did you ever finish it?
because i currently have 367 hours and still have not beaten the game once
maybe i am just turbo autistic though
i've been playing it a lot more recently and trying to see it through to the end
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i just beat it the other day finally. one of the best RPGs ever
it is really good and the amount of content is actually staggering especially for a crpg
I did, but only one time. I was going to play the game through a second time, but my build autism activated and I can't play it anymore.
Same thing happened in both Pathfinder games. I have a hundred hours in the second one and I haven't even saved Kenabres a single time.
nah, it's bloated and boring
i dropped the game at 63 hours in, it was alright
My only run of it was 160 hours, the unlimited respecs helped. In OS1, I restarted twice in the first town because you get punished hard if you spec wrong.
I can't get past the first island, I just get so fucking bored. It's such a boring game.
Beat it twice. Fantastic game. Neither time did I min max so found it quite challenging. Feel like I should do a mom max playthrough just to stomp though.
I was playing it through GeForce Now (don't laugh) and it was unavailable through that service for a long-ass time, after that forced break I have had no desire to get back into it.
i dropped it after 30 hours when i realized melee builds are useless and im not a faggot to use magic
Played co op with two mates. Ignored pretty much all the faggot origin characters (who plays rpgs to play as someone else’s OC donut??) and broke as much of the game as we could.
Wasn’t as fun as OS1, since it took itself a little too seriously and lost some of the charm.
Combat system with that armour mechanic sucked, so we modded to percentage to hit based on armour remaining and therefore fixed it.
Was worth a single run through but I wouldn’t likely play it again.
>Barrel throwing simulator
Dropped this piece of trash when the bugs started talking.
*laughs in Wayfarer*
No. Spent a few tens of hours in it, got to the boat and the second island and dropped it. I can't fucking stand the female characters, especially meistr Siva and Malady, but I also killed Sebille, something which I have never ever done in any RPG even when I loathed the companion. Plus I can't get over the physical and magical fucking shields.
Nah, only the first chapter.
The writing and the amount of CCs you get made me stop playing. Every single battle was pretty much the same
Fireball to the face -> stun everyone -> kill everyone
I played on the hardest difficulty, and there was a curve of
>Need to cheese every fight to win
>Don't need to cheese, but every fight plays out the same way (this switch happened once I got someone to 10th level summoning)
>Every fight is easy, I'm fucking invincible
It wasn't hugely fun at any point,
i've beaten it multiple times - it was fun. crpgs can take a while though. bg1 took me a long ass time to beat and it feels like i've been working on kingmaker for over a year.
Oh and like an user above posted, I very much disliked that the lighthearted humour and aesthetic from the first game was lost for a much more run-of-the-mill fantasy feeling.
143 hours, 72 achievements, saw all 3 endings by reloading before the choices and doing them again, and my mc was lohse.
Not replaying it using the other characters to get the other achievements I don't care enough.
Why the fuck would I not finish it? I played it non stop for like a week.
Haven't finished dos1 though as I installed mods and it takes a lot longer with the combat revamp
two handed melee builds are literally the strongest in the game.
I didn't, always get tired of the game during the very last fight for some reason.
yeah i finished it years ago then again online with a mate
I remember Conjuring was fucking OP.
Are you retarded? You can teleport without cooldown or fly around. Melee is 100% viable.
Literally filtered
Pathfinder was a godsend I think I finished that game in a week. I don’t remember being this captivated by a crpg since baldurs gate 2
Done it twice, once with a physical party and second as lone wolf wizards.
Running it again to go through the remaining origin character’s stories.
I can definitely see why you might hit a roadblock when you get to the nameless isle, though. Arx isn’t exactly on par with the first two areas either, but at least the end is in sight and you can rush to the finish pretty easily.
My main complaint is that faggot Braccus screwing you out of a gloriously done final fight with Lucian, especially since you could see it coming a mile off. The God King’s forces should have tried ambushing you in the tomb before you got to him instead, if they needed them to show up before the ending
act 4 is a bit disappointing because you're at the point where your build is finally coming together but the game just pretty much ends
Act 2 was pure Kino for this game.
Story was shit but the gameplay and mechanics were absolutey fantastic since they used their own system and trumps the negative for me. It was like seeting a kids loose in a candy shop.
