Is there anyone actually thinking that late Cold War and modern era tanks are fun and good addition to the game? IMO they should just stick to WW2 and early Cold War.
Is there anyone actually thinking that late Cold War and modern era tanks are fun and good addition to the game...
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I literally only play modern/cold war tanks
What's the appeal? It's just point and click and every MBTs feel the same.
Thats the thing, I don't play MBTs.
Why are modern tanks bad but old tanks good
I kind of get what you mean OP, but if it pulls in the money then whatever. I'll still mostly play interwar-early cold war tanks, partially because getting money is already a struggle for me at rank 3 but partially because I'm not really fond of the style of gameplay with modern tanks.
General tank game thread? Anyone here familiar with Steel Fury, because I installed it this morning after a thread yesterday, but I'm having the same issue I had last time.
In the tutorial mission where you're taught how to command units, I'm at the part where you're meant to highlight the enemies for your squad to attack, but it doesn't seem to do anything. The squad don't even acknowledge the presence of the enemies despite being in plain sight of them.
I'm having the same problem user, if you find a fix post it here
IFV's are incredibly fun
Early cold era for me,i play the nipon glass cannon and unlock type 61
stop playing wows subhumans
I don't, I only played like a round of it before I lost interest. Can't match up to Warship Gunner 2.
War Thunder tanks are still fun, though. Unlocked the Char 2 Bis last night, no other tanks in that tree until like rank 3-4 interest me (IT'S ALL FUCKING SHERMANS) so I'm playing the Italians now. Pasta tanks!
There's few enough foreign tanks in their tree that I could conceivably avoid using any of them if I'm careful.
those screenshots are from war thunder, which is just as bad
sorry I can't hear you while going at mach speed
I said it in the last tank thread: give me a tank game that isn't a sim or an arcade game (aka the same level of realism as RB) and has single player and I'll stop playing War Thunder tanks.
I'm trying Steel Fury, but it's a damn sight more complicated.
I will, I had this issue last time I tried the game. I don't think I found an answer, I'm asking in /simg/ as well, and I'm googling it right now.
what tank?
>have trouble making money in tanks
>players tell me to do air battles for easy SL
>can't dogfight to save my life, struggle with bombing, all round terrible in planes
It hurts bros. I remember when I was young I had IL2, the original box version, but I spent most of my time doing bombing missions or setting up custom missions where I'd shoot down the biggest planes in the game because I was absolutely garbage at anything else.
Just wait for gunner heat pc. Nothing else going on right now.
you have to learn the flight models of war thunder. which are retarded and make zero sense. because gaijin suck. at actual programming. so not only are you playing a game with bad controls, but the actual in game shit responds very poorly to your inputs.
you have dedicated BnZ planes that cannot outrun a snail, turnfighters which will happily suicide if you attempt to turn in them and on and on.
to say nothing of how retardedly nerfed bombers are. 'for balance' or how they purposefully went and made every single twin fly like a fucking brick despite the real life performances.
i only got into the game for the beaufighters and mosquitoes etc. which handles SLIGHTLY less terribly than four engined heavy strategic bombers despite how wonderful they were to fly IRL
I'm interested in that but my potato laptop won't run it, I tried the demo. Even Steel Fury needs settings turned down to run at even above 30fps. I mainly play WT on PS4.
It probably doesn't help that I play on gamepad. I'm using the mouse joystick/'virtual instructor' but it feels so weird to use at times.
boop boop coming through
Somewhere around 2013 most people should have figured out that neither Gaijin nor Wargaming know what they are doing
well, gamepad is at least helped by the
so you have a gamepad, enjoy your free aimbotting assist'
Well, yes. My setup doesn't really allow for me to use a m+kb, plus I've got tanks to where I can enjoy playing it on pad.
When I last played it, I played in SB since that was the only place where I could control the planes properly (ie without the weird 'mouse controls') without getting wrecked by mouse users. Except SB has all its other considerations, that meant I barely ever got kills.
isn't she a cute little planefu? tight little butt
if there was more money in adding ww2 stuff the devs would be doing it. So you are obviously in the minority of people
Same user from before. The only thing I've found online that even mentions the issue seems to suggest that the tutorial is broken in that part. Were you encountering the same issue outside the tutorial?
