They don't make video games like these anymore
They don't make video games like these anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
"they" are not the same people
>boring rpg/fps "immersive sim" with pretentious writing and archaic gameplay
it needs to be updated. The dialogue and voice acting is great but the gameplay is pretty old school it can be off-putting. Give it the same gameplay as Halo series it should be fine
6/10 bait
last sentence ruined it
I just want more games with stealth where enemies die in 1 headshot and you can gun everyone down
Denton thread
>I'll take the GEP Gun
fink is to blame
Welcome to the Coalition PROD.
>I learned few things about your captors - they were henchmen for a secret organization called my knife
Im not big into books
Bad taste
i'm into big books
about GEP guns
This game is woke as fuck
NSF leader drops so many truth bombs in the first mission that it still amazes me
Incredible that a group of americans did this
The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms
i think it's more incredible that they did this a whole year before 9/11
they predicted the conspiracies about how the terrorist attack on the statue of liberty was an inside job
they predicted an evil cabal wanting to rule the world
they predicted a worldwide pandemic and a real life bob page wanting to subdue the population
they predicted everything
Most of the game is just the stuff that Rockefeller wanted to do to the world.
So yes, I'm saying it was the jews.
reminder that deus ex also predicted social medias and the death of privacy
>they predicted an evil cabal wanting to rule the world
Except this part, youre right, it is quite increidble but it shouldnt be, artist often do this, just not in video games because they dont have creative freedom
See Kojima with MGS2, thats another prediction regarding information as currency
Yes, that's not a bad one. Governments have always tried to gather more information about their citizens so saying that technology would enable them to do it more efficiently wasn't a hard prediction. The concept of mass surveillance has been a conspiracy theory for a long time.
Then Snowden spilled the beans.
Im a jew and I dont partake in any conspiracy, so youre actually saying that big capital holders are the conspiratorts against freedom, just dont be stupid as to say something antisemitic instead, I see this happening a lot
>false flags, illuminati conspiracies, and shadow governments didn't exist before 9/11
OK zoomie. Deus Ex didn't predict shit, it just compiled it all into one piece
because deus ex was a one hit wonder. a lot of old classics were accidental masterpieces.
I know the old jewish lady that sells kosher pastries down the street isn't a reptilian you foreskinless idiot.
The point is that small, well organized groups drive the world, and at least one of them is conformed by US based jews. They probably marry among themselves too so that's not subject to change anytime soon.
Also, even the Protocols of the Elders of Zion explicitly say that only some jews could take part of their schemes.
zoom zoom
all of this stuff is just old conspiracy theories mixed with concepts from sci-fi novels
how would a spiritual successor to deus ex look like? what sort of crazy conspiracy theories that exist nowadays would be interesting to put in a game like it?
Q user? the cult of saturn? the gateway arch conspiracies? the denver airport conspiracy? seriously look this one up it's wacky as hell anything would work, really
Literally cannot make this game again in the 2020s. There are no investors, no devs, and no audience for immersive sims.
"They" never really did make video games like Deus Ex
Otherwise you wouldn't keep posting it over and over lol
protocols is a shitty hoax with some parts plagiarised from machiavelli
then i'll make it myself, investors be damned
wait, no. i would actually need investors to fund it
how do i bait zoomers into playing a conspiracy simulator...?
i know, with coombait
it's impossible to make a spiritual successor to it since 2012.
Everyone who speaks about politics "plagiarizes" Machiavelli.
I would make it about how the ruling class get the commoners to fight among themselves along class, racial and gender lines to keep the heat away from themselves.
I think that's an unexplored theme.
some passages are straight up fucking copied from machiavelli my dude
so mankind divided, but with an actually good plot?
Horrible post
That's usually called a quote.
Fuck off kike
You are being way to generous to Mankind Divided. I can see how you could deduct that from the game, but the writers definitely didn't.
denton thread
You just repeated what I said, youre talking about big capital holders, stop being stupid.
Are the Rockefellers jewish?
Yes or no, motherfucker.
Like how 'they' make right-wingers think of left-wingers as evil and left-wingers think of right-wingers as evil. Even though both 'sides' actually just want the same thing?
he's literally a chad
why did he become a virgin in iw
the ps2 version is pretty good apart from the loading. surprised by that.
Kinda, that's more of a problem with democracy in general. People often prefer to blame their equally powerless neighbors who voted for a different party rather than the people in positions of power.
illuminati pussy does that to a mf
the fad for making system shock clones pass
while I actually enjoyed the atmosphere of the game and thought the story was quite good the absolutely horrendous ai and combat made me drop it 4-6 hours in.
music is pretty banging to.
t.zoom zoom.
They wrote it as a joke "Let's put all the crazy conspiracies in it"
I love the older style graphics and the atmosphere was pure kino, music was cool and it was interesting seeing how the rpg mechanics werent as blatant (choose x instead of y and x will come back maybe) instead you get shit like do you shoot the hostage taker in the hotel before you can talk him down or try the peaceful route and deal with those consequences. The AI was janky but it was the perfect amount of jank for a game like that. It offered such a plethora of approaches to shit all packaged with an interesting plot and stellar atmosphere. Best $2 I ever spent.
t. also zoom zoom
unironically just dropping a line about epstein or mentioning some of the shit that has happened in the medical industry (especially about cancer therapy) will do.
Aw sweet, a nu/v/ DX thread, I wnder how that'll go.
it's funny, because deus ex is neither right nor left wing. warren specter said so
Instead of putting in a radio with a guy pretending to be Alex Jones write the games around the Alex Jones conspiracies that turned out to be at least partially true., 17 years old. no residence, no fame, no knowledge, no judgement, no imagination, no...
Are there any good writers left in the industry? It feels like the height of aspirations for video game writing nowadays is to be like a mediocre tv show.
Warren Spector is a washed up hack that takes all the credit. Wasn't Sheldon Pacotti the one who said that?
>warren specter
Not the game's writer.
sounds neat, does any one have a full list of things that alex jones was right about?
Are there any places where one can read about more reasonable conspiracy theories? It's so hard to learn about this stuff when it's mixed with schizophrenic shit about shape-shifting hillary clinton eating babies in satanic rituals.
>reasonable conspiracy theories
They all became fact.
>not this
Probably old books from before the 2000s. I just soaked them up through posts and media over the last decade. I don't think it's coherently, non-schizophrenically detailed anywhere. Maybe on some rando's darkweb blog, those are unusually sane compared to the normal internet sometimes.
>It offered such a plethora of approaches to shit
yeah, that was the best part of it gameplay wise.
that early mission where you have to scale the rooftops to jam the radar had so many alternate routes you could find just be talking to people in the bar it blew my mind.
I also liked how the characters at HQ completely changed their dialogue depending upon what action you took the mission before.
like massacring the entire JSF forces will make anna comment about how you aren't like your brother and soldiers in the next mission will buddy up to you and offer extra shit.
just a shame that literally every stealth or pacifist weapon sucks absolute shit and makes missions a massive chore to finish.
I want a Deus Ex type game to be about big truth bombs, revelations, conspiracies and then it evolves into full greenpill /x/ tier insanity.