Is this the worst new race in wow?
Is this the worst new race in wow?
I'm a XIVfag who will never get into WoW and have played practically nothing but XIV lately and I unironically think that this new race isn't that bad and looks better than Au Ra. I'm not sure why everyone is shitting on this when the diaper gnomes and fox shit were a million times worse.
I play a male highlander though so take that as you will.
the dragons look too gay and the humans look too lazy
would've liked actual monster men and not furaffinity scalies
They had dragon spawn, which blizzard would refuse because centaur bodies, and Draconoids which would have made more sense.
There was no reason to make these.
they aren't bad looking, i think. plus, there will be a wider torso option in creation.
but what they are isn't even what you guys think. it's not some furry porn pandering, it's the leftist faggot devs' hatred of literally every single thing blizzard ever made before they got in there. it's the modern version of iconoclasm.
what faction are they?
they only have 1 class?V
second worst. first is still mechagnomes
>They aren't bad looking
They're terrible looking.
to be honest i feel like they used some of the worst customization combination in the promotional material, especially for the humanoid forms
>they aren't bad looking
user, I...
there's some faces that look scalie, some that just look like a dragon. the existence of the weird ones doesn't matter when you can make your own how you want.
choose a good face with the wider torso and you'll have a cool looking character i think.
but i mean, i won't resub until they undo their censorship of the old jokes and paintings anyway, so it doesn't matter.
It was an unnecessarily complicated and stupid way to introduce , which will consequently make the feature drastically less appealing when it was easily possible for the feature to appeal to most players and attract countless more new players... A modern Blizzard tradition!
other acceptable answers: garrisons, RNG legendaries, artifacts, crafting legendaries, covenants, the Maw (Eye of the Jailer), torghast
im not gonna play this gay shit dude i just came here to mock what one of my former favorite devs has become
>they aren't bad looking
They're yet another thing outside of the Warcraft (Samwise/Metzen) art style.
We've had dragon-people since Blackwing Lair, it's well established what they would look like within the Warcraft universe.
These look like a 2nd life model you'd buy for $4.99. Rounded, droopy wings that wouldn't allow for flight. Dragon "faces" that look like nothing we've seen in 25 years of Warcraft.
Why do they have a human-ish form that looks like shit? Aren't dragons fully dragon and then use magic to look like humans? These go from kinda-dragon to mostly-dragon, why?
and you should. but this shit is what you need to be mocking.
We are in 2022, there is no such thing like race anymore, it's a living entity like you and me without any difference.
Calling them a race means that you are racist.
a new race existing isn't issue.
the reason it exists is what you should be concerned with, what you should rail against, and what you should ABSOLUTELY NOT provide monetary incentive to.
Even not taking into account the tranny humanoid form, the dragon form itself is just awful. It's like an awkward lanklet.
but I am a racist
>normal people playing the game just see a dragon related race
>Yea Forums mongrels playing the game see a fetish and can't stop thinking about sex and deviants
Really makes you think.
keep seething, tranny
>there will be a wider torso option in creation.
since when has WoW allowed any customization outside of facial features?
they said it one of the post-reveal interviews.
really something they should have said in the actual fucking reveal. but autistic faggots would still just harp anyway just to shitpost like idiots.
diaper gnomes still exist
What the fuck is even the point of giving them human forms? It made sense with worgen cause werewolves, but there's no reason they should have wasted resources on human forms here. Are they going to give tauren and pandaran human forms next?
For the elf players
how else are people going to see my afk in my cool transmog
>Yea Forums mongrels playing the game see a fetish and can't stop thinking about sex and deviants
Nigger ever thought about why Worgen and Tauren don't nearly get the same amount of hate? It's because they're not designed to be lanky twinky """"oversexualized""" figures. I use quotation marks here because how this is remotely sexual only makes sense to furries/scalies who are unironically obsessed with this.
This is the most obvious furrafinity pandering I've ever seen, they know the only people left are the ones who cant scratch the pandaren/vulpera/worgen itch away.
