Spain: 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim sells 1,000 week 1
Couldn't even outsell triangle shittery.
I don't speak taco, sorry.
OP's article doesn't seem to mention 13 sentinels at all.
The game should have been sold for like $10. Then people might actually have bought it. The audacity of these corporations to think that some port of an old 2D indie-looking game deserves to be sold at nearly the same price as fucking Elden Ring is laughable.
>the version of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim for Nintendo Switch, which we played live just a few days ago. Vanillaware's debut on the hybrid has resulted in a meager 1,000 copies. Modest, but not negligible considering its audience.
The art alone is the best shit in video games.
Awesome, why was this not linked in the OP instead of the star wars article?
Anyways, that article seems to spin it as a relative positive, which makes sense given the size of Spain's game market. What's the problem? Seems like a successful port for its scale, timing, and target audience.
If course you don't, you're a Nigger worshipping Ameriburger. Your IQ is barely enough to speak one language.
>old 2D indie-looking game
name one indie game that looks like this
>spain sales
nobody cares.
You know what it is user, its just op trying to shitpost as usual
what even was this game wtf
lmao it's the guy trying to use spain numbers to floppost about random switch games again
Should I get this on a switch or PC?
The first question is did their potential buyers even know it exists and what it is?
Marketing is the most important part nowadays since you have a million games to filter trough.
Personally i still dont really know what the game is and the cover looks like a VN.
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
not an indie game
im pretty sure more people would have emulated it kek
should have put it on steam
Seething spic
It impossible to have a thread on Yea Forums without baitposting in op
Theres no pc release, unless you mean emulation. Play it in any case, its great
do they even buy video games in spain that aren't fifa
csgo is actually most popular game there apparently (just gogled)
Fatlus strikes again
Dont speak no Mexicano
maybe they shouldn't have renamed the game to Juan Karabe contra los Monstruos Gigantes
how is it fatlus' fault that tendies dont buy 3rd party games
Irrelevant country.
Fatlus barely advertised the game for PS4 and Vita and absolutely did nothing with Switch release.
Why is 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim underperforming in West compared to Japan and Asia?
>North America 7%
>Europe 4%
>Japan 51%
>Asia 36%
Too weeb for the average player on the west.
Also Elden Ring took the $60 everyone wanted to use for games before summer.
Westerners hate mecha.
This shows even more how retarded either Sega, Atlus or Vanillawre is to not port this to PC.
PC is fucking huge in Asia.
Vete tu y tu puta mierda de página a tomar por culos hijo de la gran puta
elden ring is on pc
this game is on a sony console i dont own
i couldnt even buy it if i wanted while elden ring is easily accessible on steam
>this game is on a sony console i dont own
this thread is about the switch release though
Just finished the game on Switch, probably the best "mystery VN" I've ever played.
Great story with great execution, great aesthetic, great character design with reaaaally nice tits and asses and also really fun combat (too easyTHOUGH).
It's like Virtue Last Reward/Zero Time Dilemma + Danganronpa V3 but far better and without the story-ruining 4th wall bullshit
It's also great that it ended with Abe breeding propaganda.
Damn Ei-kun is so lucky. He got a free sexiest busty bitch who's extremely horny for him just because uhh... he's cool I guess.
Speaking about women in this game...
Morimura (2188) accidentally extincted humanity because uhh... she's a wanted money
Shinonome fucked with the simulation because uhh... she was a spiteful bitch
Shinonome gave everyone amnesia because uhh.... she was a jealous bitch
All the bitches fell for Amiguchi because uhh... he's a playboy
Women... women never change.
Meanwhile Gotou is a cuck, probably ended up with Ida Tetsuya's sloppy second or awakened his inner pedo with Childhiro
I just have two things I'm confused about...
1. How did deja vu (starting a new branch with new Cloud text options) even work? can't be time loop since the game is only at Loop-3
2.How the fuck could the spaceship still function after 1200 light years travel and 20 million fucking years of uptime, yet can't sustain the VR simulation after some resets? Seems like a huge design flaw to me.
0,1% here
sex with morimura-sensei
lmao vanillaware hasn't learned from muramasa. the fucking vita version outsold the wii version. bingers only want bing bing games.
Your average coomsumer would be totally lost in the story, just look at shit like witcher and how many people it filtered.
Theres no spaceship, they sent out self replicating probes which contained genetic data of the 15 members. When the probes found a suitable planet, they first constructed a space station which controlled the whole process, then made the robots which terraformed the planet and after all that was done, they made a factory that grew clones based on genetic data that the probes were carrying
who cares about spain?
For me, it's Megumi.
Hijiyama is fucking gay
>gets out out of the sim
>the first thing he does is dick down tamao and makes a kid
I dont think he understands how gays work
The Iori/Ei pairing only exists for subversion. You thought she would end up with Juro, like early signs pointed to? Well, too bad loser, enjoy your NTR.
I get they were trying to make the point that the new generation can go its own way, but I still found it incredibly jarring.
Juro is in this odd spot where he's hyped as the real main character, but the game ends as soon as his "prologue" does, so he ends up doing fuck all, 426 having already done all the work except we don't actually see much of it.
And Iori decides to stop being a VN's main heroine and instead play an otome.
I knew this would flop.
This is the LAST Vanillaware game on a Nintendo system.
I bought both
Is that true? Is Tamao even alive outside of the sim? I though he only gets pussy in the sim and bussy irl. Must feel pretty good.
Natsuno best girl
>Spain sales
Literally more of a fifa and cod based country than the UK. all they play is f2p garbage
>It's a flop!
1k sales for a game like this is good. Keep in mind that this is the same place where PS5 literally sells 8-12 units per week.
What are these "probes"? I'm not familair with this very technical scientific stuff. I played in Japanese so I'm unfamiliar with many terms. Surely the AI that the humanity sent to the planet 1200 light years away is advance enough to... I don't know, create bigger facilities and revive more humans other than our 15 assholes?
I like Jurou more than Gouto. Gouto is acting like a big shot simply because he got some early spoilers lol. He did almost nothing anyway except for GOTCHA!-ing Chihiro. Izumi and Okino are the real MVP
>1k is good now
Holy cope.
>implying renya needs idas sloppy seconds
grimgrimoire remaster is already confirmed for switch
but after that flops they will probably stay away from nintendo for a while
You mean his own sloppy seconds?
Cuck x Cuck
Damn....I really thought I enjoyed this game but when I heard it flopped in auntie incest foot fetish land I realised I was wrong and never actually enjoyed cant be bros....I literally cant enjoy a game unless it sells fortnite numbers :(
I always buy vanillaware games and then never beat them. Dunno if I should get this one
If it makes you feel better
because those 15 were the only people left alive on the space colony where they started the plan
It's the best one (the only good one) so far. 1 overaching story told from 13 diferent perspective. The more you read the more you want to read more. The game is really addicting.
who is the best girl
Nice, been in the mood for a VN too. I'll probably still wait for a price drop though.
They were in 2188 with super advance nanomachine technology. Surely they could've easily brought millions of DNA samples...
27000 copies were sold according to Famitsu.
they're dead user, 15 as in 15 left alive
All version of Chihiro, espsecially the black bodysuit one.
Sure and go back to the shitty ps5 sales right?