>move out of parents house
>no time for vidya cause I gotta work, clean the house, cook and do laundry
How to cope?
Move out of parents house
Kill yourself
Get a woman. I was in your situation for a few years. Got a BR Aupair and married her. Now my home is always clean.
If you live alone, it's fucking easy mode. Do laundry once a week, cook and clean up after yourself. If you have excess money after bills/hobbies etc then hire a cleaner to do a full clean once a month.
Stop making your house a mess
>this nigga is free
>and the biggest issues he has is cleaning and doing laundry
jesus christ.
>live alone
>no time to clean the house, cook or do laundry cause I gotta play vidya
No problem for me, just do the minimum needed to not live in a dirty dumpster of a house
Start playing on your phone
house chores are a few hours a week at worst
You have no time for vidya because when you are done with chores you spend the whole evening refreshing Yea Forums.
Admit your mistake and move back in. Save yourself many hours per week you can spend playing vidya. Living alone is the most inefficient time waste ever.
I didn't experience this at all.
I live in a cozy townhouse alone, I only have to clean it roughly once a month and things like dishes and washing clothes can be done very quickly with modern technology.
I’m 29 and still live at home haha imagine not mentally checking out of life entirely
>I-if I just get a better job
>If I just move out
>If I just get in shape
>Things will change I’ll have friends and girls will like me
Hahahahaha delusional
Pay someone to keep your house clean.
Best money spent ever, honestly.
>Cleaning your place of living more than once a week
>Doing laundry more than once a week
>Cooking anything that takes longer than 20 minutes to put together unless you are literally a chef or hosting a party
Always wondered how can people stand random niggas rummaging through your stuff.
Unironically moving out was the gateway for me to getting girls thanks to dating apps and willingness for them to come over once you win them over either during dates or over the phone.
Having your shit together can do wonders for making a girl wet.
Just don't do any of that
Stop working, studying, whatever you do
You got lucky the woman I come across don't even know how to cook.
>>no time for vidya cause I gotta work, clean the house, cook and do laundry
Outside of work, these shouldn't take more than 2-4h combined.
Cooking is the only one that actually takes a more significant amount of time since you need to do it for 2 meals a day. But you can optimize by making a couple of really large meals peer week and eating it through the week.
Cleaning and laundry should take less than an hour each, per week.
this, take the filthpill
night shift, 90%+ of the time is yours to be spent however you like
your immune system will become far more powerful when you do not do this
premade stuff, fast food, lazy "cook"er, sandwiches, etc. putting effort into food is a meme
buy new clothing every few weeks instead, it's cheap thanks to sweatshops
or just become homeless and play vidya whenever you want using public resources
simple. don't work, clean, cook, or do laundry.
Lmao I've actually done most of this.
I would just get enough clothes for a few weeks though. It's stupid to do less than a full load anyway.
Throw your garbage away regularly because it's a massive pain in the ass to get rid of a bunch of bags.
Other than that you can clean your house/apartment in an hour or two if you are going to ever have people over.
I doubt you as a bachelor give a shit if the floor is vacuumed or if there are plates in the sink
>has to slave himself for mr. Shekelstein
How naive and childish lol
Any tips on how to get them to come over?
I get matches and dates quite easily, cause I'm /fit/, but the moment I try to make a move a drop all the fucking spaghetti.
The reality is as long as you're eating comprehensive multivitamins and drinking protein at least once a day, you can eat whatever the fuck you want and your body won't care as long as its all within the expected 2000-2500 calorie recommendation.
Lemme guess city boy?
This user gets it. Small meals are a double-edged sword: quick prep, but you end up doing more dishes by making a lot of little things. Make something that you can enjoy for a few days (or longer if you freeze some portions) like sloppy joes or lasagna. Avoid relying o the take-out route because you'll just end up with more trash.
As long as you're not getting filthy at work, a pair or two of pants can potentially last the week. Shirts and socks will smell and get changed daily, underwear is at your discretion, but at least swap it out during a laundry day.
Cleaning should effectively be nonexistent unless you're tidying up after getting laid. There's no reason for your place to look like shit as long as you don't just dump stuff after getting home. The two reasons people need to actively clean are 1) they're naturally a goddamn slob or 2) they have kids that destroy the place.