I'm going to try a mission with squad control and see if I can get it to work there.
because the guns became so big armour is effectively worthless so the gameplay just becomes 1 shotting each other
also, reminder to never play the naval modes of war blunder, hey SUCK anuses. majorly. imbalanced as fuck and never ever going to NOT be fucked up. gaijin have already admitted they can't fix it.
play Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts instead.
unless you're stock with shitty HEAT lmao good luck killing anything
amphibious ones are funner
look at this mega fat russian peice of shit eat huge loads from my cute little battlecruisers.
who asked?
bmp-2 is amphibious though..
oops, sorry, ITALIAN peice of crap super battleship. getting cored out by a tag team of two itty bitty cruisers.
warblunder has a godawful naval mode which is FAR inferior to UA dreadnoughts.
oh yeah, watch those, superheavy, armour peircing ballistic capped shells come blasting in to rip this fat italian apart.
as long as the whales keep paying up for every ayybraps and A-10 they release they'll keep focusing on it. I bet 98% of the playerbase never reaches past tier 4 anyway but they collectively spend less than the 2% that does
go shill somewhere else nigger, no one even mentioned naval battles
>Ultimate Admiral
I own Ultimate Admiral: Age of Sail and I have the same problem I have in all gunpowder TW games
>be a genius and cross the T on the AI
>enemy ship isn't dead and now it's just broadside vs broadside until whoever sinks first
the normal bmp-2 sucks dick and balls
2M version has enough firepower to level half of DC, but is still really janky to drive
the BMD 4 is pure sex that can go forwards and backwards 70 km/h
Sorry but every time I get in my bmp-2 I get around 6+ kills every game just in that vehicle alone.
just because you are too retarded to make sexy beautiful ships that are still useful and good, doesn't mean everyone else is
they've been working on that in UA D. you used to have to close to unfeasibly close range with big ships and pump a truly ludicrous amount of torpedoes into them to make the fuckers sink quick. but ever since the last update where you can now adjust beam and draught the gunnery works much better, to the point i've heavily modified my old go to of a triple superfiring turret setup on the bow and mass of torpeodo launchers on the ass, to having a pair of superfiring turrets fore and aft. now that i can put proper AP shells in my guns they can punch right through the big ships fancy ass armour.
so now i have this 'little' battlecruiser design which is a super stable firing platform, has hyper accurate guns throwing utterly massive evil shells, AND its an actual BOAT, its not going to fucking SINK the first time a wave comes near it. she has super good handling and seakeeping. unlike all these fucking ai designed boats i keep blasting out of the fucking water.
God, I've got no fucking clue what's going on in this.
Do the first mission, attack a small village. Fine, whatever. No idea of where to go except a blue waypoint on the village, I start in front of some dragon's teeth so go to flank round those.
End up blundering into an enemy infantry position by mistake. Hose them down with machinegun fire (luckily the game gives you an orange diamond marker over enemies when the AI spot them so you're not left in the dark entirely), then drive towards the village where the action is.
Whenever the tank is moving your viewpoint jerks around so much you can't get a grip on what you're even looking at. Order the tank to stop, find some tanks that appear to have been destroyed by a friendly tank and a couple of AT guns that I manage to shoot with shells.
Can't see any other enemies yet, so drive into the village with the rest of the allies.
AT gun apparently nearby, except my loader won't load any more shells. Oh, he's apparently dead. I finally figure out how to switch positions as the character I'm controlling - go to the loader, load a shell. Go back to the gunner position, fire the shell - it fires 90 degrees to the right of where I'm aiming.
Oh, I selected the wrong sight - I'm apparently looking out of a sight facing on the left of the turret? Switch back, load next shell, back to gunner. Find the right gunsight, shoot at AT gun I can see.
There's another one to my left. I can't rotate the turret all the way any more, only to about 80 degrees or so. Have to climb into the driver's seat (he died as well), figure out how to engage reverse, reverse and turn left, then go back into the gunner's seat. Can't see the AT gun any more because all the landscape is bushes and fences. I take another hit, and quit back to desktop.
What the fuck.
Battlefields are confusing places
>IMO they should just stick to WW2 and early Cold War.
