What's the angriest you've gotten while playing some bidya?

You haven't broken any controllers... right...?

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I broke my phone playing clash royale around 5 years ago

The last time I did some property damage over a video game was like back in my teens or 20s when I was playing a sniper mission in GTA3. I got so mad over fucking it up that I outright yanked the cord out of the mouse. Aside from that, I guess being reduced to rage tears as a kid.

As someone that's never broken anything from rage playing vidya, what goes through your head when you smash a controller, etc?

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Malenia is filtering meeee


Streamers dont have adult iqs

Hardly anything you could understand in the heat of the moment, you just immediately spew out whatever angry comment comes to mind and you may get the urge to either chuck something across the room or punch and kick a nearby object

That's the thing, you aren't thinking when it happens. You're feeling. It is unbridled rage, and it needs to be released. Frustration comes from a place of powerlessness. Being evolved monkeys, violence is still our primal answer to feeling wronged or inconvenienced. Some people control these pulsions better than others.

When I was like 9 years old I got really angry at losing to King K Rool after the credits fakeout in the last level of Donkey Kong Country for gameboy color. I turned the gameboy off, took the cartridge out, and threw it down onto the carpet in frustration. I thought it was safe enough not to break anything, and it didn't exactly, but it must have unseated the CMOS battery for a moment or something, because it deleted my save file. I had to replay through the whole game on a fresh file before I could try the fight again. It was one of those unexpected formative lessons that stuck with me through the rest of my childhood. I don't think I ever physically abused anything in response to frustration at a video game again, and I definitely couldn't imagine doing so as an adult regardless.

>cord under the keyboard

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Broke a tv
A monitor
Game discs
Pure rage

I just said fuck this bullshit and put down the controller. Anyone who breaks anything when they're mad is either a child or mentally a child.

Golf in Yakuza 3 pisses me off quite a bit. Never broken anything though.

Fire Emblem. Some recruitable qt on a boat keeps trying to fight people on her own and keeps getting ganked. I have never wanted to rape anyone out of sheer anger.

I could never break anything, though I've been tempted here and there, I usually just start fucking yelling incoherently about anything and everything.
>Get it the FUCK together you god damn inbred.
>How do you keep falling for this shit? Why do you keep falling for this shit? Are you retarded?
>Jesus FUCKING Christ Anonymous, I'd tell you slit your throat if I wasn't certain you'd miss you fucking inbred.
And so on, and so forth. A lot of berating myself in the third person, mainly. I have, on some occasions, punched myself or slapped myself as well. Not proud of those moments.

never gotten madder than calling the game a nigger or something,discarding your emotions in the face of failure is the best way to overcome tilt and git gud

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I broke an Xbox controller fighting demon of hatred.

Think the keyboard was dropping inputs, it was getting old
Punched it a few times hoping it would fix it, only for it to stop working altogether
Thankfully it was one of those basic bitch office keyboards

for me it's usually
>mad about game
>break controller
>mad about broken controller
>realize my anger is why my friends don't talk to me anymore

It's more like frustration
>threw chair at wall
>broke glass with fist
>twisted a controller apart
>disassembled an entire desk and threw it into the trash
>crammed myself under my mattress
>jumped and rammed my head threw the ceiling
but at least I never hurt myself and I was really really good at a couple video games when I was a teen

>Smashed a gaming chair playing CSGO
>Also completely malformed a heater playing CSGO
>Destroyed multiple controllers playing DS1/2/3 because of my ultrahard meme runs getting ruined
Nowdays i barely get that angry, a small desk slap and thats it

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the game is pure evil, I don't mean that ironically or metaphorically or playfully, I mean the game is pure evil, it's designed to create anger and hate, along with addiction, you don't get angry just because, you get angry by design, it may even have a paranormal evil attached to it if you believe in such things, I do

also it's just a slot machine, winning and losing is an illusion, in that I don't believe you can actually truly be good at the game, as the winner and loser is picked right at the start of start match button, as soon as it's pressed, and when I say slot machine I'm not saying that as a joke, on the bottom you both have a slot machine where your cards drop, so it's an actual slot machine

everyone has the same experience winner winner winner defeat defeat defeat over and over
and if you've played it long enough it takes 20 seconds to tell who is already the winner, most people leave the match at this time, so most
experienced players just trade wins and losses as the game allows
in other words they don't complete the match once it's established who the game has already chosen to win,
and yet it still can make you angry

and they're always doing balance changes to the game characters, which don't mean anything at all, how do you balance change a rigged game?
I'd like to kill them all and watch them die for all the anger they've given me

imagine being bad at videogames

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I slam my first on my fight stick if I play fighting games while drunk, but it's made of metal and strong plastic and I don't use my retard strength. I still hold back a little bit.