It's the reason why I'm afraid of playing Baldur's Gate 3 since Larian is forced to use the DnD system, meaning the game is pretty much figured out and the game loses the charm of uncertainty when it comes to builds and gameplay.
My 2 handed elf bitch was easily my highest damage dealer for like 3/4 of the game. My main char was a caster but used a sword + shield and was essentially a cc and support bot locking enemies down forever
Are you brain damaged by any chance?
I've started this game with three different friends/groups and they always lose interest like 10 hours in. Should I just play solo at this point?
If you one shot all of them you can straight up skip the second phase.
Wotr was pretty good. Can't wait for BG3
most builds are dogshit in act 1 unless you're something OP like summoner. melee becomes strong as fuck with warfare+weaponskill stacking and overtakes nearly everything without much setup.
Played it so many times, with different friends etc too. Only completed it 2 times, one on my own and another with 2 mates. The playthrough with 2 mates, we did one session a week until we completed it and it was pretty damn fun.
It's such a huge game, but everything after Act 2 seems like a grind. Nameless Isle is boring, but Arx makes up for it.
>melee builds are useless
what kind of imbe-
>im not a faggot to use magic
oh k lol. This aint dark souls you retard, stop shying away from self buffs for some self-imposed retarded rule
you have to because the game is simply too long to finish it with friends unless you have really autistic friends or you play on easy and just steamroll the whole game, which for me is not fun
It’s based on the system, it’s not a copy of the book ruleset like pathfinder.
Beat it maybe a year ago. Genuinely a fantastic experience overall. The overall story and writing weren't anything to go nuts about, but everything else was fucking fantastic. It's insane just how much you can fuck around with in the game in terms of party customization, how you get through encounters, how you solve quest objectives, and even how you navigate the world. By the time I was done, my main character was a constantly healing juggernaut that literally couldn't be killed, Sebille was a necromantic healer that could absolutely dump status effects on enemies, Fane could rain arrows down and one-shot snipe people, and Lohse was a shield-bearing summoner with air magic constantly buffing anyone near her. I still want to replay it someday, but I keep telling myself I'll do some specific build to mix everything up, then immediately want to gravitate back towards the crazy shit I did before.
Also, the fact that the game can't be played fully co-op is crazy to me for some reason. It genuinely feels like some D&D shit with my one friend bartering in town, I'm exploring a ruin, and both of us rushing back to the inn because my other friend started shit with the cook. It's a fucking blast playing with friends and coordinating attacks or deciding who's the best person to handle an important upcoming conversation.
No idea how Baldur's Gate 3 will shape up in the end, but even if it's just a reskinned Divinity, I'll at least give it a shot after the fun I had.
Had this with dos1, the second town and spider area are absolute shitfests. Also I'm playing lone wolf because I thought it would be fun but now there is just so many enemies each fight I have to wait literal minutes for my turn.
i prefer using melees when i play fantasy games, bows and crossbows are cool and shit but still
>spend your first 2 turns just moving to target and die in the next turn
yeah sure
its not a bad game desu was fun, but im kinda biased to xcom and bought this game as "CRPG fantasy xcom" and it doesn't feel like xcom to me, wasteland 3 feels like a CRPG xcom and i like it
i just dont like magic, even as a kid never liked magic
Took me like 90 hours to beat with one play through with one crew. What on earth are you doing?
it's very strong.
Just a couple of months ago, I was forcing myself to get through it. I loved the first game, see? And I figured that since the second game has better VA, characters and plot than the first game, then I might be in for some ludo. Except, I bounced off hard by the time I was somewhere in the middle of the third act.
The game kept killing my immersion. I'd kill Alexandar then he'd came back on the ship. On another occasion I went through quests in Act 3 and then started talking to the NPCs and they reacted as if the quests were still going on.
I know even the first game is guilty of these, but I guess the silliness and how it didn't take itself seriously made it more easy for me to accept its flaws. I also preferred the combat in the first game. Instead of draining out those shields, I was trying to out-maneuver and status-effect them, and the enemies were trying to do the same.
IDK, maybe the game is just not for me.