I'm not a wow player so I'm not going to go out of my way to hate a race I won't even play, but let's call a spade a spade. This is furrybait, and the human form is an walking drag queen reference.
>Better than Au Ra
bad take, it's not even close when comparing the human form
And its not comparable in dragon form, that just means you prefer monster races
>This is the most obvious furrafinity pandering I've ever seen
where were you when they announced vulperas? literal sub bottoms of the furry world
I think the main issue isn't necessarily that they are "furry" looking, but that compared to other stuff in the game the dragon forms look very different in style and proportion. Like.....I guess if the rest of the player models had another revamp/upgrade they would fit together if that makes sense.
I still think the fox midgets and diaper gnomes are still the worst but these borderline furaffinity scalies are pretty close
i think the way it should have been handled is that the player is human form 99% of the time but when they cast a spell you see sort of ghost of the dragon aspect appear kind of like a stand from jojo. like the player casts their fel rush similar ability and you see a large dragon (like an actual dragon not a bipedal furry OC) breathe fire in a line moving the player to the end location.
Vulperas are a different case because I feel like not only they're furry pandering, they're pandering to the same fat nerds obsessed with Star Wars porgs and funko pops. Most of the pandering comes from their actual behaviour rather than physical appearance
>le quirky behaviour xd
>they're dumb but they try their best ^w^
If you spend even the smallest amount of time talking to a furfag you'll notice right away how obsessed they are with babytalk and sounding quirky
>green dragon is laughing at all the haters
I can see why these fag elves and androgynous dragons play into FF14 fan sensibilities.
Its not something most people want to see from Warcraft though, which from the start hard bodybuilder scholars and clergymen.
>Female human
>Not female elf
>Male elf
I smell some dev thot's self insert fetish
these heads look awesome I think its more so the bodies that look terrible. should be more stout like dragon kin, or male worgen, or atleast an option for different stances/posture/fatness
they look like drag queens
WoW art direction was always shit.
Don't forget what did they took from you.
That's the lazy bullshit most games do for interesting concepts like playing a dragon.
They're nothing like anything in FFXIV.
That is absolutely not better. The problem is strictly with the aesthetics.
WoW already had good biped dragons. Even the goofy 4legged hooded caster dragons wouldve been fine.
Feel free to post things from XIV you think are like these dragons.
>reused worgen model for """dragon""" form
>reused male belf and female human for visage form
>this is somehow a new race when all previous new races got unique skeletons (allied races don't count).
I'd rather not post about that turd game.
>instantly backs down and runs away when confronted
As expected.
>purposefuly ugly race with the purpose of being inclusive
>much like kul tiran females
>every race is oversexualized for the wider audience of normal people attracted to human beings
>Somehow ugly troon race is supposed to appeal to ffxiv people
I think you're just so stuck in your crusty stormwind paladin RP you ignore not only our buff races are much more buff without falling for the fat acceptance trap, but also how our characters are actually good looking and not cartoonish freaks
are they neutral like the pandas?
>but also how our characters are actually good looking and not cartoonish freaks
yeah like Hrothgar lmao.
they look like gay furry anime heads with gay furry anime expressions
can some1 answer this please
Hroths look better than any wow race lmao cope
yes they are
>big stronk muscle dude
>chick is just kinda lanky
Sure they do. Perfect mix of lazyness, actually hating what you work on and being scared of committing to something that breaks the mold.
They shouldve made another another human with slightly different bodyslider options for morons to eat up.
the problem is that they don't fit the aesthetic and vibe of wow. they are just faggy as hell and it's clear the tranny developers really just don't understand the game
>humanoid form is any race you want male or female and you get some weird glowing eyes to show your a dragon
>dragon form is literally just a giant beefy dragon man or lady ooorrr go all out and make a full fledged dragon be playable. Fuck it.
We got skinny fap bait Spyro dragons and James Charles Belfs in drag make up. What the fuck
Its probably half that and half them not being able to make proper male/female models so they just went for one androgynous.
Here's your female Hrothgar bro