his skull caved in by Jack then the Mold brought him back from the brink of death which turned him into a Mold Man the same way the Lords were saved from the brink of death by Cadou and Miranda by the Megamycete after attempting suicide in the mountains. I don't make the rules, CAPCOM does. So bitch to them if you got a problem with that.
the daughters are genuinely disgusting. They did a good job of taking "pretty" looking women and making them into gross monsters.
>Castle Dimitrescu... home...
Hahaha that places always give me this vibes...
>the same way the Lords were saved from the brink of death by Cadou
Was this ever stated or confirmed? I thought Miranda just experimented on villagers and the ones who didn't turn into lycans ended up as her lords. I don't remember anything about her saving them from the brink of death.
she looks so happy...
The game kind of sucked though, I've been a fan for years but it's really not that great. It needed a year or two more of development desu.
Low test
I always assumed the cure just reversed the mold efects for Mia
Is it really over for Christopher?
I agree with Moreau second, and to put some more enemies
Disagree with Donna, I think her section is very good and memorable precisely because it's a Visual Novel segment with no action, but she shouldn't be so close to the beginning, I'd move her section between the stronghold and the factory, as an intermission of sort
Lady D should have had a better boss fight, with a longer part and more interaction, having her Castle more mid game than from the start. Moreau with the mermaid shark enemies and not just a small puzzle/boss fight, more interaction, and a better and scarier boss fight. Donna should have been third with her section completely re-done so your not running through an empty house 1/2 of the time. Having Donna eventually showcase that she was projecting herself into Angie, now showing who she is, is a mentally ill woman switching back and forth between this child like manic psychosis and her "normal self" playing with the characters head along with her hallucinations, think the Mia doll part could have been a bit more disturbing too. Not much to say about Hesinberg, his part pretty much fits the 2nd to last part of the game before finally fighting Miranda. I think there needed to be some interaction with her more than the game had, an interesting character gone too quick.
I kind of feel like Heisenbergs part would have been great to start the game off with, then meeting the lords.
Not if I have anything to say about that, and I do!
>REtards when they see Chainsaw-Chads post