The biggest problem he has is that Jews have taken over his country's monetary policy so he has to work a lot for quickly depreciating currency
>Any tips on how to get them to come over?
not that user but the whole netflix and chill thing is a meme for a reason, it unironically works
>hey what are you doing tonight
she says something irrelevant
>oh that's cool, yeah I was thinking of just staying in tonight and being boring
this is where if she's willing to come over she'll say something to the effect of like "well we should hang out!" or whatever random semi positive response
>well want to come over? we can watch X flavor of the month netflix movie
she either says yes or no, and you're in. it's really that easy. if she isn't interested or gives that vibe just move on, not a big deal
If you're getting matches because of your appearance all you have to do is not be a complete social retard.
I have a gf now and our relationship literally started as
>have a great phone call
>have phone sex on the second one
>go on a fun first date where we kiss / are touchy feely, she then comes back to my place where we chill out then fuck.
You really shouldn't be worried about 'making a move', this is a big meme in dating. Literally just have a good time with the girl and see if there's any chemistry. If you both enjoy one another's company then it will naturally progress.
>work 10-12 hours a day 6-7 times a week
>he fell for the move out of your parents home meme
Nice, I guess all I need is to discover the fotm netflix shitshows.
I don't want a gf or serious relationships, I had that and I'm over it. I just want to fuck some tinderwhores from time to time.
The solution is getting a wife to do the chores your mother used to do. But I guess that aint happening for a virgin who just moved out.
Not random tho, I hired the same woman who cleans my parents house so we know shes trustworthy
>work 10-12 hours a day 6-7 times a week
Why the fuck would you work a job that takes this much time away from you? I'd be fucking miserable and wouldn't care about how much money I was making.
I have a cushy WFH job where I barely do a couple of hours of work a week and make 100k a year.
>I don't want a gf or serious relationships, I had that and I'm over it. I just want to fuck some tinderwhores from time to time.
You can literally set this up during the DMs if you're getting women from your appearance.
If you are working that much you're probably making 100k a year thanks to overtime.
Hard work but after a few years you'll be set for life
Of course some cushy office job would be nice but I dunno how you land that without family connections
Clean up after yourself. Instead of letting dishes pile up, clean them after they're used. Do laundry once, maybe twice a week and do your ironing as soon as it's dry. Dust and vacuum every two weeks. Bathrooms only need to be cleaned once a month. That's it. That's all you need to do to make it manageable while still working and still having time for your hobbies. The hardest part is making these behaviours part of your routine. Once you have, you're golden.
so what , you just go to bed after work?
you spend all of your life working? do people do that?
>what is exercising, cleaning up the house, laundry, cooking, walking the doggos, yard work, paperwork, hanging out with friends, etc
You literally can't be free unless you have your own source of income.
>muh neetbux
You are beholden to the government, you are not free.
>i don't need money
You can live frugally, sure. However a rich person is more "free" than you because they can afford to do more things.
Do you only own 3 shirts or something?
Why the fuck would you do laundry that often
Simp cope, did your wife allow you to buy a game this month?
I sure I could. Is just that my spaghetti spills through my dms
Assuming you work 8 hours and sleep 8 hours and have a relatively small commute time, you still have around 8 hours to do shit.
>you can do laundry once a week as long as you have enough sets of clothes to last you that time
>if you're living by yourself, keep only 3 glasses, 1 mug, 3 forks, 3 spoons, 1 butter knife, 1 kitchen knife, 3 plates, 3 bowls, 1 pan, 1 big and 1 small pot. You don't need anything else. Keeping it simple like this obligates you to wash stuff that you need when you need it, and keeps you from having a ton of shit stack.
>alternatively, just buy Styrofoam everything if you feel lazy
>either practice finding practical dishes to cook, or dedicate a few hours once a week to cook something that will last you several days and then treat yourself to a nice meal once or twice a week
Are you happy in your current state?
>no time for vidya
I hear you there, friend. My wife wants to have sex tonight but all I want to do is play league of legends. She asked for a little kiss on the lips in the kitchen earlier but it was a trap and she sucked my face for 10 seconds forcing her tongue in my mouth. Right in front of our kids too. I've been denying her sex for a week now and I can tell she's about to explode and rape me if I don't give her some duty sex soon.
The whole point is not letting it pile up, much like the dishes. Wash and iron small amounts of clothing regularly so you can run your washer on a low heat, dry it quickly and get it ironed quickly. I'd much rather do a little regularly than have to make it a 2-3 hour chore towards the end of the month.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you
Nigga why the fuck are you ironing anything
Why are you washing on hot
Get outta here with your married man bullshit
I'd go back to your family. Help them with chores, rent, whatever. Now is not a time to be away from loved ones.