This is the secret bro. You can do this, just play low and mid tier tanks only. This is the cheat code to all of these Russian Pay-To-Grind-War-Games. If you play WW2 only you basically get the entire game for free forever without any bullshit grinding or P2W shit. It's good for your mental health. Back when 1945 was top tier this just meant playing 1938-1943. All free, reasonable grind, and far fewer try hards since people are just there to have fun.
Either Steel Fury or
Yeah. I think I'm just too dumb for a proper sim like this.
For all the faults that War Thunder has, it at least puts all the tank stuff in a package that a dullard like me can grasp.
Steel Fury is too big brain for me. Apparently in this pic there's meant to be an enemy tank in that direction? I can't see it. And whenever I'm moving the scope bounces around too much to see anything, but stopping + looking around out of the hatch makes me an easy target. Plus the game doesn't really make it clear when you've taken a hit.
>that isn't a sim
the main issue is most modern tanks are very same-y. There's no different roles or weight classes.
You are playing it as an arcade game when its not, as a tank in an army you have to work together with the infantry or other tanks, that way you'll have a better idea of what's around you.
Maybe try
Are there any guides on how to play tank sims? Since nothing I've learned appears to carry over into Steel Fury.
>You are playing it as an arcade game when its not, as a tank in an army you have to work together with the infantry or other tanks, that way you'll have a better idea of what's around you.
Okay, then how do I do that? The game barely makes any of this clear to me.
>Panzer Front
I'm aware of it and wish I could play the PS2 version but my laptop can't run a PS2 emulator.
And before you link this video, I already watched it - it shows the basic controls, but doesn't really give any idea of how to tank effectively.
I've tried googling for tank sim guides, and come up short - steel fury guides all get concerned with how to install mods which isn't what I want.
Short of enlisting in the army or reading tank manuals, how the hell do I learn how to do tank good? I want to give it a chance, really, WT's PVP-only modes make me want to shit. But if sims like this are so impenetrable then I'll probably have to stick to WT, unless there's something I'm missing.
>Okay, then how do I do that? The game barely makes any of this clear to me.
The PS2 version is Panzer Front bis. which is the sequel, the original game is available on PS1 and on Dreamcast.
there's new iterations every 10 years with cooler and cooler additional armor bolted on
I remember on /vst/ someone complained that his tank column on Graviteam took more than 5 seconds to kill an enemy tank that rolled right into the middle of the convoy because IT'S RIGHT THERE JUST SHOOT IT
People tend to forget that you can't see jack shit in a buttoned up tank while driving and while other tanks throw up dust
>There's no different roles or weight classes
There is but usually on a country by country basis.
This guy gives tips on how to rangefind
Also learn how to use terrain and the importance of hull down
still just MBTs
Penetration > reload speed > mobility > armor
This goes for every tier
People don't understand that Graviteam Tactics is a simulation, tanks can become suppressed just like infantry can and visibility in a buttoned up tank is generally jackshit, if a tank doesn't react as you expect it to is probably because they can't see their target or are occupied targeting something else, the game also doesn't really reward micromanagement.
Yeah some dude (maybe it was you lel) said that you should basically just give your regiments objectives and let them pursue them, rather than zooming in and going "why isn't this particular infantryman shooting right now!"
Fair enough. I don't really play strategy games because I'm just absolutely terrible at them. I prefer to be the one doing the thing, you know? Shooting the gun on the tank, driving it. I couldn't get past the first missions on the WW2 RTS I played because I have no grasp of it.
That's why I want to play tank games, except I have no idea how to do anything when it comes to the strategy side.
>Also learn how to use terrain and the importance of hull down
Stuff like this is important. I got a vague idea of how to rangefind in WT SB. But it's what you said before, about working with the infantry in a combined arms role: how do you learn that? How do you do it? Like, in the missions I played I didn't have any control over the infantry present. My goal was vague, just take a hill. Do I just follow the infantry? How do I do battle?
I like playing them. It's just the grind that's annoying and crappy balance at 11.0.
I got this game. Seems no matter what combination of filler/gunpowder and round I make for AP I constantly get over pen AND semi-pen. I'm only ever getting the sweet spot pen 10% of the time my rounds hit. Tips?
Some others too.
There is also technically that Russian airborne tank with the 125mm but considering it has been MIA that was likely another vaporware project.
tanks are basically dead in modern warfare when a single infantryman an pop your million dollar shitbox with an RPG