Shit, I just went a look at the game because last time I saw it was in beta but BD3 released TWO YEARS AGO?!?
>>spend your first 2 turns just moving to target and die in the next turn
Or, fucking teleport. My 2h bitch had phoenix wings, literally one action and she jumps into whatever the fuck I want her to and starts spinning. For 2 points in the rogue shit you get another teleport skill, or 2 in the hunter skill gets you another. The warfare shit gets you charge already. How the FUCK are you spending 2 turns moving, are you a retard user?
>and die the next turn
You have a party of 4, fucking cc people you buffoon, use heals and buffs. Good lord
Writing was too whimsical for my liking. It's the Marvel problem: you have characters trying to discuss serious, dramatic events while throwing quips left and right.
i think i probably restarted multiple times and also spent some time messing around w/ mates, but anyway i spend an absurd amount of time metagaming and crafting/inventory management. because i'm afraid of getting bugstomped if my party is too weak/under leveled.
Sure did, then I bought it and beat it again. It's a good ol' time, even if the writing's a little... iffy at times.
you know, you just described EXACTLY what I don't like about the game.
Positioning is invalidated by the ludicrous number of movement abilities.
They were so afraid of making good positioning, and clever use of area denial too powerful in the hands of the AI, that they just straight up gave everyone the ability to teleport around or whatever.
>spend your first 2 turns just moving to target and die in the next turn
>the first area gives you a pair of gloves that let you literally teleport shit around
m8, you are an absolute fucking retard. did you not see skills like phoenix dive or tactical retreat?
oris this another part of your "no magic reeeee" autism?
The two best builds in the game are melee physical damage dealers who only use melee attacks. The third is a magical melee attacker. I'm pretty sure it isn't even POSSIBLE to beat Dallis and see the secret cutscene at lv6 unless you have a physical melee attacker.
I'm happy someone with a low IQ can still enjoy RPGs but don't spread around your stupid opinions like factand act like you're hot shit.
The talking dog at the beginning and movement filtered who I was going to play it with because it appeared dumb.
>Positioning is invalidated by the ludicrous number of movement abilities.
perhaps the most retarded post itt
he just wants to autoattack and win. lol
Mathlet here.
Can someone explain the damage calculations?
What is the significance of skill-stats having a "(multiplicative)" suffix in the damage overview? For instance, do you get more value from leveling up Warfare than Strength in terms of damage, despite each point yielding similar percentage growth (e.g. 5% per point)?
Also I'm so sad that The Red Prince goes back on his enslavement of you so early. I was hyped.
Which character should I play as for the first time, from a story perspective?
I get the feeling that I'm expected to pick Boring Soldier Dude, but I'd much rather be the lizard or skeleton.
Finished it twice. Great game
I stopped playing when I reached the city with all the lesbian couples and the black woman soldier
This is what a pseud looks like everybody. If you can't sit in one spot for the entire fight positioning is meaningless.
the skeleton. His story explains the background, the lore of the world, and he has an alternate story-justified route where he can actually side with the bad guys for incredibly powerful boons
You get to see the story of all the characters in your party btw so don't worry to much about that
you can cheese it easily with barrelmancy and or deathfog strats...i feel very autistic for knowing that though LOL
Bought Dos1 and 2 and neither one could I finish.
I don't really understand why by every standard I should love this game. Character cust, freedom, good humour.
Got to the giant blood tree and had the realisation I wasn't enjoying myself.
The style, setting, camera angle and combat are off putting and I'm not sure why.
This. Also free lockpick
no. after the tutorial island I lose all will to play.
Fane (skelly) is arguably the best player character to pick.
the Red Prince (lizard) is also an extremely good pick
boring soldier dude (ifan) i feel i should mention - way more interesting to play as, than to have as a companion. but its the same with fane so there's no objectively good choice
just play user its really good
>They were so afraid of making good positioning, and clever use of area denial too powerful
But they're already too powerful user. All you have to do is set up a wall of crates or barrels and you can make enemies run 6 turns around a different direction, then at the last minute close that gap and open the first one again and they'll run back. The game is too insanely cheesable as it is, if they had more area control and no teleports it'd be even more insane because the enemies couldn't use the teleport skills to reach you
I get what you're saying, but it's not as easy as you think it is. Also it would have pushed the game into 50% of your turns just being moving or standing around, which is really a pace killer
>teleport up to high point, with chokepoint blocking entry
>Enemy teleports up too
>Enemy teleports across chasm
>Teleport after them
when maneuvering on the battlefield takes like a couple of AP, and can be done every single turn, given all the abilities on offer, then it becomes as meaningful AS literally just standing still.
