Is it worth playing yet or is sega still fucking around?
Other urls found in this thread:
Come back in 2-4 years
It's pretty garbage
Sega will never be done fucking around
>Almost a year in
>Still no genuine effort being put in with that boring ass gameplay loop
>The pyramid that was hyped to hell turned out to be a fancier cocoon with unfun damage sponges and pathetic rewards
here's how NGS can be saved.
It'll be shut down in 1.
No, and it will never be worth playing, the only thing the game is good for is coom. The pyramid was worse than I expected, I wanted at least a few days worth of fun but it was so boring i didn't even bother after a few runs.
Sega doesn't know how to make good repeatable content, and this update clearly shows.
New player? Let's play on JP together. Despite the vocal minority on Global, we actually all play on JP!
JP myths debunked:
>there's only japanese people
Wrong! Just talk in English in Area Chat and EOPs will scoop you up.
>you need a VPN to join so it's a hassle
Wrong! Tweaker has a built-in proxy to easily connect to JP.
>you will get banned
Wrong! They don't care.
>the game is censored
Wrong! You can create characters under 150cm!
>you can't say slurs
Wrong! I have said nigger so much times on JP that my account would be banned 100 times over.
Here's the fastest way to play on JP.
Create a SEGA ID first then download Tweaker. Pick any ship you like but we all know you're gonna pick Ship 4 so pick that ship you faggot.
Go back to /vg/ faggot
>pyramid of tinitis
I admit I was expecting more out of it too than just more of the same trania shit dolled up with some settings.
At least it reminded me to sit the fuck down and expect nothing from sega again.
Should have called it New Megadrive.
Unless you like to make/dress a waifu there is nothing for you in pso2 NGs
I played the shit out of pso2 when it got it's global release and how a lot of good times but they botched things so badly with the launch of new genesis I dropped the game and never went back
I thought NGS was supposed to have better combat than pso2?
You're okay.
they killed PSO2 for this
>play pyramid
>no weekly rewards
>no progression
>no real reason to do it
>no fun stages
>cringe random gigantix if you have C on
>no rare drops
>floor 6 is fun but doesn't match up to the other divide step bosses
sega why are you like this
infinite reprayabirity!
Post a pyramid webm, faggot.
Not really.
I’m a huge pso fag but even I am having trouble finding a reason to not delete this game.
I'll never forgive the shills who argued that it was okay for there to be no PAs because
>I only played hero and I used exactly one button
and excused the removal of perfect attacks because
>Combat is going to be much faster and more dangerous, how are you supposed to do your counter attacks if you're having to use your skills at the correct time?
and excused the removal of PAs offering mobility options because
>I really hated when I got left behind, the game is too fast!
and excused the removal of actually affixing items because
>I just looked up a guide anyway!
and now we're stuck with slow, low-mobility, near-static combat where you spam one PA to kill a damage sponge monster (only taking breaks to press the parry button when the monster attacks) that has nothing to drop but mass produced items that you are better off destroying for 50 meseta than carrying.
Releasing PSO2 outside of Japan was a mistake that the series can never possibly recover from.
I like NGS.
what the fuck?
>low mobility
I understand the other complaints, but how the fuck do you come to this conclusion? I'm so shit at this game that the only reason I even survive in battles is because I can move around so well and quickly.
he can't move without his ot all class katana prease understnd
Have they added another class after Bouncer yet?
Not that guy, but the only mobility you have is the shitty Photon Dash. Base PSO2 had so much shit such as sidestep canceling, gap closing PAs, leaping dodge ring, and a bunch of class/weapon specific stuff like gap closing, long distance movement, and aerial movement PAs. NGS strip all of that and just gave everyone a shitty Photon Dash.
Post Pyramid score faggots
are you into shit games and wasting time? well yeah, then go for it bro.
A rank solo because HP bloat gets stupid as fuck.
nobody will never care about your cosmetics. it doesn't matter how many you don't have on global
just play episode 1&2
>these are your party members for your next UQ
Strangely lots of real women play this game 90% of the population are real women and the /vg/ general is literally nothing but real women arguing and fighting all day over the few males who play.
he just wants quick take in pso2 again because no one uses any of those things except base classes which no one also uses because they'll die in 1 hit without an et sub
That's cool and all, but it bet it clips horribly. Rather just wait for the new boob pad in the future
>gap closing pas
Hm, must've been imagining the twin-daggers Arkham Slide then. Seems like several sets have strong movement properties that must've been my delusion then, actually. Maybe it's like futurama and I'm just standing still while moving the world...
>aerial movement
Daggers and sword have that for elevation, so does boots. General moving around who gives a shit, you can float and scoot with step and hover as you want anyway. Shit, on rangers, I spend 90% of my time in the air, either darting and scooting, or hovering all over the place with launcher.
>class specific
Agreed there. Class differences are garbage in NGS all-around.
Fair complaint, but mitigated by that shit just being different in NGS to start with.
>leaping dodge ring
Unarguably correct this is missing.
datamine shows it wont be available until dec 2022
The series peaked at BB, no need to go further.
While I agree with you, you really aren't honest with how shit base pso2 was.
>she didnt play PSU or PSPP
? ? ?? ?
>that day sega brought the servers up for EP4 and everyone who picked up a red box was kicked offline
SoA didn't even want us to get that far.
They look like they fuck DOLLs.
PSU was complete shit and PSPo2 is only barely tolerable.
>Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power
your character jumps so high leaping dodge wouldn't really make any sense now
The NA class ratio was lost to time.
i hate dressing as coomershit but this is really good. sliders?
The original boob pad is garbage
>looks horrible from the back
>way too exposed which implies nipples are waaaaay off to the side
Its not monstrously bad, so you're doing fine.
Yeah, it's really more of an issue of "no special shit on any equipment except fixa/pot database number adjustments." Equipment isn't allowed to be fun in NGS.
Its bosom with two skin sphere. And because bosom could be place anywhere and this breaks the limit, you can have tit a size of a human being.
*alt tabs to 75*
while i agree with all your other points affixing sucked shit and I'm glad it's gone
>NGS's webms showcase endgame content against bosses
>Base's webms showcase shitty filler quests against weak ass mobs
Nice cherry pick!
don't care, as long as i can turn into retarded shit i will play
You know who to blame
You can tell a real woman created this character.
>Move the bone that this is connected to
>It doubles in size
Hottest bug in the game
nope, and it never will be, colossally fucked up.
pse bursts are almost 0% of the actual gameplay, and pse bursts are stupid
we have to wait for the pyramid webm bro
You could disable the mag appearance or use the sheath now
Because the shitty filler quests have at least a little variety in things you see
I'd say you have good taste, but that would be a significant understatement.
So skillful!
not mine
>ruin Geo Labs S runs
How does he do it?
S rank solo on my first solo run as dag/kat/bow with welfare gear. Had a good time. Smooth run even with bad rng rooms and got myself an accessory to remember it by. I probably took about three hits in the whole run. It's fun content, especially with friends. Looking forward to their runs coming in/the first official amongst them etc.
Because despite the amount of people who bitch about the gameplay now devolving into counter-spam, when faces with a mob that's hyper aggressive where the best option is to literally just counter-spam all these fucking retards choke and eat shit. Same reason why Bujin and Kekster stomps people when they don't have level advantage over them in a piece of content that actually punishes you for dying.
Why won't you die?!
>etoilefag thinks this webm means anything