Welcome to the new MD meta.
How many gems will you recoup?
Master Duel
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There is no new meta lol. Game is still as fucked as it was cause they didnt ban any of the problem cards. Only thing they stopped was DD Dynamite bots which can switch to Igknight now.
that's it?
they limit benten but dont touch eva
>revolt not to 1
most of these should just be put to 1 honestly.
we got two weeks bro.. two more weeks.. surely they'll add more cards to the list.. only two more weeks..
does this even stop dynamite FTK bots?
>Welcome to the new MD meta.
Looks suspiciously like the old MD meta if you ask me...
>Sekka's Light?
Did anyone other than Kaiju Luna shitposters use it?
>Fusion Destiny
We don't even have DPE yet.
Revolt at 1 makes no difference since the tribrig variants that run it just search it out anyway.
This changes next to nothing lmao
Limiting Laolao does nothing at all
>We don't even have DPE yet.
Think about why they hit it then user.
I saw some Adamanceptor decks using it for some reason. Those decks are going to get better because they will stop playing it.
You can't banish one to search the other with Trap Trick and have two on the field, so yeah. You can put your cards back in your extra deck now. They won't stop you from dying to Independent Nightingale FTK.
New dgay just dropped
>Limit Conquistador which does basically nothing to floodgate Eldlich
yes, they have to hard draw both dynamites now since you cant run trap trick with two dynamite or basically are chained to Lilith lady of lament RNG pulling the last one
Unironically the dynamite FTK is dead but ignite bot FTK is fine and alive
The power of a lv6 tuner?.They could have hit LuLu since she is the searcher
This ban list is so half hearted. Only eldlich got hit significantly, drytron can still full combo as long as benten doesnt get called. Most of th cards on that list should have gone to 1 while many others that arent even there should have gotten banned.
>"New" meta
Lol. Where are the Maxx C whiners right now? I would have expected more dedicated salt about that being untouched.
>Most of the lim 2s barely affect the consistency of their decks
You can tell they just chose 1 random card from each meta deck and took 1 copy away to convince people they're addressing things.
It's so fucking funny that Eldlich got hit harder than the Rhongo deck, the Block Dragon deck, and the VFD deck.
I'm glad they hit Laolao and not Lulu
Or they could have just yknow,
Hit VFD and called it a day since VW, not even just VW, but master duel in general is much more bearable without VFD, but we cant have that because VFD is a chaser UR card
>Only eldlich got hit significantly
Eldlich literally doesnt care.
I mean, Stun Eldlich doesnt give a fuck, Zombie World Eldlich is in shambles.
>Hit significantly
Because they lost one pop?
It makes their deck more inconsistent since they have to draw both DD
How am I supposed to fear something that doesn't exist?
Post it again in two months.
i'm sad they didn't suffocate VFD in a gas chamber like the fucking rat it is.
I'm glad for you but i also don't give a fuck about your robo waifu
They should ban Rhongo before ever touching VFD
This is the most retarded shit. What the fuck?
Eldlich definitley cares lol. Only one pop really hits it.
Reminder shit like Blue Eyes can play fine under skill drain and Eldlich can't hit over them. Eldlich unironically loses to brick eyes now
ABC bros... we're still not free...
t. vfd tranny
i agree actually, but i'd rather just have both hit since they're both ultra cancer to play against
even though the enabler for rhongo is gossip shadow, it's not really worth hitting gossip when rhongo will just break the next time something grants XYZ materials
They lost two pops and their best form of in archetype interaction. Conq at 1 just means they'll replace the empty spots with more floodgates.
Yes. Learn to use math
Soon bro's.... soon
t. rhongo tranny
man what the fuck of all the eldlich shit they could ban they chose that over free search from the deck and GY
How consistent is the going second version, i find myself losing coin quite often.
t. based gentleman
about two months too late, enjoy your dead game.
>till 30th of June
What happens after that? The banlist reverts itself ?
That fix fuck all issue with meta. And laolao hit is petty as fuck since VW can cycle monsters back to deck, VFD is the issue not him.
