Game Endings with this feel?
Game Endings with this feel?
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dont know any games about doing your sister
>Somehow Sigma Returned
>there will never be a sequel as good as Empire
Feels bad, man.
Yes you do you liar.
What fucking feel? I remember the first time I watched this I was like wait that can't be the end. So I guess Fallen Order?
There will never be anything more annoying than normies suddenly transparently parroting ESB opinions when the prequels came out.
>Most ironic of all, was the last gift that Raziel had given me. More powerful than the sword that now held his soul, more acute even than the vision that his sacrifice had accorded me. The first, bitter taste of that terrible illusion: Hope.
new guardians of the Galaxy game for sure.
Getting fucked for an entire game then finally getting back to your crew?
Empire is shit. Darth Vader being Luke's father has to be the worst twist and a completely nonsensical retcon of the first film. The only way it could have been worse is if they introduced an evil twin brother out of nowhere.
Final fantasy VII remake
i hate every empire strikes back dickrider
Unironically yes
>game ends with you failing to stop the big bad or what he’s setting in motion.
Infinity War was the first one, right? That one was good. Endgame, not so much.
Mass Effect 1
>It was then ruined by sequels
>Just like star wars
So you found the entire film shit because of a 2 minute scene at the end?
Mass Effect 2 ends with a nearly identical shot
Rogue One. Best Star Wars live-action movie.
Felt like a Marvel film. God I hate modern capeshit.
>has to be the worst twist
Now this is peak contrarianism.
>his name is dark father
>wtf he is Luke's dad????
Everyone saw it coming
I need to play some Galactic Battlegrounds again
This can be debated
This, it was awful.
Everyone in my based family are giant star wars nerds (mom, dad, siblings, cousins) and we all thought it was Marvel trash.
final fantasy ii
>Return higher than Empire
>Rogue One higher than Mandalorian
>Clones as bad as force awakens
nigger that’s probably the worst list i have ever seen on tiermaker
>Rogue One and Episode 3 that high
Early Clone Wars and Attack of Clones should be Knight at Least. Don't gotta disrespect our Boys in white like that.
Clones in the movies aside form 3 hare bland as fuck.
Thats why 3 and the TV show are rated higher.
Beat me to it
Buddy, you weren't around during 2005 to play Battlefront 2 during it's heyday, but man it was fun. Granted I was a kid, but still. The Clones are fine my guy.
Clone Armor MK I > Clone Armor MK II > Storm Trooper Armor >————————- First Order Armor
Oreimo PSP (NBR)
Yosuga no Sora
Kana Imouto
Duel Savior (NBR)
>Buddy, you weren't around during 2005 to play Battlefront 2 during it's heyday,
The fuck I wasnt. Battlefront II is one of my favorite games.
I just prefer the clones from the later half of the lore.
I only like A New Hope
kek I too am tired of this meme revision that Episode III is good now.
his name is meant to be Darth Invader. Lucas shortened it to Vader, the meaning in German is completely unrelated to intent.
Why did he do it?
>Jedi Outcast
>S tier
Fucking Kylefags
What did he mean by this?
This can't be real
Actually not bad taste. Only thing I'd disagree on is that lego games suck.
Empire is the best one, though, and that wasn't a new opinion in 2003.
Shit you not it’s real
RotS is just as shit as the other two prequels.
Well he apologized and that’s what counts.
Sonic Adventure 2
Star Wars Kinect had those fucking hilarious dancing games though so you should put it in at least D
Swap RotJ and ANH, and then bump up Phantom Menace two tiers, then I can agree.
Keeping it on the same tier as fucking Rebels is just disrespect.
swap A and S tier
i'd play any of that shit before republic commando
It’s amazing how the “Cancel Apology” is just a standard now.