I got so angry while drunk playing a Soulslike that I bear-gripped my PS4 controller and twisted a little, I kind of twisted it apart. Once it was warped from that I said "well it's already irreparably fucked might as well tear it in half and toss it across the room."

Blew out the blood vessels in my eyes from screaming so hard at how bullshit fighting games are.

As a teenager, my bedroom from the floor to the ceilings and walls were riddled with giant holes. I also completely destroyed my door by punching it. I was playing fighting games, haha.

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I hope new people don't get into fighting games.

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FIFA is the only game that can consistently get me angry
the game is fucking shit and the people who play it are all fucking CUNTS

One time I was playing Tekken drunk and did so bad I started punching myself in the face.

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I punch the fuck out of my ps4 controller every time it starts drifting. Biggest piece of shit I've ever owned and I'm gonna take a lot of pleasure in smashing it to pieces the second I can afford a different one.

I was playing Jump King Babe of Ascension with a controller with a shit d-pad and it was causing me to fall because it was sticking and I unplugged it and threw it in the trash. What made me angry was not just that the game is absurdly hard but the controller was a $70 xbox one controller and everything about it was great except the d-pad. It’s the only time I’ve ever broken a controller and it was well deserved

I punched the acrylic panel of my PC case circa 2017 after a heated csgo match. Then I got over it.

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And your parents just let you? Holy fuck some people shouldn't have kids.

based, I remember getting to Goro in Mortal Kombat 1 as a kid and getting butt fucked in an instant and breaking my genesis controller (the c button stopped working kek)

Rocket League. I have a permanent ban from raging at retards in that game. It's 100% the fault of the cocksuckers developing it too. Why the fuck should I have to queue with retards that have been dragged up to ranks they don't belong? Why the fuck should I have to play with retards that can't change their region and have 300 ping? Why the fuck should I have to play with cunts that don't read the chat? If these things were fixed, I would never rage again.

yo who the fuck took this pic of me!

I was like 10 and got so frustrated at some bullshit in some shitty F2P browser-based MMO that I cracked the screen on the family laptop by squeezing the frame too hard while I was yelling at it to just fucking work already.

I was absolutely mortified at what my parents would do to punish me. Ended up blaming it on my autistic little brother sitting on it.

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At least you didn't beat your sister.

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This was over a decade ago and fighting games have somehow only become even more entrenched in the mindset of "new players are not welcome here".


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I broke a controller on purpose by throwing it full force to the ground while playing Jet Set Radio. The controller had joycon drift however, also i was pissed for multiple reasons

Eh, punched my desk and smacked my controller on said desk. Hurt the controller a bit but it still works fine, Usually if I get really mad I just autistically spout racist shit. Makes my friends in discord/stream have a good laugh. Really wish I could say Nigger on stream but people nowadays, even people who say they are racist are against it

I've smacked my fightstick once or twice out of frustration.

Then my anime waifu I have on it looked at me in disappointment and I never did it again.

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there are no thoughts, just rage and angered gibberish

Rage. I feel like i'm being treated unfairly and my only response is to break shit and scream. Later on i feel really bad about it. Since i have gotten older i don't really destroy shit that often anymore although i did destroy a controller a few months ago while playing sekiro.

Never broken anything. I don't generally get mad at games aside from just basic verbal flaming like "it's so fucking retarded how these rats can stagger me off my fucking horse and I can't move!" That's about it. My giant fatass cousin once slammed my controller down on my desk and I slapped him right under his chin without warning and told him you don't throw my shit around in my house end of. His dad was low key happy because he's in his twenties and still tantrums like a toddler frequently.

Angry enough to quit the video game

I get mad every single time I boot up dragonball fighterz and have to play against that broken bitch lab coat 21 and the braindead vegitos and gogetas

You don't get really mad but you hit your family over a controller. Okay dude you sound real stable.

>this thread

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I exhaled hard through my nose and turned the game off.
I know, I know, I'm deranged.

He damaged my property nigger. In my house. He can be glad it was me and not my father there because he would have gotten his snout broken otherwise.

>he would have gotten his snout broken

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i feel like being good at games makes it worse because you feel like you should be doing better


Controller? No. Controller covers made from rubber? Yes. I'd rather destroy the cheaper item than chucking a 60$ controller into the TV.

i dont smash my own stuff. i do it at work though because who gives a fuck it aint my shit.


I threw a glass into my wall and my mother started screaming at me. I cant remember what game. It made me mental though. But ive grown up and i dont get mad at games anymore