

Attached: 6351D8A0-22C0-4D24-B838-08C8672B1531.jpg (2000x1334, 423.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Not surprised in the slightest

>no CalArts style
Already better than a modern Pixar movie

I like that Luigi looks a little frazzled. Like he's a step away from freaking out.

I can't believe Pixar got outplayed by fucking Illumination

fake and gay

I cant tell if these are fake or not

Attached: 4758577+_b3a0fca47ae25105908fca31e951b495.gif (200x150, 580.29K)


I agree but I think he is a bit too thin

it's meh

Why dont they look like current Mario and Luigi?

They're fake.

Oh my

This is fake, but if it was real, not bad, could be a lot worse


>this thread will reach 100+ replies and not even a quarter of the anons will actually check the link but assume it's real anyways

it's obviously fake, retards.
this is the real one

Attached: mario.jpg (774x1032, 110.82K)

Doesn't matter, it will be praised no matter what, because it's Nintendo

>Posted Illumination's twitter so you could immediately find out this is fake
>Anons can't even be bothered to do that
Phenomenal thread

Nintendo would never in a million years allow for some off-model shit like that


I like the luigi, the mario looks a little off but not too bad.
I'm sure the actual models will be worse.

Kind of puts the expectations this movie has in perspective, huh?

I saw this exact same thread with the same replies 6 months ago

Attached: zNvevAPl.jpg (480x640, 45.74K)



It's weird how they really got Chris Pratt and Charlie Day's faces down with these models.
Still horrifyingly terrible.

you forgot to take your meds

Even if it's fake, that Luigi is pretty cool. Not so hot on the Mario though.

maybe its all just a dream

this man has killed

How many dancing scenes will there be?

Bro this entire board has been nothing but the exact same threads with the exact same replies for at least the last decade

It puts how retarded anons on Yea Forums is in perspective retard

Only the Grubhub dance, and for all one hour and fifty three minutes of the movie.
You are now hearing the jingle

I will bet you $1000 right now that they were planning on using Uptown Funk like the Sonic movie and now they need to change the music

Bruno Mars seems like the perfect “inoffensive normie bait” artist.
I bet there will be one song of his there

That would be nice


You almost got me, I could tell that it was slightly off from the start

>not consistent 1:1 with Perfect Mario

Not real, but the voice actor choices are reflected in these designs, which gives them a degree of grounding that makes you consider if they really could have gone in this sort of direction.

>red noses
that shit is peak cring my dude

Chris Pratt

as if Nintendo would let them do that

Attached: perfect mario.png (596x1196, 1.02M)

let me out

Attached: dogwood3.jpg (500x281, 15.98K)

This post scared the fucking shit out of me but they'll 100% be using slightly modified versions of the normal designs for the movie, Nintendo is autistic with that shit and they won't let them drastically change it

this mario looks a little... imperfect

This is only slightly less disturbing than the goofy cosplayer.

mario if he perfect

>you're in for a treat frfr NO CAP

Yea Forums is full of ADHD-ridden zoomers and autistic, reactionary millenials.
OP could have written THIS IS FAKE and retards would still think it's real.

LMAO they look like Mexicans.

its fake.
also you are wrong, turning red is objectively, by very far, the best pixar movie ever made.

I still can't believe he absorbed Koopas 17 and 18

every now and then i like to make a thread linking to an article and then green text a bunch of made up quotes from it and see how long it takes for someone to call me out on it

Twitter is such a bitch to navigate I don't even know if OP's stupid pic is real or not.

I know theyre fake, but I'd prefer something utterly stupid and ridiculous than the same exact sterile mario model that we've had for the last 100 games

Perfect for Charlie Day

This looks like fucking shit. Don't know if I even want to see this movie any more.

Anyone who thinks this will beat Sonic is delusional.

the mandate is real

somebody needs to do a Hisoka edit with this

Looks fake, I'll assume it is.

It’s fake you fucking retard

I would be shocked if they weren't completely accurate.


Attached: file.png (991x1326, 1.99M)

>it's fake
>the link goes to a twitter that doesn't ever post or retweet this image or anything mario related
>anons keep falling for it anyway

Attached: 1626801319938.jpg (1399x2404, 2.45M)

LOL. They better say it

Cool style, but looks too cartoony and like Mario's hat would blow off in the wind. I wouldn't mind playing a game with them for a different take.

Attached: mario if he real.jpg (1136x956, 111.25K)

Attached: 1644521913501.jpg (1024x1024, 124.14K)

stfu hunterfag

>post a link which easily disproves the image posted
>retards still take the bait

Attached: 1620534341198.gif (420x492, 3.16M)

mario if he real

In a similar manner to how most people just read headlines and skip articles.
Most people will ignore links to sources and just assume they're probably legitimate.

>like six months out from the supposed release
>not a single official image
This is either some kind of Nintendo autism or shit's in bad shape

Bro, this is Yea Forums, you don't need the fucking link, you can just invent a fake news article screencap and retards will believe it.

Formerly SNeedriom and CHuckgi

Mario if he rail shooter

Attached: railshooter.jpg (1280x720, 213.24K)