I give up with this game, the combat is unintuitive and requires external tech and mechanics to become enjoyable and even then it's still such a clunky piece of garbage. It literally never gets good.
I give up with this game...
Other urls found in this thread:
All the Tales games look like garbage.
You're a pussy
They literally all are
The only weird "tech" you need for the combat is manual canceling.
I do agree that it takes a very long while for the combat to truly become fun.
Manual canceling is still garbage, playing the game in manual is extremely unintuitive, you really cannot defend that.
No, I can very easily deny that. Every Tales game is best played in manual. This is before even taking manual canceling into account (which isn't "external tech", it's in the damn tutorial menu)
>the combat is unintuitive and requires external tech and mechanics to become enjoyable
I don't understand how people can be this bad at game. You just mash the attack button until you go through your combo and then you chain it into artes. Rinse and repeat. Are there a lot of tech options to pull off some massive combos? Sure. Are they required? Not at all. Even on the highest unlockable difficulty you can get through the entire game with the most basic understanding of combat.
>Every Tales game is best played in manual.
Single player sure but trying to use manual control if you're playing ToV in multiplayer it's cancer due to the camera.
Even in singleplayer manual is cancer, that retard probably played through the game with Yuri, but characters like Judith or Rapedo or Raven are garbage without semi.
>playing the game in manual is extremely unintuitive
Misinputs can lead to a jump, certain artes or moves can lead you away from an enemy, among others.
Wow looks like you'll have to pay attention and not just mash buttons like a retard.
Can't say I've tried every character in manual but I know Rita in particular gets fucked over because several of her spells are very easy to whiff with without the auto-targeting of semi-auto.
What chains nigger? When does the game even explain how arte chains work?
...In the tooltips? You can't be this retarded. Read nigger.
Also started playing it recently. Is it just me or Yuri feels more sluggish to play compared to Luke?
The combat in general feels slower than early Abyss.
Wow in a fucking menu, a core mechanic to the gameplay is stuck on an in-game guide. Amazing.
Tried finishing the game twice, never did.
The controls feel really clunky, not even memeing. Getting your inputs cancelled by enemies take way too long.
RPGs are not for illiterates.
You are straight up told about base to arcane in no uncertain terms. In order to chain anything else you need the super chain skills with tooltips telling you exactly what they allow you to chain.
Your attempt at being smug has failed. Educate yourself before you respond to me.
The game is still just clunky garbage, I'm not melanin enriched enough to like Vesperia's combat, my apologies.
That's fine, just learn to dislike something in silence next time instead of coming to brag about how stupid you are on Yea Forums.
Vesperia's early to late-mid game is unbelievably clunky. It's like the devs saw how everyone was half hedgehog in Abyss then dialed the combat speed way the fuck down as a gut reaction.
Keep defending gay shitty games, I'm sure it'll work out some day.
Vesperia has a lot of combat issues. You being dumb isn't one of them.
I literally listed objective combat issues that have been a problem for literally anyone who tries to like the game, you're just trying to act smug and smart probably to make yourself feel better about something.
>getting filtered by a Tales game of all things
holy shit, thats a new low.
nice webm for ants
"Unintuitive" and "clunky" are not objective terms under any circumstances, and calling things explained in the game "external tech and mechanics" is objectively false information. Stay in school.
It's a fighting game hybrid RPG. That's why it's more clunky than usual.
its ancient from my tripfag days.
post more ancient webms from your tripfig days.
I wish it had grab and parry, then. As well as better hit boxes.
I never understood the appeal of the LMBS in vesperia, it really feels like it was built for combowank practice like most webms you'll see about the game, but absolutely fucking tedious for an actual game on paper. Doesn't help that the story in Vesperia is as bland as a wet noodle, but twice as long.
This isn't your gameplay though, what's the point
you have to literally be in ng+ to be able do most of this
>retard mashes through the tutorial
How would you know one way or the other, besides the other guy asked
Because I've seen most of these in old as fuck tales combo comps from autists like Swillo or omegaevol or Passaro.
While true, you are capable of a decent amount by mid game.
>you are capable of a decent amount by mid game.
You are literally capable of chaining three artes in mid game, your webm featured all of them, fucking braindead tripfaggot.
Rebirth's hiougis are so shit
>can only activate when there is one enemy left in battle, enemy must be at low enough HP to die from the hiougi
Yeah its one of the most overrated games recommended here
Finished first act and gave up
Absolutely fucking terrible combat with 1000ms build in latency
How do I get good on Hard? The AI just kills itself 5 seconds into any boss battle.
The attacks themselves are cool but yeah the activations are fucking bonkers
You can start doing infinites by the time you get the Tension gloves, and even before that you can effectively do TOD combos by using Fatal Strikes.
Take a look how Vesperia faggots always post webms of
>Amazing combat
where the playable character beat the punchbag enemy around WHILE doing 1dmg with each hit
Its literally impossible to do this shit in a normal game during the normal encounter
They must go out of their way to set up specific scenario with specific accesories etc. where character can do these long combos and then they pretend that its how a normal gameplay in the game looks like
Good thread, it's been years since I've seen a Tales thread with combat webms.
Yes that's something the average player and not some autistic combowanker will be doing, fatal strike chains and TOD combos. Fucking imbecile.
Just say you're bad and keep it moving. There's elements in-game that you can use to fuck with enemies.
RM4 fucking when? Also, god, that looks weird without Mao.
There we go
Sir I'm trying to play an RPG not a discount fighting game
The World was replaced with shitty gachas. The best you can hope for is a port of dead gacha content to an offline game like Reve Unitia (except not shit, ideally)
>I want to use water moves on the fire enemy a million times until I win
>Using basic game mechanics isn't something the average player will do
It's literally a 2 button game, if you can play Smash you can play this shit
Then gitgud, play on easy, or play something else. It's not rocket surgery user.
Some specific retarded setup from some autist with like 500 hours in the game is, once again, not a representative of a first time player's journey you brain damaged mong. This is why nobody except 3 crusty nogs like Vesperia.
>TOD combos
>basic mechanics
This has to be some form of bait, the average vesperia player does not know how to manual cancel.
If those crusty nogs managed to get good enough to pull that off after practice and you can't, that says more about you than anything else.
>using items
Why the fuck would I practice comboshittery on a tales game when there's like 500 other more enjoyable and well thought out action games with combat systems? Do you realize how retarded you sound and how you're proving the OP right?
You don't have to manual cancel or do anything tricky, it's easy to get a FS from one combo if you're not just brainlessly button mashing.
So what you're both shitters, congrats. You didn't have the brain power read and comprehend the basics of gameplay to even get to a point where in the smallest of combos became possible. All that stuff in the webms are necessary to complete the game just basic shit that game tells you can get you through.
Ok, give me a QRD on FS, Arte chains, fatal strikes and infinites, and setups. The game didn't explain it to me whatsoever so I would appreciate if you would so I can go back to play the game.