>get it ironed quickly
holy shit, we have an Iron Man here
>married man bullshit
haha..ha.. oh user..
After 10 days your laundry starts cleaning iteself.
Get more money
Then you will be able to order cooked food and maid to clean your house.
>8 hours a day working
>preparing food quickly for breakfast and lunch, but usually cooking for dinner
>doing dishes for 20-30 minutes
>social obligations 2-3 times per week that take up the entire evening
>get to the weekend
>do some chores on Saturday, but then go full slob mode the rest of the day and Sunday
>order out and just eat whatever the fuck I want, when I want, and play video games because I feel so stressed and like I don't have any free time during the week
>ruin my sleep schedule for Monday
>every thing starts over again, but I feel worse because I don't have any sleep and spend two days or so readjusting my sleep schedule
>repeat forever
I wish I enjoyed social obligations more and I wish I could take joy in the small fastidious chores, but I just can't. I can't even though I've tried so much. I'm just miserable all the time. I worked out pretty consistently for two years and I thought it would make me happier, but it only made me happy so far as women found me more attractive and I got a girlfriend. I never really enjoyed the working out itself. I don't really know what to do other than keep plugging away.
By working, cleaning the house, cooking, and doing laundry.
You let some hired stranger go through your things?
If you weren't such a coomer then you'd be fun on lust mode too
asian here, why the fuck do westerners always despair complain about not having time to do things?
it literally takes 5 minutes a day to wipe your floor clean, maybe 10 to do all the dishes at once if you're efficient, and just put your goddamn clothes in the washing machine. it does the job for you.
for stuff like the fridge, sink, bedsheets and bathroom, dedicate an hour on Sunday, or half an hour on Saturday + Sunday and you have a clean abode.
this is assuming you live alone
inb4 hurr durr our houses are huge
your problem then
if you have enough money to hire a maid you have enough money to buy a safe for valuable
Ironing is unirionically one of the most therapeutic chores you can do. There's something really satisfying about hanging up a shirt or a pair of trousers that are totally clean and crease free.
You fell for the meme and now you must kill yourself.
>>social obligations
No one is forcing you to keep touch with friends and family. It's not hard to go
hist them all. Not that I'd recommend, being alone is a miserable experience
You don't have to clean the house, cook or do laundry though.
I dunno how old you are but I would skip sleep on Sunday night up until I was 23 or something. Ate a big lunch on Monday and just slept as soon as I got home
I fully understand the weirdness of framing them as "obligations" and thought about it while typing it. I don't know why hanging out with my friends or significant others is such a mental burden. I constantly agree, voluntarily, to hang out with friends for some event and then spend the entire day dreading it. I usually don't mind once I'm there, in the moment doing it, but it's always such a mental and emotional drain thinking about it as an upcoming event.
Lived by myself for awhile while working a full time job. Laundry is not bad, I usually do that on the weekends and have enough clothes in between. Also helps having a washer/dryer in the apartment.
Cooking is not bad generally. If you have been doing it for awhile, you can make a meal within an hour or so that can last two to three servings/days. Cleaning is not bad as I have a Roomba for the floors and cleaning the countertops and picking up does not take long. Obviously it will depend on the size of the place but I have found plenty of time to game.
I turned 30 this year. I am currently skipping sleep on Sunday night right now, as it's early Monday morning on the west coast in the US.
Your alone time is shrinking as you get older, and you subconciously see these events as one of the "enemies" responsible for it.
I still do it occasionally but I am way less productive when I do and I only work 3 12's now so it really is taking the piss
Honestly that sounds like a symtom of an anxiety disorder. Obviously it can't be that bad if you're still going out and actually doing things, but dreading it all day prior is a sign.
>work 40 hours a week
>do dishes about once a week for like 30 minutes
>throw together meals from cans and frozen bags in 2 minutes, including the time it takes to heat them up
>laundry is once a week and about 5 minutes total
>actually clean something once a month with some places going years before I need to do anything
Why do you faggots have no sense of time management? I get like 9 hours of free time a day and that's if I don't deprive myself of sleep.
simply stop cleaning the house. if you're fat, you also don't need to eat for a while.
so, good luck with the work and laundry.
lmao at these fucking dipshits giving advice about how to take care of your body
yeah you'll live. but your QoL will absolutely suffer in the years to come
I believe you're right.
gotta cut into your sleep time user. It's a sacrifice, but if vidya is that important for you it should be an easy choice