Master Duel

So the banlist did nothing but to hurt lesser decks, right?

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Gigantic Splight can summon it and you bounce it back with Swap Frog, why are you assholes so fucking stupid??????? They aren't adding beetroopers because they are tcg only at the moment, not because of any fearmongering about "much searchable maxx c", besides as the other dude said, you can already search for it with Union Carrier + Retaliating C

lmao chill bro have sex

Why do japs hate making money
what a piece of shit nothingburger
>wait for the list it’ll be good

How consistent is Rhongo turbo anyway? I'm a gold shitter and I've only seen it once

So are you going to uninstall or do you still want to collect your daily login gems?

they are making money dltranny, they don't make any money out of people being alienated out from the game by murdering their decks. Why are you faggots obsessed with hitting decks until they are fucking useless????

>Playing trains for giggles
>Keep losing the coinflip and they make me go first anyways
What the hell is this

It didn't even hurt lesser decks except uhhhhh Superheavy Samurai running 3 Sekka's Light, or pure LL, so...

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very, turbo decks scoop the moment they have a brick hand anyway, they are used mostly by people that don't know how to build a deck or what most effects work outside their own

Phantom Knights are consistent at anything they do
Virtual World Rhongo is less consistent but it gives them an option besides VFD if they have a fucking crazy hand

I'm going to keep playing because it is the same game it was before and I liked that game enough to play it.

>was already playing laolao at 2 for more tech

Shut the fuck up you ignorant esl spic piece of shit. Quit defending the stupid shit konami commits

Cyber angels

>they say Edel is useless
>they call super anti war machine a brick
>bring them anyway cause i like boths art
>they somehow do their job
i love these two little niggas no matter what

It has nothing to do with Maxx "C" TCG exclusives are imported in new packs.
We are getting Beetropers with Libromancers and one other theme, so expect them in like 6 years lol.

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>cyber angel
Please show me literally ANYONE playing that deck here or in /mdg/. When the arguments for hitting Herald vs Benten popped up, literally no one posted a Cyber Angel deck
Good, that piece of shit deck needs to disappear from the face of the earth, "muh costs are not costs" faggot shit

lol was just trying to get Ntiss or Phantom of Chaos (didn't get neither btw)

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It's surprising how many people value +1 card in hand and a battle phase over being able to set up a board that invalidates multiple of the opponent's cards.

No, it absolutely hits Drytron in that it makes it to where Called By The Grave actually ruins their day.

>Use Edel
I kneel.

I play cyber angel

How? Did they use Sekka's Light too? I know they're monster heavy but geez

>Hitting Decks
>Banning the Unrelated generic boss monster thats a floodgate.

Banning VFD doesnt stop VW from being a deck, banning Rhongo doesnt stop PK ect...

post deck

ban vfd only until they add adventurer engine, then we have a deal

What's wrong with Edel?

did you guys realize they literally printed despia like five years ago
it's amazoness
they're literally the same deck i'm not kidding read amazoness empress

They should throw names of all the cards people want banned into a bucket and pull 5 of them every day and for that day only they are banned.

Riddle me this fucko, how are you getting both Maxx C and Swap Frog out at the same time while also already having enough material for the Rank 2? That play is about as useful as all the fucking tip pages on yugipedia that say that a card can be searched by Dogu.

do you guys think DPE is coming May 9th too? or at least soon after?

Anyone who hasn't uninstalled by now is dumb enough to stick with this 0-effort shitpile
t. uninstalled 2 months ago

I don't really care enough to turn my xbox back on or crawl over to my pc, I'm just saying I play them and I am disappointed. It probably won't matter that much because ending on vanity + herald isn't uncommon. You literally need that 1 search for vanity and I use impcantation so he's easy as hell to tribute for.

Time to build Junk Speeder turbo, user

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Only have it installed for events that I can ruin by playing stun. True Draco festival was pretty good.

True Draco bros we won now they just need to free masterpeace

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you haven't even bothered to read the splight monsters, do you?????? I fucking repeat, why are you assholes so fucking stupid????

Who's ready for more fun?

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>how does the deck that shits out level 2 monsters for a living manage to summon rank 2 monsters
You literally only need to open Swap Frog or get it to gy to revive with Elf

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Unless they add a new selection card pack, you won't see any new cards until the current ones expire in 45 days.

>Call fire
>Call light
>Phatom Trannies
>Call dark
oh yeah, time to game

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holy shit this looks rad as fuck why does nobody play this deck

>chink name
>always ash in hand

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It's a Pendulum deck and after Arc-V ended Konami has done literally everything in their power to shaft Pendulum decks.

I actually really liked the Speedroid Loaner deck in the Synchro festival, it was very very fun and very powerful despite lacking the Link 2 Speedroid and overall a better Extra deck

>game stacks all your spells
>Opponent topdecks duster/lighting

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>ahs blossom u

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>Set 5 backrow
>Opponent topdecks Duster/Lightning
>Your playing Artifacts

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but it looks RAD AS FUCK

>play this little shit
>opponent storm/dusters it as a first play
I love it when people can't read.

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This is the reason I use 3 cosmic cyclone. Too many floaters.

>Slowplaying Trickstar gook
Might as well be playing timelords you fucking cunt

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Can Crusadia OTK take you to Plat 1?

i enjoyed from silver and gold but since i got to platinum is getting boring, now i face the same cards over and over, all the decks end up summoning zeus or accescode, boring, probably going to uninstall soon

Its an enemy on mobile with maxx C in hand or worse. DD Crow/Crossout

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>got to plat 1 playing purely monke flip

I can't tell if monke flip is just good or if master duel players are just bad

I played against someone tonight playing some shit insect deck that I can't even remember with Madolches and I swear he read EVERY FUCKING CARD ON EVERY FUCKING INTERACTION of the combo because he had a useless quick effect live. Took me like 15 minutes to finish my combo because he wouldn't just let me fucking OTK his ass.

>change everything on the field to dark instead of some retard element so you dont get super poly'd

Any retarded gimmick can get you to Plat 1 if you catch enough people by surprise

What is monke flip deck? Eldlich?

Nice banlist nerds

Laundry a cute

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>Eldlich was hit but I was already pivoting towards Zombie World style anyways
Losing my lmao free pops does hurt a bit but I'll survive.

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pls no b mean
were trying really hard

What do I replace the Conqs with now that they're on their way out?

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>try to Maxx C
>Opponent uses Ash blossom
>Opponent tries to Maxx C
>I use Ash Blossom
>Opponent uses Called by the grave

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