Drytron players also exploit to get turn 1, so you can't ever use Called by the Grave
No they unban Dragoon
>no eva
Im pretty sure konami just hates people abusing low rarity engines in their decks
>boi, I'm sure glad Eldshit can't pop my cards more than 1 time again, now all I need is just to draw my out for his skill drain, limit summon, IO and 1 facedown solemn judgement, ANY TURN NOW!
>Turn 1
>Go first
>Opponent's field flash right away
you get a new banlist that will hit old cards to promote NEW card
buy adventure and DPE, you pleb
they lost two, nigger. even still this doesn't touch stun which is really funny. all i'm going to do is sub in two extra stall cards.
What a shitfest this game has become. every time I set my expectations low and every time I am still disappointed.
Yah as a VW player I saw it and like... what? Literally does nothing other than I guess free up a slot for more generic answers. Like they just slapped it there to shut people up who have no idea how the deck works. I don't see them every hitting the deck though its one of the biggest UR sinks in the game.
VFD at least lets you summon monsters
Wears a thong lol
four whole deck slots for just this guy? nah. i'll stick to running 3 man eater bugs
>None of extra deck shit got hit.
>Even the very obvious problem cards like IO block dragon and eva got away.
>man eater bugs
move out of the way old man
mimicking man-eater bug is where its at
coming soon as a SR to a pack near you
Limiting conquistator only hurt non-floodgate eldlich builds, like zombie world and mayakashi.
What a dick move.
nigga you got skill drain and io. You don't deserve a pop that recycles itself. Fuck it, you don't deserve balls either. Cut them out now
>just started to build Virtual World yesterday
How am I feeling VW bros?
>Cobalt Sparrow and Fraktfall at 2
Shouldn't hurt too badly, I think.
At least snake boi survived so I can continue playing Cyber Dragon.
They're just mocking us at this point.
>sekka's light.
Now there is one draw card I don't care about.
Was there anyone abusing it? Rocks?
Why of all cards pick this, vfd and block dragon still free btw, Sekka's Light? one of the first things to go!
t. vfd tranny
Fucking retards at Konami my God I swear.
>instead dof killing off one of the most annoying decks in the game were gonna SEMI LIMIT A USELESS CARD OUTSIDE OF THAT DECK I STILL AND OF JUST BANNING IT
DD dynamite will keep popping up because of this.
FUCKING HORRIBLE BANLIST. Should've been more blood. Now we have to wait till next banlist 8 months from now
Were you guys honestly expecting anything good from Konami?
If it doesn't come soon I'm going to TCG. If I cant have fun virtually, I'll have fun with paper.
I have seen VFD less than 10 times since the game launched.
You whiners love complaining about the most nonsensical shit.
Nobody uses VFD, nobody uses rhongo. I wish Konami marked all TrannyCG accounts and blacklisted them.
>Every deck hit except ours
>Fusion Destiny to 2 means DPE coming soon
>Caused SEETHE and mindbreaks discords for the last few days
Rayebros...we won
Oh no, I had zero hope in this banlist. All I knew was none of my shit was getting hit unless they decided to do something freaky like limit Alpha Thuban.
Laolao hit means fuck all, maybe you can slot Toutou instead but barely make difference. Lulu is core and she is safe.
??? It says June next banlist right there you illiterate monkey
Of course not. But I certainly wasn't expecting it to be THIS fucking worthless. Christ.
No lmao
I knew it was gonna be ass long before everyone started getting pissy for a banlist. This is Konami we're talking about. They don't even play their own games.
If it flashes before even the standby phase, it is very likely Maxx C
>secret tier 0 meta deck still not hit
Heh heh
>tfw run two fusion destiny in my hero deck anyways
This banlist accomplishes literally nothing
Cool, when's linkage and H.A.M.P coming?
What deck?
>tier 0
Block Dragon at 3 is a fucking war crime
Sweet, I've been mostly switching off between building meta and non-meta decks but have been worried about a ban list just nuking one right as I build it.
It was for poorfag Adamanceptors who didn't want to craft droplets and calleds
I wasn't expecting a banlist at all
i will probably make hero unga myself soon
This entire list does nothing. It kills DD Dynamite FTK and that's about it.