>Kill communist enemy
>Doesn't drop any loot
Kill communist enemy
>kill Communist enemy
>drops a Star of David
Really makes ya think.
>fight communist enemy
>can just wait for them to starve to death or be executed by their officers
>Kill nazi enemy
>Drops a dildo and copy of mein kampf
>fighting italian enemy
>they switch sides
>communist enemy
>dies from AIDs because they're a faggot
Top kek
>kill op
>drops a buttplug
jews are the biggest capitalists idiot
who do you think profits the most from communism?
Wasn't Karl Marx Jewish?
>Wound American enemy
>Kill confirmed months later when the medical debt starves them out
>kill american enemy
>drops a hamburger and picture of George Floyd
The Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish. Communism is as Jewish as the Mafia is Italian. The Jews will play any role that benefits them at any time.
Continue learning, fren.
>fighting enemies that glow
>they keep getting runover
Only when they hold the capital
All you have to do is be above the poverty line and this is a non issue
>the Mafia is Italian
>he doesn't know
Quick, which system is
>uses fiat currency
>uses central banking
>reduces humans to units of consumption/production
Communism or capitalism? Both! At their final stages, they are the same!
Don't learn about communism from this guy. "It's Jewish" is a stand in for an material critique of the economic theory hinting at a lack of genuine understanding
>mfw fascist femboys exist
>mfw horseshoe theory is real
The majority of Americans cannot afford a surprise expense over $700. The poverty line is just one expensive (only in America) medical treatment away
Does the extreme left have tomboys like fascism though?
Jews created communism. They simply subvert capitalism.
Don't care, I will be a woman, I will vote for Trump in 2024, Hitler did nothing wrong, fuck niggers.
probably yeah
they're just as crazy as righty tomboys
>Surprise medical expense comes along
>Can’t pay it
>They let you pay it off over time with even the smallest payments while collecting no interest
The Weimar Republic had a lot of trannies, so it stands to reason a lot of those who became nazis were trannies
>kill american enemy
>the world instantly becomes a better place
>makes another thinly veiled /pol/ dogwhistle thread
>outside of his containment board
>proceeds to call everyone a tranny
>post on American website
>there is no punchline but you are a joke
Yea Forums is japanese now dummy
'capitalism' is just a marxist cope about why people shouldn't be free.
>kill black enemy
>white female faction turns hostile
>Kill chinese enemy
>dog and cat populations skyrockets
Wtf I have like 10-20k in my checking account at any given time and I don't even make that much money. Are my fellow Americans really that fucking bad with money?
Who created it? Where the are servers hosted? Nigga lives in fucking Paris anyways
Name literally one (1) game where this happens.
This is cope because you pay 50% of your income in taxes to fund Jamal Al-Mahmoud's medical bills.
its more like they live way beyond their means and everyone tells them that is a good way to live
bioshock infinite
>Kill Tranny
>Amount of shills and bbc posters on all boards drop
Who cares?
Guarantee you won't post your flag because you'll be mocked for being a fucking leaf.
the sudden shift of russians to "le heckin based" is pretty weird
/pol/tards think russia is some based conservative white utopia
>you can't just loot the enemy! looting is theft!
I tried to explain to my american friend once that I never had been in debt and I couldn't get him to understand it at all.
It was almost as bad as the time I tried explaining to him that when I mention juice I'm always talking about actual juice that I made myself by squeezing the juice from a fruit and not just some shit from the supermarket filled with sugar and other crap.
>kill communist enemy carrying gun
>doesn't drop ammo
what in the fuck?
so true
Go back
The jews in pokemon clover don't pay you when you win.
Frogposting is based though
Yeah okay man, I totally believe that in Europe you just buy a whole bundle of fruits so you can hand squeeze them every time you're thirsty.
just because you don't have friends don't assume everybody else here is like that
No they aren't. They hate the free market and competition.
I tried to explain to my EUROPEAN friend once that I never had been ARRESTED FOR CARRYING A KNIFE and I couldn't get him to understand it at all.
It was almost as bad as the time I tried explaining to him that when I mention HES LIVING IN AN IRRELEVANT COUNTRY I'm always talking about NOT GETTING ARRESTED FOR TWITTER POSTS that I made myself by SHITTING ON MY PHONE AFTER TACO BELL and not just some shit from the BBC STATE SPONSORED PROPAGANDA and other crap.
USA (capitalist): 340 million
China (communist): 1.4 billion
How can China sustain such a large population with less homelessness and poverty than America?
Is raw GDP really all that matters when your streets are filled with homeless and the vast majority of people live paycheck-to-paycheck?
>one x was y therefore all x are y
/pol/tards decrease in iq every year
Oh man it turns out was not even necessary since confirmed how americans don't understand the concept of juice that doesn't come from a box
>make two opposing ideologies and then make them fight
Not like we have much loot here in capitalist America.
You can buy a juicer. My house growing up always had fresh juice in the fridge of some kind
>be american
>mentions bbc and weapons unprompted as if it proves him right
Remember when you guys would say that guns were there to protect you from tyranny of the government and then you had an election stolen and did NOTHING.
That was hilarious. How is that dementia patient doing running the country so far?
>replying to shitty false flagging bait
Wasn't just one ;)
>europeans take everything they read online about america seriously
>get mad when americans do the same
The US has more homeless, but China is way poorer dude.
But if there's one commies are good at it's building commieblocks to house people, even if they suck to actually live in.
So do capitalists.
>final capitalist boss
>buy him off instead of fighting him
>it's just fake news!
>it's just a false flag poster!
Whatever helps you sleep at night burgerfriend
The top 3200 people in the US own more wealth than every other person in the country combined.
>How is that dementia patient doing running the country so far?
Miraculously better than the one running your country
By definition they do not. You're confusing corporatism and cronyism with capitalism. They are quite different.
Based on your news, you're all muslims with acid attacks and 60% taxes for everything you do
The funny thing is that the USA follows more of a socialist route than chinks with fair wages and benefits while the vast majority of the people in China live barely a life making a few pennies and unironically are left to fend for themselves.
>kill ancap
>drops all of his child slaves and a note saying it's ok because he violated the NAP
>it's not REAL capitalism!
Truly are the chosen people
>>uses fiat currency
>>uses central banking
>>reduces humans to units of consumption/production
sounds like most of my playthroughs that I have on SoTSE and MoO2 lel
correct, amerimutt.
>Meanwhile in yuropoor...
>less homelessness
Someone posts the screencap of that guy that was in china and was banned from the subreddit for posting a pic of the chinese homeless.
Now more to the subject homeless is a statistic that is entirely reliant on countries providing accurate numbers.
China isn't very honest about their numbers because they are trying to hide the truth. Meanwhile you have countries like germany that go full retarded on the opposite side and consider all their refugees homeless for the statistics even the ones that are being housed by the state.
No you're wrong. I'm sure the people who created predatory lending, nepotism, wealth-hoarding, and own most banks in the world are actually huge advocates for the redistribution of capital.
Well yes. If something doesn't have a free market, it can't be capitalism.
>if something doesn't have a free market, people can't own private property
>kill Rabbi
>drops foreskin (3)
The German civil war was started by jews
You couldn't even respond to his claim of The Bolshevik Revolution being Jewish.