I don't think he's very good at reviewing video games
I don't think he's very good at reviewing video games
Who's this
he never was
basic bitch taste, fan of cod and fucking clicker games
Why, did he shit on a game you liked? Learn to accept different opinions as long as they're justified properly. Also still a threat.
Vinny Caravella from IGN
Who cares. He seems perfectly happy to be part of the useless eceleb lifestyle now where he does fuck all except talk about video games on a podcast a few times a week amongst his San Fran leftist peers and collect ad money.
Nobody would want to admit it, but everything really did turn to shit once Ryan died. Say what you want about Dan, but he at least tried to inject some energy into the place at a time when it was sorely needed
Remember when they cancelled that Oregon Trail play or whatever it was because it was too problematic? Just unprecedented levels of pozzed lol
>Remember when they cancelled that Oregon Trail play or whatever it was because it was too problematic?
Yep. They did that with a few games where they refused to separate the artist from the art. Coincidentally happened a lot when Patrick Klepek was on editorial. You know, the guy that was caught on the list of colluding left-wing journos that routinely discussed matters such as taking down people in the industry that had opposing viewpoints and/or running campaigns to cancel them.
>tfw still go back and watch early Giant Bomb content (I'm talking random PC game with Vinny/Dave Snider)
I can't be the only one, right? It's still so comfy. I know things like that can't and won't last forever, but holy shit it's still depressing to see how bad it's gotten.
Giantbomb is so shit now. Cant even finish a bombcast now.
They'll never go back to an office because of permanent COVID fear and them now being spread round the country.
Do they even have an office? I thought they lost that when they got sold to the new company. I don't know I don't watch them any more. I basically haven't watched them since they had to go 100% remote because of Covid. What little bit of fire they had left I felt was snuffed out when that happened.
Do you even know that Vinny, Brad and Alex have left then?
Yeah, I had heard they went off to start their own thing. I never bothered checking any of their stuff out.
tranny in every video
It's been dead for at least a decade now. HOW are people still watching this?
He's jewish and a celebrity though
Amerimutts fucking adore jewish celebs.
edit: Americucks love jews in general.
Voidburger isn't a tranny, despite the pink hair.
the site diede whn Bryan Davies ded I never saw their twitch channel but I saw super best frens say that, das where I get my opiniens from.
Anyway, where's the Kish spam?
>unprecedented levels of pozzed lol
They went full anti vaxxer? I need to see this.
He's not jewish. Imagine being so brain damaged you read a German name and think it's jewish.
Holy shit, I used to rush home from work to catch unprofessional Fridays. Used to take time off from work to watch their E3 coverage.
Sad watching them fall so hard.
>Ryan's last words on Giant Bomb were "Vinesauce? ugh..."
They refused to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance because it didn't have niggers. This is the state of game "journos".
How long until he's metoo'd? He's a scum bag I'd be surprised if he hasn't done any dodgy shit
Fire Escape Cast has been good replacement for Giant Bomb for me. Younger cast, they enjoy each others company, actually play games.
if reviewing that game would have pleased /pol/tards I'm glad they didn't.
>You know, the guy that was caught on the list of colluding left-wing journos that routinely discussed matters such as taking down people in the industry that had opposing viewpoints and/or running campaigns to cancel them.
wait what
True, but I could listen to him, Ryan, Vinny and Brad talk shit all day long. Sad that you take out just Ryan and the whole thing falls apart.
this was what made me leave the site, and they even pretended it wasnt to do with politics at the time.
Jeff Bakalar having any input into the site was the second worst thing to happen to Giant Bomb after R.D dying.
This far gone, huh?
GB is still alive? He was too cynical for my taste and I love cynical fucks like Myke stoklasa
not wanting to please horrible people makes me "far gone"?
I think everyone except Jeff and the gay editors left to make "nextlander" (a niche of a niche, I think all the backers have giantbomb stockholm syndrome), then they took on Jeff "piece of shit" Grubb, so I guess it's just a branch of xbox marketing now?
Yes. It's a fucking video game review. Judge the game on its contents like with any other game.
For me, it's the Persona 4 ER
>They refused to play Kingdom Come: Deliverance because it didn't have niggers.
They refused to review it because even back then they reviewed like 6 games per year, and it's up to each whether they want to review something.
But yeah, it's all about your alt-right bitch victim complex.
whats up with people not liking jeff grubb? i havent watched him
>post reaction videos on their channel
>they're all stone faced for three hours straight
I mean, who fucking watches this shit?
no dude not review, play
talk about victim complex jesus
The deadly premonition one is good too, I've gone back to both so many times that it truly was great chemistry and content.
I love Ryan as much as anyone else but he had horrible taste in games, let's not pretend he didn't. The site was somewhat watchable until people started leaving en masse. I don't even know what they're doing now. Whoever thought Bakalar being in charge was a good idea never heard him talk or met him and just looked at his work history.
You never watched a minute of their content a day before your /pol/nigger retards told you they refused to support your MAGAnegrosity.
Yes, Geff Berstmann is still alive.
Whoa, easy on the hate speech, user. We don't do that here.
He's a bit like Nibel, just an insufferable faggot who tweets a mix of marketing insider info and rumours and gets quote tweeted as if he's telling the truth.
The hollowed, autistic remnants of old-era GB fans who decay, slowly, while guzzling the ejaculate of "creators" with no connection, chemistry or reason for being on the website.
Jeff B. could livestream a fucking wall drying and the same parasocial parasites would still be commenting "love this content, it's fantastic!".
GB died with Vinny's hairline.
Why is it always fellatio metaphors and reddit spacing with the retards who pretend to belong here?
>he had horrible taste in games
Yes, but that's part of what made him so watchable. Peak giantbomb was the GOTY with Jeff arguing for Saints Row 3 and Brad for Skyrim, and Ryan being kingmaker sitting on the fence and deciding to go with Skyrim for no reason other than so that Jeff wouldn't get what he wants.
Jeff is just not intelligent enough for anything past PS1 era games.
She looks like a literal dog with that hair. Disgusting
Abby is definition of paper bag.
Shes got a tight little body but that face is no bueno
Giant bomb was always a giant shit, fuck those fat leftist shit for brains
it was always shit, you just grew up with the show
you do realize kingdom hearts is for homos? not for racists