Ok while this is true you're only going to get those deathfog barrels if you already know exactly what you're doing. Spreading oil + ruptured tendons +tp gloves is still the best strategy to get past her swarm of bodyguards imo
Fane is probably the most story-relevant character in the game, to the point that if you don't at least have him in your party, a lot of moments/reveals will fall flat I'd imagine. He's a trickier character to play due to basic healing magic/items hurting him (poison heals him), but he gets a lot of important conversations and encounters that you can be in control of.
Otherwise you can play whoever without much of an issue. I would just strongly argue for at least having Fane in your party, maybe Lohse as well, if you don't play them. They have the most going on in general. But other than that, play who you like.
i personally picked the lizard but skeleton is 100% a good choice as well
I ruined the game for myself because I found out how to abuse "Escapist" talent.
using the pyramids paired with that talent? kek
I played both os1 and os2 for 500+ hours each. Os2 was boring and they dumbed down the game. 6 action points vs the endless ways u can make your character in os1. EGO DRACONIS > OS1 with epic encounters > OS2 > OS1
>spend your first 2 turns just moving to target and die in the next turn
>bull rush
>phoenix dive
>tactical retreat
>cloak and dagger
>battering ram
All those are off the top of my head and let you reposition yourself and enemies. You are genuinely retarded.
Specing into exactly one thing is always weaker than at least getting a few.
Teleport is god-tier, as is tactical retreat.
Almost every Polymorph skill is great and can and should be fit into any build. Skin Graft and Apotheosis you're actively fucking yourself over if you don't take.
But like, what do you count as magic?
You could easily argue that many of the Warfare skills are magical.
Bouncing Shield? How does it bounce like that? Magic?
Blitz attack? You're literally disappearing into thin air and attacking
Phoenix Dive? You literally create fire underneath you, is that not magic?
Battle Stomp? Try jumping really hard into the ground, you're never going to literally churn the earth up in front of you
I think you have autism
>flee with pyramid
>pyramid back in
One easy trick to become the Divine. Godwoken hate him!
Yup. The fact you can just teleport back into combat with all your cooldowns refreshed, you can literally just go get your source back too.
i never did a playthrough with her. what was her deal? she hates lizards?
Fane and Ifan are the two characters most linked to the central plot.
Beast is linked to the manlet uprising side plot, Sebille’s arc focuses on the consequences of the backstory, while Lohse and the Red Prince have their own stories entirely.
That said, making your own character gets you the arguably best inherent source spell in the game, and you won’t lose out on experience badly enough to cripple a run.
I kill her everytime lol
Fuck your fake vengeance. Stingtail is mine to protect.
my main problem with game is that there are no enough builds for solo
i completed game with
lone wolf mage, with all magic
lone wolf archer, with archer skills and stuff
lone wolf daggerman with 2 daggers and meele skills
and maybe there are necromancer build
and that s it. nothing more, only 4 ways to play
Yeah building walls and barrels is dumb, but I meant like in 1, where areas that grant status penalties or whatever were more meaningful. In 2, you can just zip all over the place, and the enemy can too. at that point, I dunno why they didn't just reduce the AP cost of moving in combat down to whatever tactical retreat cost, and then just let you move as far as that skill lets you on every turn, since instead of walking, you're just gonna Tac retreat anyway.
Yes, I liked Of an but then he turned into a whiny bitch because I literally saved the world instead of letting him get petty revenge while Voidwoken continue to rape the world.
she's a fucking tree user
>did you ever finish it?
Fighting to the death with my irl friends to see who would become God after a 100 hour epic journey...
its one of my most treasured memories.
Though I feel the game is way less interesting after all the combat nerfs and changes. Was like the wild west on launch, you could 1 shot everything or become so tanky you were unkillable and there was way more build variety.